Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat
GeoHab Atlas of Seafloor Geomorphic Features and Benthic Habitats
- 2nd Edition - November 2, 2019
- Editors: Peter Harris, Elaine Baker
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 8 1 4 9 6 0 - 7
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 8 1 4 9 6 1 - 4
Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat: GeoHab Atlas of Seafloor Geomorphic Features and Benthic Habitats, Second Edition, provides an updated synthesis of seabed geomorpho… Read more

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Request a sales quoteSeafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat: GeoHab Atlas of Seafloor Geomorphic Features and Benthic Habitats, Second Edition, provides an updated synthesis of seabed geomorphology and benthic habitats. This new edition includes new case studies from all geographic areas and habitats that were not included in the previous edition, including the Arctic, Asia, Africa and South America. Using multibeam sonar, the benthic ecology of submarine features, such as fjords, sand banks, coral reefs, seamounts, canyons, mud volcanoes and spreading ridges is revealed in unprecedented detail. This timely release offers new understanding for researchers in Marine Biodiversity, environmental managers, ecologists, and more.
- Explores the relationships between seabed geomorphology, oceanography and biology
- Provides global case studies which directly focus on habitats, including both biological and physical data
- Describes ways to detect change in the marine environment (change in the condition of benthic habitats), a critical aspect for judging the performance of policies and legislation
Researchers in Marine Biodiversity, environmental managers, ecologists, petroleum explorers, conservationists and scientists, geologists
Part I Introduction
Chapter 1: Why map benthic habitats?
Peter T. Harris and Elaine K. Baker
Chapter 2: Habitat mapping and marine management
Elaine K. Baker and Peter T. Harris
Chapter 3: Anthropogenic threats to benthic habitats
Peter T. Harris
Chapter 4: Biogeography, benthic ecology and habitat classification schemes
Peter T. Harris
Chapter 5: Surrogacy
Peter T. Harris
Chapter 6: Seafloor geomorphology—coast, shelf, and abyss
Peter T. Harris
Part II Case studies
Chapter 7: Characterization of worm reefs (Sabellaria vulgaris) in Delaware Bay, United States
Stephanie M. Dohner, Caitlin L. Stockwell, Douglas C. Miller and Arthur C. Trembanis
Chapter 8: Benthic habitat mapping in a shallow tropical bay: the Itaparica channel_eastern Brazil
Paloma P. Avena, Jose´ M.L. Dominguez and Ivan Cardoso Lemos Junior
Chapter 9: Seafloor morphology and habitats of tidal channels in the Venice Lagoon, Italy tidal channel habitats
Fantina Madricardo, Giacomo Montereale-Gavazzi, Marco Sigovini, Aleksandra Kruss, Carlotta Toso and Federica Foglini
Chapter 10: An integrated seafloor habitat map to inform marine spatial planning and management: a case study from Long Island Sound (Northwest Atlantic)
Roman N. Zajac, Lauren M. Stefaniak, Ivar Babb, Christian W. Conroy, Shannon Penna, Deena Chadi and Peter J. Auster
Chapter 11: Epibenthic marine habitat mapping in a tropical bay: Todos os
Santos Bay, Eastern Brazil
Renato Guimara˜es de Oliveira, Jose´ Maria Landim Dominguez, Ivan Cardoso Lemos Junior and Carla Maria Menegola da Silva
