Seismic Safety of High Arch Dams
- 1st Edition - November 10, 2015
- Authors: Houqun Chen, Shengxin Wu, Faning Dang
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 8 0 3 6 2 8 - 0
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 8 0 3 6 2 7 - 3
Written for civil, structural and geotechnical engineers, this book presents the latest research and practical experience in the design of high-arch dams in seismically active re… Read more

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Request a sales quoteWritten for civil, structural and geotechnical engineers, this book presents the latest research and practical experience in the design of high-arch dams in seismically active regions, from an author team that is highly active and experienced in the design, development and construction of 300m high arch dams.
The book covers the entire subject of dam design for seismic regions, including seismic input mechanisms and modeling, non-linear analysis techniques for dam structure and foundations, concrete material properties, and simulation techniques for dam design. Of particular value are the real-world experimental data and design case studies that enhance the book and ensure that readers can apply the theoretical content to their own projects.
- Break through the conventional concepts in civil engineering discipline and focus on applying new techniques from other subject fields to seismic safety on high-arch dam design in an innovative way
- Shows how to model and evaluate seismic safety of dams using seismic input, dam response and dynamic resistance
- Summarizes the methodology and approaches applied to high-arch dam design and construction in China, demonstrates the selection of site-specific seismic input parameters, and enables the reader to apply this to their own specific design challenge
Engineers, researchers and graduate students concerned with the earthquake safety of high arch dams
- Synopsis
- Biographies
- Preface
- Chapter 1: General description
- Abstract
- 1.1. Construction and seismic safety of high arch concrete dams in China
- 1.2. The basic concept and its seismic case enlightenment evaluation of seismic safety of high concrete arch dam
- Part I: Seismic inputs at site of high arch dam
- Introduction
- Chapter 2: Outline of bases of seismic fortification and seismic hazard analysis at dam site
- Abstract
- 2.1. Bases of seismic fortification design and prevention and general seismic danger analysis of engineering worksite
- 2.2. Aseismic gradation design and prevention level and determination of corresponding performance objective of high arch dams
- 2.3. Reservoir earthquake
- Chapter 3: Determination of correlation design seismic motion parameters on dam Site
- Abstract
- 3.1. Design of peak ground acceleration
- 3.2. Response spectrum attenuation relations and its design response spectrum
- Chapter 4: Design acceleration time process
- Abstract
- 4.1. Amplitude and frequency nonsmooth acceleration time process
- 4.2. Adopting random finite fault method to directly generate acceleration time process
- Chapter 5: Dam site seismic motion input mechanism
- Abstract
- 5.1. Basic concept of site design seismic motion peak ground acceleration input
- 5.2. Dam site seismic motion input mode
- 5.3. Free-field incident seismic motion input mechanism
- 5.4. Several problems need to be clarified and further discussed in seismic motion input mode
- 5.5. Suggestions
- Introduction
- Part 2: High arch dam body – reservoir water – foundation system seismic response analysis and seismic safety evaluation
- Introduction
- Chapter 6: High arch dam body–foundation system three-dimensional contact nonlinear dynamic analysis method
- Abstract
- 6.1. Performance and engineering background of high arch dam engineering seismic response analysis in strong seismic areas
- 6.2. Contact problem handling or solving method
- 6.3. High arch dam body–foundation system seismic response analysis method
- 6.4. Artificial homology boundary implementation method
- Chapter 7: Dam abutment and arch support rock block stability and seismic safety evaluation of high arch dam
- Abstract
- 7.1. Aseismic stability analysis behaviors of arch dam abutment and earthquake disaster enlightenment
- 7.2. Basic concept of dam abutment rock block instability safety coefficient of arch dam
- 7.3. Problems of current arch dam aseismic stability analysis method
- 7.4. Arch dam aseismic stability with deformation as its core and aseismic safety evaluation
- 7.5. Practical examples of engineering applications
