Shock Waves in Condensed Matter - 1983
- 1st Edition - December 2, 2012
- Editors: J.R. Asay, R.A. Graham, G.K. Struab
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 6 0 0 1 7 - 2
Shock Waves in Condensed Matter – 1983 covers the proceedings of the American Physical Society Topical Conference, held in Santa Fe, New Mexico on July 18-21, 1983. The book… Read more

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Request a sales quoteShock Waves in Condensed Matter – 1983 covers the proceedings of the American Physical Society Topical Conference, held in Santa Fe, New Mexico on July 18-21, 1983. The book focuses on the response of matter to dynamic high pressure and temperature. The selection first elaborates on the review of theoretical calculations of phase transitions and comparisons with experimental results; theoretical and experimental studies of shock-compressed benzene and polybutene; and theory of the iron equation of state and melting curve to very high pressures. The text then ponders on nonhydrostatic effects in stress-wave induced phase transformation of calcite; Bauschinger effect model suitable for use in large computer codes; and strain rate sensitivity prediction for porous bed compaction. The manuscript takes a look at flaw nucleation and energetics of dynamic fragmentation, shock loading behavior of fused quartz, and aluminum damage simulation in high-velocity impact. Shock wave diagnostics by time-resolved infrared radiometry and non-linear Raman spectroscopy; Raman scattering temperature measurement behind a shock wave; and experiments and simulation on laser-driven shock wave evolution in aluminum targets are also discussed. The selection is a dependable reference for scientists and readers interested in the response of matter when exposed to dynamic high pressure and temperature.
Historical Photographs
Chapter I. Keynote
Thunder in the Mountains
Chapter II. Equation of State
A Review of Some Recent Theoretical Calculations of Phase Transitions and Comparisons with Experimental Results
Dense Molecular Thermodynamics
Shocked Fluids at High Densities and Temperatures
Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Shock-Compressed Benzene and Polybutene
Prediction of Pressure Induced Structural Phase Transitions and Internal Mode Frequency Changes in Sol id N2+
Measured Hugoniot States of a Two-Element Fluid, 02 + N2, near 2 Mg / m3
Equations of State for the Alkali Metals, with Generalizations to NaCl
Static P-T-V Measurements on MgO: Comparison with Shock Wave Data
A Theoretical Equation of State for Uranium
Theory of the Iron Equation of State and Melting Curve to Very High Pressures
Compressive Waves and Shock Waves in Anharmonic Solids
Reflected Shocks in SiO2
Precise Ultrahigh-Pressure Experiments
Shock Impedance Match Experiments. In Aluminum and Molybdenum Between 0.1 - 2.5 TPa (1-25 Mbar)
Shock Hugoniot Measurements on Ta to 0.78 TPa
Hugoniot Measurements in Vanadium Using the LLNL Two-Stage Light-Gas Gun
Rarefaction Velocities in Shocked Tantalum and the High Pressure Melting Point
The Velocity of Sound Behind Strong Shock Waves in 2024 Al
Hugoniot Measurements on Unsintered Metal Powders
Chapter III. Constitutive Modeling
Pressure-Shear Impact and the Dynamic Plastic Response of Metals
Nonhydrostatic Effects in Stress-Wave Induced Phase Transformation of Calcite
Lagrangian Analysis with an Emphasis on Unloading Processes
Carbon Piezoresistive Stress Gauge
Shock, Re-Shock, and Release Behavior of a Phenolic Resin FF-17
Dynamic Flow Curve of 4340 Steel as Determined by the Symmetric Rod Impact Test
A Bauschinger Effect Model Suitable for Use in Large Computer Codes
More on the Precursor Decay Anomaly
Shock Induced Temperature Rise in a Titanium Plate
Dynamic Instability in Adiabatic Thermoplastic Shear
A Strain Rate Sensitivity Prediction for Porous Bed Compaction
Chapter IV. Strength and Fracture
Mechanisms of Fragmentation in Brittle Materials
Flaw Nucleation and Energetics of Dynamic Fragmentation
Dynamic Tensile Fracture of OFHC Copper
Dynamic Strength Calculations of W-Alloys Based on Grain Deformation
Aluminum Damage Simulation in High-Velocity Impact
Shock Loading Behaviour of Fused Quartz
Chapter V. Numerical Modeling and Simulation
Numerical Modeling of Dynamic Material Response
Intermediate Velocity Penetration of Steel Spheres into Deep Aluminum Targets
Numerical Simulation of Water Jet Penetration
Plane Hypervelocity Impact and Source Similitude Dependence on a Tillotson E.O.S.