Chapter 12: Physical oceanographic drivers of geomorphology of rhodolith/maerl beds in Galway Bay, Ireland
Siddhi Joshi and Eugene Farrell
Chapter 13: Seabed habitats of the Bay of Fundy, Atlantic Canada
Brian J. Todd, Craig J. Brown, Brittany Curtis, Stephane Kirchhoff, Myriam Lacharite´, Jessica A. Sameoto and Ian Church
Chapter 14: A dynamic bedforms habitat for the forage fish Pacific sand lance, San Juan Islands, WA, United States
H. Gary Greene, Matthew Baker and John Aschoff
Chapter 15: The eastern Gulf of Finland—brackish water estuary under natural conditions and anthropogenic stress
Daria Ryabchuk, Marina Orlova, Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Alexander Sergeev, Leontina Sukhacheva, Vladimir Zhamoida, Leonid Budanov and Igor Neevin
Chapter 16: Geomorphic features and benthic habitats of a subarctic fjard: Okak Bay, Nunatsiavut, Labrador
Mallory Carpenter, Tanya M Brown, Trevor Bell, Andre´ Martel and Evan Edinger
Chapter 17: Sponge reefs on the Northeast Pacific margin: geomorphic and biological variability
Kim W. Conway, A. Dunham, L.A. Burke, S.K. Archer, J. Shaw and R. Kung
Chapter 18: Habitat mapping in the fjords of the Chilean Patagonia using an autonomous underwater vehicle
K.L. Boswarva, J.A. Howe, R. Obando, C. Fox, B.E. Narayanaswamy, V. Häussermann and C. Abernethy
Chapter 19: The inland deep sea—benthic biotopes in the Sognefjord
Lene Buhl-Mortensen, Pål Buhl-Mortensen, Henrik Glenner, Ulf Båmstedt and Kjell Bakkeplass
Chapter 20: Geomorphology, benthos, and habitats in the Primeiras and Segundas Environmental Protected Area, Mozambique
Luisa Teixeira, Martin Nilsson, Aure´lie Shapiro and Lara Cristina Muaves
Chapter 21: Distribution of seagrass communities north of Barcelona,
Northwestern Mediterranean Sea
M. Canals, D. Amblas, X. Rayo, J. Romero and J. Ylla
Chapter 22: Inner shelf habitat surrounding the Kapiti Marine Reserve, New Zealand
Geoffroy Lamarche, Alix Laferriere, Shane Geange, Jonathan Gardner and Arne Pallentin
Chapter 23: Marine landscapes and habitats of Cilento Geopark (Italy)—linking geo- and biodiversity using a multiscalar approach
Silvana D’Angelo, Floriana Di Stefano, Andrea Fiorentino, Maria Teresa Lettieri, Giovanni Fulvio Russo and Crescenzo Violante
Chapter 24: Fine-scale seabed habitats off Capri Island, southern Italy
C. Violante, M. De Lauro and E. Esposito
Chapter 25: Winnowed gravel lag deposits between sandbanks in the German North Sea
Svenja Papenmeier, Daphnie Galvez, Carmen-Pia Günther, Roland Pesch, Claudia Propp, H. Christian Hass, Bastian Schuchardt and Manfred Zeiler
Chapter 26: Benthic community structure at a remote temperate rocky reef in the Gulf of Maine, Cashes Ledge
Jay Calvert and Chris McGonigle
Chapter 27: Continental shelf habitats off a large South American metropolis: Salvador City, Eastern Brazil
Renata C. Rebouc¸as, Jose´ M.L. Dominguez, Paloma P. Avena, Alina S. Nunes and Lizandra C. Melo
Chapter 28: Temperate rocky reef on the southeast Australian continental shelf ...487
T. Ingleton, J. Neilson, P. Davies, E. Foulsham, M. Linklater, D. Hanslow and A. Jordan
Chapter 29: Geomorphology and microhabitats of large, isolated, immobile bedforms in the Great South Channel, Northwest Atlantic Ocean
Massimo Di Stefano and Larry Alan Mayer
Chapter 30: Submerged reefs in the Abrolhos Shelf: morphology and habitat
Lucas C. Ferreira, Alex C. Bastos, Gilberto M. Amado Filho, In memorian, Marcos Daniel A. Leite, Geandre´ C. Boni, Fernando C. Moraes, Ne´lio Secchin, Laura S. Vieira, Ricardo Bahia, Natacha Oliveira, Vale´ria S. Quaresma and Rodrigo L. Moura
