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Sensors for Health Monitoring discusses the characteristics of U-Healthcare systems in different domains, providing a foundation for working professionals and undergrad… Read more
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Sensors for Health Monitoring discusses the characteristics of U-Healthcare systems in different domains, providing a foundation for working professionals and undergraduate and postgraduate students. The book provides information and advice on how to choose the best sensors for a U-Healthcare system, advises and guides readers on how to overcome challenges relating to data acquisition and signal processing, and presents comprehensive coverage of up-to-date requirements in hardware, communication and calculation for next-generation uHealth systems. It then compares new technological and technical trends and discusses how they address expected u-Health requirements.
In addition, detailed information on system operations is presented and challenges in ubiquitous computing are highlighted. The book not only helps beginners with a holistic approach toward understanding u-Health systems, but also presents researchers with the technological trends and design challenges they may face when designing such systems.
Biomedical Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Computer Scientists, Postgraduates in the fields of sensors, soft computing and intelligence in U-Healthcare systems. Doctoral students, engineers and researchers working in the fields of wireless sensor networks and wireless body area networks
PART I - U-Healthcare Monitoring System using Sensor Networks
1. Advanced Processing Techniques and Secure Architecture for Sensor Networks in Ubiquitous Healthcare Systems
2. Wireless Sensor Networks towards convenient infrastructure in Health care industry: A systematic study
3. A Comprehensive Dialogue for U-Body Sensor Network (UBSN) with Experimental Case Study
4. Compressive Sensing in Medical Signal Processing and Imaging Systems
PART II - Internet of Things for U-Healthcare
5. Nanopore Sequencing Technology and Internet of Living Things: A Big Hope for U-Healthcare
6. Internet of Things (IoT) Enabled Virtual Environment for U-Health Monitoring
7. Health status from your body to the cloud: Behavioural relationship between IoT and classification techniques in abnormal situation
8. Intelligent energy efficient healthcare models integrated with IoT and LoRa Network
9. Wearable Fitness Band Based U-Health Monitoring
10. Role of Trust in Ubiquitous Healthcare System: Challenges and Opportunities
PART III - Applications of Pattern Recognition Algorithms in U-Healthcare
11. PNN based Classification of Retinal Diseases using Fundus Images
12. Performance Comparison Analysis of different classifier for Early Detection of Knee Osteoarthritis
13. A Comparative Study for Brain Tumor Detection in MRI Images using Texture Features
Nilanjan Dey (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.Tech., M.Tech. in information technology from West Bengal Board of Technical University and Ph.D. degrees in electronics and telecommunication engineering from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, in 2005, 2011, and 2015, respectively. Currently, he is Associate Professor with the Techno International New Town, Kolkata and a visiting fellow of the University of Reading, UK. He has authored over 300 research articles in peer-reviewed journals and international conferences and 40 authored books. His research interests include medical imaging and machine learning. Moreover, he actively participates in program and organizing committees for prestigious international conferences, including World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems Security and Sustainability (WorldS4), International Congress on Information and Communication Technology (ICICT), International Conference on Information and Communications Technology for Sustainable Development (ICT4SD) etc.
He is also the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence, Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society and series Co-Editor of Springer Tracts in Nature-Inspired Computing and Data-Intensive Research from Springer Nature and Advances in Ubiquitous Sensing Applications for Healthcare from Elsevier etc. Furthermore, he was an Editorial Board Member Complex & Intelligence Systems, Springer, Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier and he is an International Journal of Information Technology, Springer, International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences etc. He is a Fellow of IETE and member of IE, ISOC etc.