Giorgio Presicce
Dr. Giorgio A. Presicce, DVM, serves as a manager and expert on animal production and reproductive technologies in farm animals for ARSIAL, a governmental regional agency in Rome, Italy, on the forefront of innovation in agriculture. He served the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in The Gambia at the International Trypanotolerant Centre. Dr. Presicce received his PhD from the University of Naples, Italy, in veterinary obstetrics and gynecology, followed by a post-doctoral position conducted at the Department of Animal Science at Cornell University, New York, United States, in farm animal reproductive physiology and embryo biotechnologies. He was a visiting assistant professor at the same department, and later a researcher scientist at PPL Therapeutics Inc., in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States, on the implementation of reproductive technologies in cattle. He received the China Friendship Award for scientific contributions in 2006.
Affiliations and expertise
Scientific Research Leader, ARSIAL, Roma, Italy