Chapter 31: Coral reefs in Fatu Huku Island, Marquesas Archipelago, French Polynesia
Antoine Collin, Jean Laporte, Benjamin Koetz, Franc¸ois-Re´gis Martin-Lauzer and Yves-Louis Desnos
Chapter 32: Carbonate banks and terraces of the Oceanic Shoals Marine Park region, Northern Australia
Rachel Przeslawski, Scott Nichol, Belinda Alvarez, Andrew Carroll, Chris Glasby, Kim Picard and Radford Ben
Chapter 33: Reefs distribution and inter reef sedimentation on Tamandare´ continental shelf, Northeast Brazil
Vanessa C. Fontes, Moab Praxedes Gomes, Helenice Vital, Beatrice P. Ferreira and Mauro Maida
Chapter 34: Nature and condition of outer shelf habitats on the drowned Ac¸u Reef, Northeast Brazil
M.P. Gomes, H. Vital, L.L. Nascimento Silva, P.B. Eichler, D. Rovira and G.O. Longo
Chapter 35: Seabed character and associated habitats of an equatorial tropical shelf: the Rio Grande do Norte Shelf, Northeast Brazil
Helenice Vital, Tatiana Silva Leite, Marina Gomes Viana, Patrícia Pinheiro Beck Eichler, Dieˆgo de Oliveira Batista, Moab Praxedes Gomes, Joa˜o Paulo Ferreira da Silva, Andre´ Giskard Aquino da Silva and Simone Nunes Branda˜o
Chapter 36: Characterizing benthic habitats in two Marine Protected Areas
on the West Florida Shelf
Jennifer L. Brizzolara, Sarah E. Grasty, Alex R. Ilich, John W. Gray, David F. Naar and Steven A. Murawski
Chapter 37: Substrate mapping to inform ecosystem science and marine spatial planning around the main Hawaiian Islands
D. Dove, M. Weijerman, A. Grüss, T. Acoba and J.R. Smith
Chapter 38: Dropstones on a glaciated continental shelf as key habitat, Sabrina Shelf, East Antarctica
Alexandra L. Post, Caroline Lavoie, Eugene W. Domack, Amy Leventer and Rodrigo Fernandez
Chapter 39: Geomorphological and habitat mapping of the glaciated shelf (the Velikaya Salma Strait of the Kandalaksha Gulf of the White Sea, Russia)
Ya.E. Terekhina, A.A. Barymova, A.I. Isachenko, A.I. Kokorin, V.V. Kozlovskiy, P.G. Mikhaylyukova, V.O. Mokievsky, T.Yu. Repkina, A.E. Rybalko, M.Yu. Tokarev and N.V. Shabalyn
Chapter 40: Seafloor geomorphology and benthic habitat of the German Bank glaciated shelf, Atlantic Canada
Craig J. Brown, Brian J. Todd, Stephen J. Smith and Jessica A. Sameoto
Chapter 41: Geomorphic features and benthos in a deep glacial trough in Atlantic Canada
Myriam Lacharite´, Craig J. Brown, Alexandre Normandeau and Brian J. Todd
Chapter 42: Submarine sedimentary bedforms and benthos surrounding the Heard and McDonald Islands World Heritage site
Sally J. Watson, Vanessa Lucieer, Joanne Whittaker, Jodi M. Fox, Nicole Hill and Millard F. Coffin
Chapter 43: Geomorphic features and associated habitats of the Patagonian Continental Margin, southwestern Atlantic
Dulce Mata, Araceli Muñoz, Lourdes Viscasillas and Diego Varas
Chapter 44: Fine-scale habitat characterization of The Gully, the Flemish Cap, and the Orphan Knoll, Northwest Atlantic, with a focus on cold-water corals
Vincent Lecours, Luka´ˇs Ga´bor, Evan Edinger and Rodolphe Devillers
Chapter 45: Characterization of the geomorphology and biotopes of the Ha´fadju´p canyon system, south Iceland
Davíð Þo´r O´ðinsson, Steinunn H. O´lafsdo´ttir and Julian M. Burgos
Chapter 46: Continental shelf, canyons and pockmark fields in the southeastern Bay of Biscay
Ibon Galparsoro, Iñigo Muxika, Joxe Mikel Garmendia and Jose´ Germa´n Rodríguez