Three-Dimensional Computer Modeling of a Shock Recovery Experiment
2-D Simulations of Shock Recovery Fixtures
Mach Disc Formation in Cylindrical Recovery Systems
Fixtures for Controlled Explosive Loading and Preservation of Powder Samples
Chapter VI. Experimental Technique
High-Pressure Quasi-Isentropic Impact Experiments
Piezoelectric and Electric Properties of PVF2 Polymers Under Shock Wave Action: Application to Shock Transducers
Dynamic Stress Transducer Qualification
A Study of Electromagnetic Stress Gage
Response of Ytterbium Foils Oriented Parallel and Perpendicular to the Shock Front
Two Methods for Measuring Shock Relations with Improved EMV Gauge
Particle Velocity Measurements in Laser Irradiated Foils using ORVIS
Measurement of the Radial Displacement in 2-D Flow by Embedded Constantan Wires
Direct Measurement of Temperature in Shock-Loaded Polymethylmethacrylate with Very Thin Copper Thermistors
Dynamic Heterogeneous Response of Aluminum and Copper to Stress Waves
Results on Richtmyer - Meshkov Instabilities in Condensed Fluids
Status of Electromagnetic Mass-Accelerator Development and Prospect of Application to High Pressure Research
Further Investigation of Stresses and Strains in Targets Impacted by Penetrators
Experimental Determination of Applied Forces During Penetration
Explosive Phase Transitions in Superheated Freon
Influence of Melting on Shocked Free Surface Behavior Using Doppler Laser Interferometry and X-Ray Densitometry
Chapter VII. Optical Properties
Shock Wave Diagnostics by Time-Resolved Infrared Radiometry and Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy
Raman Spectroscopies in Shock-Compressed Materials
Shock-Induced Luminescence from X-Cut Quartz and Z-Cut Lithium Niobate
Raman Spectroscopy of Shocked Water
Raman Scattering Temperature Measurement Behind a Shock Wave
Emission Spectra of Shock Compressed Solids
Refractive Index and Equation of State of a Shock-Compressed Aqueous Solution of Zinc Chloride
Chapter VIII. Laser-Driven Shocks
Creation of Ultra High Pressure Shocks by the Collision of Laser Accelerated Disks: Experiment and Theory
Experiments and Simulation on Laser-Driven Shock Wave Evolution in Aluminum Targets
The Use of Strong Shock Waves for Isentropic Compression of Inertial Confinement Fusion Targets
Inertial Effects in Laser-Driven Ablation
Measuring Pressure from Short Laser Pulses
Picosecond Laser Induced Shock-Wave-Pressure Measurements in Al, C-Si and GaAs
Reflective Probing of Laser Generated kbar Shocks in Water
Numerical Studies of Laser-Induced Shock Structure in Condensed Materials
Chapter IX. Shock-Induced Modification and Defects
X-Ray Diffraction Line Broadening Studies on Shock-Loaded Ti02 and Al2O3
Temperature and Deformation Microstructure in the Shock Transition
Some Thermodynamical Influences of Defects in Shock-Loaded Solids
Shock Compaction of TiN/TiC Solid Solution Powders
Prediction of Microstructural Modification in Dynamically Consolidated Metal Powders
Monoclinic to Tetragonal Conversion of Zirconia Under Shock Compression
Microstructural Characterization of Shock-Modified Zirconia Powders
Energy Release and Transformation of Shock-Modified Zirconia Upon Annealing to 1550°C
Monte Carlo Simulation of Shock-Induced Lattice Damage
Specific Surface Measurements of Shock Modified Powders
Transmission Electron Microscopical Characterization of Hot Pressed Shocked and Unshocked Aluminum Nitride Powder
Microstructural-Hardness Correlations in Shock-Loaded and Quasi-Statically Deformed 6061 -T6 Aluminum
Martensitic Transformation Induced by Tensile Stress Waves
Dislocaton Generation and Its Relation to the Dynamic Plastic Response of Shock Loaded Metals
1.2 Mbar Shock Loaded 304 Stainless Steel: Residual Structure and Properties
Post Shock Chemical and ESR Analysis of Acrylamide and Selected Anthracene Derivatives