- Chapter 8: Research on parallel computation of high arch dam structure seismic motion response
- Abstract
- 8.1. Research and significance of large-scale structure response
- 8.2. The development and existing conditions of finite element parallel computation
- 8.3. Dynamic explicit computation format and dynamic contact problem handling method
- 8.4. FEPG system and finite element method based on FEPG
- 8.5. Artificial boundary realization in FEPG
- 8.6. Parallel computation program development based on PEFPG system high arch dam seismic response
- Chapter 9: Engineering real example analysis of parallel computation
- Abstract
- 9.1. Parallel computation analysis of seismic motion responses to Xiaowan arch dam
- 9.2. Parallel computation analysis of seismic motion dynamic response of Xiluodu arch dam
- 9.3. Parallel computation analysis of Baihetan left bank side slope sliding block stability
- Introduction
- Part 3: Dynamic testing, numerical simulation and mechanisms for dam concrete
- Introduction
- Chapter 10: Research progress on dynamic mechanical behavior of high arch dam concrete
- Abstract
- 10.1. Dynamic mechanical behavior of normal concrete
- 10.2. Dynamic mechanical characteristics of dam concrete
- 10.3. The key problem and technical way in the dynamic mechanical characteristic study
- Chapter 11: Dynamic flexural experimental research on dam concrete
- Abstract
- 11.1. Testing methods for dynamic flexural characteristics of dam concrete
- 11.2. Testing on dynamic mechanical characteristics of dam concrete
- 11.3. Discussions on experimental results
- Chapter 12: The experimental research on the dynamic and static mechanical characteristics of dam concrete and the constitutive materials
- Abstract
- 12.1. The experimental techniques for the dynamic and static direct tensile stress–strain curves of concrete
- 12.2. The experimental research on the dynamic tensile characteristics for cement mortar
- 12.3. The experimental research on dynamic direct tensile characteristics of aggregates
- 12.4. The direct tensile tests on the dynamic mechanical behavior of the interface between the mortar and aggregate
- 12.5. The experimental research on the dynamic tensile characteristics of concrete for Dagangshan arch dam
- 12.6. Experimental research on the dynamic tensile stress–strain curves of concrete
- Chapter 13: Experimental study of dynamic and static damage failure of concrete dam based on acoustic emission technology
- Abstract
- 13.1. Research on monitoring of acoustic emission technology of concrete materials
- 13.2. Experimental study of acoustic emission characteristics in the damage process of dam concrete under dynamic and static flexural failure
- 13.3. Axial tension test of concrete and its constituents
- 13.4. Experimental study on AE characteristics in complete uniaxial tensile failure process of concrete containing softening stage
- Chapter 14: Testing research on large dam concrete dynamic-static damage and failure based on CT technology
- Abstract
- 14.1. Application of CT scanning technology in concrete material tests
- 14.2. Portable type dynamic test loading equipment in realignment with medical-use CT machine
- 14.3. Concrete CT results and initial analysis
- 14.4. Concrete subzone breaking theory
- 14.5. Classification of support vector machine for concrete CT images
- 14.6. Fractal dimension computation and analysis of concrete CI image
- 14.7. Concrete damage evolution equation and constitutive relation based on CT images
- 14.8. Concrete 3-dimensional mesomechanics analysis based on CT tests
- 14.9. Three-dimensional cartoon demonstration of concrete loading damage process
- Chapter 15: Research on numerical analysis of full gradation large dam concrete dynamic behaviors
- Abstract
- 15.1. Mesomechanism numerical method of full-grade large dam concrete
- 15.2. Damage and failure numerical simulation finite element equation of concrete test specimens
- 15.3. Concrete numerical simulation test FEPG document
- 15.4. Strain rate effects upon concrete dam dynamic flexural strength
- 15.5. Physical significance of concrete material enhancement parameters
- 15.6. Effects of concrete material nonuniformity upon dynamic flexural strength
- 15.7. Multiscale algorithm to predict concrete material parameter method
- 15.8. Research on concrete mesoanalysis and parallel computation based on PFEPG
- Introduction
- References
- Index
- No. of pages: 614
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: November 10, 2015
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Hardback ISBN: 9780128036280
- eBook ISBN: 9780128036273
Houqun Chen
Shengxin Wu