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The first edition of Skills for Midwifery Practice Australia and New Zealand edition builds on the success of the highly regarded Skills for Midwifery Practice by Ruth Johnson and… Read more
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The first edition of Skills for Midwifery Practice Australia and New Zealand edition builds on the success of the highly regarded Skills for Midwifery Practice by Ruth Johnson and Wendy Taylor, now in its fourth edition.
Endorsed by the Australian College of Midwives, this text provides instruction and guidance on more than 100 clinical skills for midwifery students and midwives who wish to perfect their practice. Each clinical skill is presented logically in a step-by-step format, providing a clear sequencing of information. Theory and evidence precedes each skill to thoroughly explain the underlying physiology of the scenarios encountered in midwifery practice.
SECTION 1: GENERAL SKILLSPart 1: Principles of infection controlChapter 1: Standard Precautions and hand hygieneChapter 2: AsepsisChapter 3: Principles of hygiene needsPart 2: Vital signsChapter 4: TemperatureChapter 5: PulseChapter 5: RespirationChapter 7: Blood pressureChapter 8: Neurological assessmentPart 3: Screening and TestingChapter 9: Screening testsChapter 10: Venepuncture Chapter 11: CannulationChapter 12: Obtaining SwabsChapter 13: Use of SpeculumChapter 14: Capillary samplingPart 4: Principles of elimination managementChapter 15: Micturition and catherisations Chapter 16: Urine samplesChapter 17: Defaecation and stool specimens Part 5: Principles of drug administrationChapter 18: Medication administration: Legal aspects, pharmacology and anaphylaxis Chapter 19: OralChapter 20: Per vaginumChapter 21: Per rectumChapter 22: By infectionChapter 23: Intravenous medications and intravenous therapyChapter 24: Blood and iron transfusion Chapter 25: InhalationPart 6: Skills for supporting antenatal wellbeingChapter 26: Building a therapeutic relationshipChapter 27: Abdominal examination during pregnancy Chapter 28: Interprofessional working to optimise women’s antenatal carePart 7: Skills for preparing women for labour, birth and early parentingChapter 29: Facilitating learning through the childbearing episode
SECTION 2: WORKING WITH THE WOMAN AND BABY DURING LABOUR AND BIRTHPart 1: Monitoring well-being in early labourChapter 30: Principles of intrapartum skills: first-stage issuesChapter 31: Abdominal Examination During LabourChapter 32: Membrane SweepChapter 33: Fetal Heart MonitoringChapter 34: Non-pharmacological pain reliefChapter 35: Management of labour and birth in waterChapter 36: Birth at HomePart 2: Monitoring well-being in established labourChapter 37: Amniotomy, Fetal Scalp Electrode, Fetal Blood Sampling Chapter 38: Pain Relief – inhalational and regional analgesia: Entonox and Epidural Part 3: Monitoring wellbeing during the expulsive phaseChapter 39: Intrapartum skills in the second stageChapter 40: Management of the perineum Chapter 41: Assisted and operative birthChapter 42: Maternal and infant resuscitation Part 4: Monitoring wellbeing during and after the third stageChapter 43: Principles of intrapartum skills: third stageChapter 44: Management of the third stage blood loss (Management of PPH)Chapter 45: Examination of the genital tract following delivery
SECTION 3: WORKING WITH THE WOMAN AND BABY AFTER BIRTHPart 1: Skills for optimising the woman’s and baby’s physiological wellbeingChapter 46: Promoting physiological stability in the mother-baby dyad in the first 24 hours after birthChapter 47” Caring for a woman after a caesarean sectionChapter 48: Caring for the baby’s physiological wellbeing after birthPart 2: Skills for supporting the woman to feed her babyChapter 49: Supporting the woman to initiate breastfeedingChapter 50: Supporting the woman who chooses to formula feed
SECTION 4: GENERAL SKILLSPart 1: Self careChapter 51: Manual handlingChapter 52: Occupational Health and Safety