Chapter X. Shock Compression Technology
Industrial Uses of Explosive Pressure from Rock Blasting to Metal Bonding and Synthetic Diamonds
The Effect of Shock Duration on the Dynamic Consolidation of Powders
Mechanical Properties of a Shock Consolidated Steel Powder
Shock Compaction of Molybdenum Powder
Mechanical and Thermal Response of Shock-Consolidated MAR-M200
Shock Compression of Aluminum Nitride Powder
Effects of Dynamic vs. Static Compaction on the Sinterability of Alumina Powders
Influence of Dynamic Pressure on Sinterability of Shock-Conditioned TiC Powders
Behavior of Si3N4 Powder Subjected to Explosive Shock Loading
Explosive Welding of Tin, Uranium and Thorium Copper
Chapter XI. Geological and Geophysical Materials
Shock Isotropization of Minerals
Morphology and Chemistry of Projectile Residue in Small Experimental Impact Craters
Utility of Shock Models for Underground Nuclear Tests
Yield Strength Modeling of Shock Damaged Materials
The Effect of Equilibrium Modeling of Saturated Quartz in Energy Coupling Calculations
Underground Explosive Fracture and Permeability Enhancement
Cratering and Spall Fracture in Gabbro
Numerical Methods Developed for the Simulation of Coupled High-Energy Gas Flows and Stress Wave Propagation in Geologic Media
Calculational Study of Baneberry
1 - and 2-Dimenslonal Calculations of the Effect of High Pressure EOS Models on the Energy Partitioning in Cratering Events
Simulation of Particle Velocity Records from Small Scale Explosive Tests
Laboratory Experiments on Explosions in Geologic Materials
Particle Velocity Experiments in Anorthosite and Gabbro
Chapter XII. Energetic Materials
Short-Duration Shock Initiation of Triaminotrinitrobenzene (TATB)
Improvements in Thin-Pulse Shock Initiation Threshold Measurements
Unreacted Hugoniot and Shock Ignition Studies of Composition B-3 and PBXW-109(I)
Comparative Study of Molecular Fragmentation in Sub-Initiated TATB Caused by Impact, UV, Heat and Electron Beams
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Study of Shock-Induced Reactions of Some Small Molecules in the Solid State
High Current Electrical Resistance of PBX-9404 and Dielectric Breakdown Measurements of Naval High Explosives
Critical Area for the Initiation of High Explosive Charges
Velocity of Spherically-Diverging Detonation Waves in RX-26-AF, LX-17 and LX-10
Theoretical Investigation of the Wave Shaping in a Shaped Charge
Compaction of Porous Beds
Grain Burning Experiments with HMX Explosive
A New Method to Simulate Shocks, Detonations and Transitions from Shock to Detonation
Chapter XIII. Energetic Materials Modeling
Initiation and Growth-to-Detonation in Reactive Mixtures
Application of Mixture Theory to Shock Initiation of Porous HNS Explosive
Modeling Particle Size and Initial Temperature Effects on Shock Initiation of TATB-Based Explosives
The Effects of Grain Size on the Shock Sensitivity of Porous Granular Explosives
Burning Topology in the Shock-Induced Reaction of Heterogeneous Explosives
Reactive Flow Lagrange Analysis in RX-26-AF
Shock Initiation, Detonation Wave Propagation and Metal Acceleration Measurements and Calculations for RX-26-AF
Multiple-Wave Effects on Explosives Decomposition Rates
Detonation Product EOS: The Region Above Chapman Jouguet Pressure
A Theoretical Calculation of the 0 Κ Isotherm for Shocked Nitromethane
Shock Induced Molecular Excitation in Solids
Model Simulation of Chemical Reaction in a Diatomic Crystal, Part I: Energy Exchange in Rapid Exothermic Dissociation
Model Simulation of Chemical Reaction in a Diatomic Crystal, Part II: Kinetics of Equilibrium Chemistry
Subject Index
Author Index
- No. of pages: 672
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: December 2, 2012
- Imprint: North Holland
- eBook ISBN: 9780444600172
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