Science Policy Perspectives: USA-Japan is a collection of papers from the "Second Seminar on Science Policy" under the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Science Program held in Hawaii in August 1981. This collection presents an exchange of ideas between the Japan and the United States on each other's science policies. One paper confers the belief that basic and applied scientific research in America are fundamentally distinct. Political and administrative considerations influence perceptions of basic and applied research. Those responsible for framing and implementing science policies should have an alternative, two-dimensional view where basic and applied science does not exclude each other. In Japan, basic research is done in universities, applied research is made in national research institutes, while research and development is carried out by the private sector. Other papers address the policies of resource allocation in basic and applied research in the two countries, the practices of their respective governments, the cooperation of universities and industry, as well as patent policies for government supported research. This collection can prove useful for engineers, inventors, investigators in both government and privately funded research, and policy makers in government dealing with scientific research and development.