Preface to the first edition.
Preface to the second edition.
Part One: Basic Grantsmanship
The NIH and Other Sources of Research Support.
A Strong Proposal.
Proposal Review.
The R01 Research Grant.
The Abstract and Specific Aims.
Background and Significance.
Preliminary Studies.
Research Design and Methods.
The Budget.
Biographical Sketch, and Other Research Support.
Human Subjects.
Animal Subjects.
Consortiums and Contracts, Consultants, Collaborators.
Literature Cited and Appendices.
Revision of an Unfunded Proposal.
Competing Renewal of R01 Proposals (Progress Reports).
Proposal Submission and Supplementary Materials.
Your First Grant Award (R, F, or K).
Advice for Beginners in Academia.
Part Two: Advanced Grantsmanship
Small Business Grants.
Program Project Grants.
Center Grants.
Construction Grants.
T-32 Institutional Research Training Program Grants.
Instrumentation Grants.
A: Information Sources: Private Foundation and Government Websites; Study Sections.
B: Summary Statements, Reviewer Comments, Assignment, Award and Triage Letters.
C: Examples of Figures from Preliminary Data.
D: Examples of Design Format.
E: Instructions to Reviewers Concerning Human Subjects.
F: References and Suggested Reading.