I National Sheep Industries–Structure, Breeds and Objectives
1 The Sheep and Wool Industry of Australia-A Brief Overview
2 Australian Sheep Breeding Programs-Achievements and The Future
3 Sheep Breeding in France
4 National Sheep Breeding Programs New Zealand
5 Sheep Breeding Programs in South Africa
6 Sheep in South-East Asia
7 Sheep Breeding in the U.S.A.
8 National Sheep Breeding Programs-Great Britain
9 Sheep Breeding in Uruguay
10 The Sheep Industry and Sheep Breeding in Russia
II Genetic Selection and Breed Improvement
11 Methods of Improving Production in Characters of Importance
12 Response to Selection for Increased Fleece Weight in Merino Sheep
13 Selection of Merino Rams for Wool Production Efficiency
14 Selection for Increased Profitability in a Fine Wok Merino Flock
15 The Impact of Environmental Factors on Sheep Breeding in the Semi-Arid Tropics
16 Husbandry and Genetic Considerations Affecting Sheep Breeding in the Semi-Arid Tropics
17 The Influence of Parasites on Selection Parameters in Sheep
18 Genetic Improvements of Fertility and Fly Resistance
19 Problems in the Use of Exotic Genotypes
20 Exploitation of Exotic Genotypes
21 A Cross-Breeding Experiment with Finnish Landrace, Ile de France and Texel. Some Preliminary Results
22 The Need for Dual-Purpose Sheep
23 Development of the Gromark-A New High Performance Dual-Purpose Sheep Breed
24 Growth of Dissectible Fat in the Merino
III Group Breeding Schemes and Stud Breeding
25 The Theory Behind Breeding Schemes
26 The Promotion of Breeding Schemes among Stud Breeders
27 Sociological, Economic, Business and Genetic Aspects of Sheep Group Breeding Schemes
28 Advantages of Group Breeding Schemes
29 The Australian Merino Society Nucleus Breeding Scheme
30 Stud Merino Breeding
31 The Use of Fleece Measurement in Sire Selection by Western Australian Stud Breeders
32 Factors Influencing The Efficiency with Which Merino Studs Select for Increased Wool Production
33 The Coolah High Fertility Merino Flock-A Co-operative Group Breeding Scheme
34 The Development of Co-operative Breeding Schemes in New Zealand
35 Productive Levels of Sheep in New Zealand and Programs Aimed at Improvement
IV Reproduction in the Ewe
36 Limitations to Female Reproductive Efficiency
37 Embryo Mortality
38 Evidence and Confirmation of Late Embryo Loss in a Flock of Merino Ewes
39 Returns to Service, Embryonic Mortality and Lambing Performance of Ewes with One and Two Ovulations
40 Ram and Ewe Effects on Fertility in Sheep Breeds and Strains Differing in Reproductive Potential
41 Ovulation and Lambing Results with Booroola and Booroola-Cross Merino Ewes in Western Australia
42 Lupin Stubbles and Ewe Fertility
43 The Fertility of Merino Ewes Grazed on Standing, Unharvested Sweet Lupins Prior to and During Joining
44 Age of Ewe and Response to Lupins: Effect of Lupin Supplementation on Ovulation Rate
45 Clover Disease in Western Australia
46 Genetic Aspects of Puberty in Merino Ewes
47 Assessment of New and Traditional Techniques of Selection for Reproduction Rate
48 Synchronization of Ovulation
49 Controlled Breeding of Sheep and Goats
50 Manipulation of The Breeding Cycle
51 Use of a Prostaglandin Analogue (ICI 80996) for The Synchronization of Oestrus and Lambing in Merino Ewes
52 Culture, Storage and Transfer of Sheep Embryos
53 Ovarian Steroid Secretion in Sheep during Anoestrus
V Male Reproduction and Artificial Insemination
54 Mating Behavior in Sheep
55 Behavioral Principles as a Foundation for Sheep Management
56 Sexual Activity in Merino Rams
57 Semen Quality and Quantity in the Ram
58 Some Problems of Evaluating Semen Quality
59 Factors Affecting The Fertility of Diluted Ram Semen
60 Storage of Ram Semen
61 Fertility after Non-Surgical Intra-Uterine Insemination with Frozen-Pelleted Semen in Ewes Treated with Prostaglandin F2α
62 Studies in Artificial Insemination of Sheep in Western Australia
63 Organization of Artificial Breeding Programs of Sheep in Western Australia
64 Artificial Insemination of Sheep in the Soviet Union
65 The Effect of Feeding a High Protein Supplement before Joining on Testicular Volume of Rams