Introduction and overview, H Brooks. Science and government in the USA, D F Hornig. Science and government: a European perspective, J J Salomon. The Netherlands, Scientific Council for Government Policy, T Quene. Long-term forecasting for science and policy: experiences in Poland, Z Kaczmarek. A new branch of Science Inc., H Nowotny. Uncertainty, ignorance and policy, J R Ravetz. Uncertainty - technical and social, B Wynne. Science and socialist society, F Charvat. Lay participation in decision-making involving science and technology, L Graham. The role of international research institutions, H Brooks. A history of the acid rain issue, G S Wetstone. The C02 challenge, C L Cooper. The diversion of water resources into the Caspian Sea Basin, G Voropaev. Report of Panel 1, H Brooks & L Graham. Report of Panel 2, P Aigrain & J R Ravetz. Report of Panel 3, N Emanuel & W C Clark. Appendices. Index.