Scale-Up and Automation in Plant Propagation reviews methods of automation and scale-up of plant propagation in vitro. It looks at the large scale clonal propagation of plants, or micropropagation, as the first major practical application of plant biotechnology. It also discusses the advantages and limitations of micropropagation and evaluates current methods of commercial micropropagation. Organized into 13 chapters, this volume begins with an overview of the benefits of scaling up and automating plant propagation before proceeding with a discussion of synthetic seeds and their use for plant propagation, along with problems and economic considerations associated with synthetic seed technology. It then considers the implementation of somatic embryogenesis technology for clonal forestry, the development and commercialization of bioreactor technology for automated propagation of potato microtubers and lily microbulbs, and approaches to automated propagation of fruit trees. Other chapters focus on issues of cost reduction and development of ""new"" products, scale-up and operation of prototype bioreactors for plant propagation, and application of machine vision technology to scale-up and automated evaluation of somatic embryogenesis in sweet potato. The book also describes methods of measurement and control of the environment in culture, environmental factors affecting photosynthesis, and use of robotics and field transplanters in the automation of plant propagation. Scientists and plant breeders will find this book extremely useful.