Chapter 47: The geomorphology and biology of a submarine canyon system incising Ireland’s shelf edge in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean
D. O’Sullivan, Y. Leahy, J. Guinan, R. Ross, F. Sacchetti, Kerry Howell, David Lyons and Leonie O’Dowd
Chapter 48: Tricase Submarine Canyon: cold-water coral habitats in the southwesternmost Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea)
Mariacristina Prampolini, Lorenzo Angeletti, Valentina Grande, Marco Taviani and Federica Foglini
Chapter 49: Cold-water coral habitat in the Bari Canyon System, Southern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea)
Lorenzo Angeletti, Mariacristina Prampolini, Federica Foglini, Valentina Grande and Marco Taviani
Chapter 50: Benthic habitats of a mud volcano associated with the Queen Charlotte transform margin along northern British Columbia, Canada and Southern Alaska, United States
J. Vaughn Barrie, H. Gary Greene and Kim W. Conway
Chapter 51: Geomorphic features, main habitats and associated biota on and around the newly formed Tagoro submarine volcano, Canary Islands
Ana Sotomayor-Garcia, Jose´ L. Rueda, Olga Sa´nchez-Guillamo´n, Juan T. Va´zquez, Desire´e Palomino, Luis M. Ferna´ndez-Salas, Nieves Lo´pez-Gonza´lez, Marcos Gonza´lez-Porto, Javier Urra, J. Magdalena Santana-Casiano, Melchor Gonza´lez-Da´vila and Eugenio Fraile-Nuez
Chapter 52: Habitat distribution and associated biota in different geomorphic features within a fluid venting area of the Gulf of Ca´diz (Southwestern Iberian Peninsula, Northeast Atlantic Ocean)
Pablo Lozano, Jose´ L. Rueda, Marina Gallardo-Nu´ñez, Carlos Farias, Javier Urra, Yolanda Vila, Nieves Lo´pez-Gonza´lez, Desire´e Palomino, Olga Sa´nchez-Guillamo´n, Juan T. Va´zquez and Luis M. Ferna´ndez-Salas
Chapter 53: New evidence to support the distribution of dense hydrocoral_sponge communities along George V slope, East Antarctica
J. Smith, Alexandra L. Post, P.E. O’Brien and M.J. Riddle
Chapter 54: Chemosynthetic seep communities triggered by seabed slumping off of northern Papua New Guinea
David R. Tappin
Chapter 55: Near-pristine benthic habitats on the Francesc Page`s Bank, Alboran Sea, western Mediterranean
Claudio Lo Iacono, Jordi Grinyo´, Suzanne Conlon, Manfred Lafosse, Alain Rabaute, Martina Pierdomenico, Hector Perea, Elia d’Acremont and Eula`lia Gra`cia
Chapter 56: Application of the coastal and marine ecological classification standard to Gosnold Seamount, North Atlantic Ocean
D. Sowers, J.A. Dijkstra, K. Mello, G. Masetti, M. Malik and Larry Alan Mayer
Chapter 57: Deep-sea benthic megafaunal communities on the New England and Corner Rise Seamounts, Northwest Atlantic Ocean
Abby Lapointe, Les Watling and Allen M. Gontz
Chapter 58: Manganese nodule fields from the Northeast Pacific as benthic habitats
Thomas Kuhn, Katja Uhlenkott, Annemiek Vink, Carsten Rühlemann and Pedro Martinez Arbizu
Chapter 59: Geomorphology and benthic habitats of the Kermadec Trench, Southwest Pacific Ocean
Alan J. Jamieson, Heather A. Stewart, Ashley A. Rowden and Malcolm R. Clark
Part III Synthesis
Chapter 60: GeoHab Atlas of seafloor geomorphic features and benthic habitats—synthesis and lessons learned
Peter T. Harris and Elaine K. Baker
- No. of pages: 1076
- Language: English
- Edition: 2
- Published: November 2, 2019
- Imprint: Elsevier Science
- Paperback ISBN: 9780128149607
- eBook ISBN: 9780128149614
Peter Harris