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Sea Urchins: Biology and Ecology, Fourth Edition, Volume 43 expands its coverage to include the entire class of Echinoidea, making this new edition an authoritative reference… Read more
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Sea Urchins: Biology and Ecology, Fourth Edition, Volume 43 expands its coverage to include the entire class of Echinoidea, making this new edition an authoritative reference of the entire class of species. This is a valuable resource that will help readers gain a deep understanding of the basic characteristics of sea urchins, the basis of the great variation that exists in sea urchins, and how sea urchins are important components of marine ecosystems. Updated coverage includes sections on reproduction, metabolism, endocrinology, larval ecology, growth, digestion, carotenoids and disease.
1. Phylogeny of Echinoidea
Andreas Kroh
2. Sea Urchin Life History Strategies
John M. Lawrence
3. Gametogenesis in Regular Sea Urchins – Structural, Functional and Molecular/Genomic Biology
Charles W. Walker
4. Biochemical and Energy Requirements of Gonad Development in Regular Sea Urchins
Adam G. Marsh and Mickie Lynn Powell
5. Endocrine Regulation of Regular Echinoid Reproduction
Stephen A. Watts
6. Larval Ecology of Echinoids
Anna Metaxas
7. Growth and Survival of Postsettlement Sea Urchins
Thomas A. Ebert
8. Digestive System of Regular Sea Urchins
Nicholas D. Holland
9. Ingestion, Digestion and Digestibility of Regular
John M. Lawrence
10. Nutrition
Stephen A. Watts
11. Carotenoids
Coleen Suckling
12. Disease: Effects from Individuals to Ecosystems
Michael Sweet
13. Immunology in Sea Urchins
José Roberto Machado Cunha da Silva
14. Deep-Sea Sea Urchins
Angela Stevenson
15. Regular Sea Urchins as Drivers of Shallow Benthic Marine Community Structure
Robert S. Steneck
16. Effect of climate change on sea urchins
Maria Byrne and Maria Byrne
17. Stock Enhancement of Regular Sea Urchins
Yukio Agatsuma
18. Clyypeasteroidea
James H. Nebelsick
19. Peronella
John K. Keesing
20. Echinocardium cordatum
Chantal De Ridder
21. Cidaroida
John M. Lawrence
22. Centrostephanus rodgersii and Centrostephanus tenusipinus
Maria Byrne and Maria Byrne
23. Diadema
Nyawira A. Muthiga
24. Arbacia
Paola Gianguzza
25. Loxechinus albus
Julio Alberto Vásquez Sr.
26. Paracentrotus lividus
Charles F. Boudouresque
27. Psammechinus miliaris
Coleen Suckling
28. Echinometra
Timothy R. McClanahan
29. Evechinus chhloroticus
Mike Francis Barker
30. Heliocidaris erythrogramma
John K. Keesing
31. Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis
Robert E. Scheibling
32. Strongylocentrotus pururatus and Mesothuria franciscanus
Laura Rogers-Bennett
33. Strongylocentrotus intermedius
Yukio Agatsuma
34. Mesocentrotus nudus
Yukio Agatsuma
35. Hemicentrotuos pulcherimus, Pesudocentrotus depressus, and Heliocidais crassispina
Yukio Agatsuma
36. Lytechinus
Stephen A. Watts
37. Tripneustes
John M. Lawrence