List of Contributors
Foreword to the First Edition
1. Historical Introduction
I. Early History, Mostly Anatomical
II. Sex Determination
III. Sexual Cycles
IV. Steroid Hormones
V. Anterior Pituitary Hormones
VI. Physiology of Spermatozoa
VII. Miscellaneous Factors
2. Physiological Characterization of Gonadotropins
I. Introduction
II. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
III. Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
IV. Prolactin
V. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)
VI. Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin (PMSG)
VII. Effect of Gonadotropins upon Metabohc Activity of Gonads
VIII. The Progonadotropic Response
IX. The Pituitary Antagonist
X. Standards and International Units
3. Immunological Characterization of the Gonadotropins
I. Introduction
II. General Immunological Considerations
III. Development of Antisera
IV. Immunological Methods of Analysis
V. Application of Immunological Procedures
4. Chemistry of the Gonadotropins
I. Introduction
II. Luteinizing Hormone (LH, ICSH)
III. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
IV. Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin (PMSG)
V. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)
VI. Prolactin (Lactogenic Hormone; Mammotropin; Luteotropin; LTH)
VII. Concluding Remarks
5. Physiology of Gonadal Hormones and Related Synthetic Compounds
I. Androgens
II. Estrogens
III. Progestogens
IV. Relaxin
6. The Biochemistry of Gonadal Hormones and Related Compounds
I. Pregnenolone and Progesterone
II. Androgens
III. Estrogens
7. Role of the Nervous System in Reproductive Processes
I. Introduction
II. Neural Substrates of Mating Behavior
III. Regulation of the Secretion of Pituitary Gonadotropins by the Nervous System
IV. Regulation of the Onset of Puberty by the Nervous System
V. Effects of Hormones on Development and Differentiation of the Brain
VI. Summary
8. Oogenesis and Folliculogenesis
I. General Characteristics of Female Gametogenesis
II. Formation of Primordial Follicles: Oogenesis
III. Formation of Preovulatory Follicles: Folliculogenesis
IV. Importance of the Quantitative Production of Female Gametes
9. The Estrous Cycle
I. Introduction
II. Puberty
III. The Sexual Season
IV. The Cycle
V. Cyclic Changes in the Reproductive and Endocrine Organs
VI. Hormonal Changes during the Estrous Cycle
VII. Mechanisms Controlling the Estrous Cycle
10. Spermatogenesis and Morphology of the Spermatozoon
I. Introduction
II. Description of the Spermatogenic and Seminiferous Epithehal Cycles
III. The Cellular Elements of the Speramatogenic Cycle in Domestic Animals
IV. The Sertoli Cells
V. Establishment of Spermatogenesis in the Young Male
VI. Duration of the Spermatogenic Processes
VII. Control of Spermatogenesis
11. Physiology of Semen and of the Male Reproductive Tract
I. Introduction
II. General: Composition and Properties of Semen and Secretions of Male Accessory Glands
III. Species Characteristics
12. Physiological Aspects of Artificial Insemination
I. Introduction
II. Development of Sexual Function
III. Sperm Production
IV. Libido and Semen Collection
V. Semen Preservation
VI. Insemination
VII. Factors Affecting Fertility in Artificial Insemination
13. Fertilization and Development of the Egg
I. Maturation, Ovulation, and Transport of Eggs
II. Transport of Spermatozoa
III. Fertilization
IV. Cleavage
V. Maintenance of the Preimplantation Embryo
14. Implantation, Development of the Fetus, and Fetal Membranes
I. Introduction
II. Anatomy of the Uterus
III. Implantation
IV. Growth of the Conceptus and Formation of the Placenta
V. The Placenta and Ultrastructure of the Fetomaternal Junction
VI. Fetal Nutrition and Growth
VII. Chorioallantoic Anastomoses and Twinning
VIII. Immunological Problems of Pregnancy
15. Hormonal Mechanisms during Pregnancy and Parturition
I. Introduction
II. Hormonal Mechanisms in Pregnancy
III. Hormonal Mechanisms in Parturition
16. Mammary Growth and Lactation
I. Introduction
II. Morphogenesis and Development of the Mammary Gland
III. Hormonal Requirements for Mammary Gland Development and Lactation
IV. Milk Synthesis
V. Milk Ejection
17. Environmental Factors Affecting Reproduction
I. Introduction
II. The Role of Environmental Factors on Reproduction in Individual Species
18. Nutritive Influences Upon Reproduction
I. The Influence of Nutrition on the Development and Function of the Reproductive Organs
II. Nutrition and Prenatal Development
III. The Nutrient Requirement for Fetal Development in Cattle
19. Infectious Diseases Influencing Reproduction
I. Introduction
II. Bacterial Infections
III. Virus Infections
IV. Protozoan Infections
V. Pathological Responses of the Genital Organs to Miscellaneous Infections
20. Sexual Behavior and Controlling Mechanisms in Domestic Birds and Mammals
I. Introduction
II. Domestic Birds
III. Domestic Mammals
IV. Role of Gonadal Hormones in Gontrolling Sexual Behavior
V. Pharmacological Synchronization of Estrus in Domestic Mammals
21. Reproduction in Domestic Fowl
I. Introduction
II. Sex Development
III. The Female Reproductive System
IV. The Male Reproductive System
V. Reproduction
Subject Index