Rural Community Studies in Europe: Trends, Selected and Annotated Bibliographies, Analyses, Volume 3 examines trends as well as the different schools of thought, the various methods applied, and the differing attitudes toward the problems of rural communities in Europe. Rural community studies in Austria, Denmark, Greece, Yugoslavia, and the USSR are presented. This volume is comprised of five chapters and begins with a historical overview of rural community studies in Austria, paying particular attention to village studies. The discussion then turns to trends and developments in Denmark, Greece, Yugoslavia, and the USSR. Although the rural community studies examined are very different, a common framework is used for their presentation based on the following: circumstances, orientations and method; ecology; demography; agricultural economy; non-agricultural economy; family and kinship; domestic group; way of life, collective behavior; ideology and social regulations; communications; groups, classes and social stratification, institutions; global system. Each chapter is followed by an annotated bibliography. This book will be of value to sociologists, social scientists, and scholars interested in rural communities.