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Reproductive Immunology: Basic Concepts gives a holistic insight into the understanding of the complex interactions between the maternal immune system and the fetal/pla… Read more
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Reproductive Immunology: Basic Concepts gives a holistic insight into the understanding of the complex interactions between the maternal immune system and the fetal/placental unit necessary for the success of pregnancy. This interaction is critical for the support of the human fetal semiallograft and the protection against infections. The book covers various topics such as B cells, macrophages, T cells, discussion on fetal signals and their impact on maternal reproductive cells such as endometrial cells, mast cells, and the role of fetal Hofbauer cells, the immune regulatory role of glucorticoids, and many other novel topics within the field of reproductive immunology.
Edited and written by experts in the field, this book introduces the up-to-date knowledge of the role of the immune system during pregnancy and provides the necessary background to understand pregnancy complications associated with alterations in the functioning of the immune system. The book provides a complete discussion on the immunological aspects of pregnancy and serves as a great tool for research scientists, students, reproductive immunologists and OBGYNs.
1. The role of the immune system during pregnancy: General concepts
2. Presentation and recognition of placental, fetal, and pathogen-derived antigens in human pregnancy
3. Uterine macrophages: Essential roles for a successful human pregnancy
4. Natural killer cells in reproduction: Before, during and after pregnancy
5. To B (e) born: New concepts concerning B cells throughout pregnancy
6. Neutrophils: Diverse functions in the endometrium of cycling women and during pregnancy
7. Regulatory T cells: Master regulators for the success of pregnancy
8. Immunology of the decidua
9. Mechanism of glucocorticoid action in immunology—Basic concepts
10. Endocrine control of mucosal immunity in the human female reproductive tract: Bridging implantation with pathogen protection
11. The nature of the immune response in microbial-associated and sterile intraamniotic inflammation
12. Autoimmunity, regulatory T cells, and pregnancy: Maintaining the balance
13. Mucosal immunology of the female reproductive tract and its regulation by female sex hormones
14. Toll-like receptors and NOD-like receptors at the implantation site
15. Hofbauer cells and placental viral infection
16. Gamma/delta T cells in pregnancy
17. Placental regulation of immune functions
18. TAM receptors in pregnancy
19. The epigenetic regulation of the immune system during pregnancy
20. Interactions between the epithelial barrier and the microbiota in the reproductive tract