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Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures with Fiber Reinforced Polymer is a complete guide to the use of FRP in flexural, shear and axial strengthening of concrete structure… Read more
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Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures with Fiber Reinforced Polymer is a complete guide to the use of FRP in flexural, shear and axial strengthening of concrete structures. Through worked design examples, the authors guide readers through the details of usage, including anchorage systems, different materials and methods of repairing concrete structures using these techniques. Topics include the usage of FRP in concrete structure repair, concrete structural deterioration and rehabilitation, methods of structural rehabilitation and strengthening, a review of the design basis for FRP systems, including strengthening limits, fire endurance, and environmental considerations.
In addition, readers will find sections on the strengthening of members under flexural stress, including failure modes, design procedures, examples and anchorage detailing, and sections on shear and torsion stress, axial strengthening, the installation of FRP systems, and strengthening against extreme loads, such as earthquakes and fire, amongst other important topics.
Researchers and practitioners in Concrete and Structural Engineering
1. Introduction
1.1 Need for Rehabilitation and
1.2 Structural Degradation of Concrete
1.3 Strengthening of Concrete Structures
Using FRP Composites
1.3.1 Strengthening of RC Members
in Flexure
1.3.2 Strengthening of RC Members
in Shear
1.3.3 Confinement of Axial Members
Using FRP
2. Methods of Structural Rehabilitation
and Strengthening
2.1 Externally Bonded Steel Plates
2.2 External Posttensioning
2.3 Jacketing of Structural Members
2.4 Rehabilitation of Reinforcement
2.5 Crack Injection
2.6 Selection of Appropriate Strengthening
3. Fiber-Reinforced Polymers and Their
Use in Structural Rehabilitation
3.1 Materials and Manufacturing
3.2 Wet Layup Systems
3.3 Prepreg Systems
3.4 Precured Systems
3.5 Near-Surface-Mounted FRP Systems
3.5.1 Bond Behavior
3.5.2 Modes of Failure
3.6 Prestressed FRP
3.6.1 S&P Prestressed FRP Systems
3.6.2 Carbo-Stress System (Stress Head)
4. Design Basis for FRP Systems
4.1 Strengthening Limits
4.2 Structural Fire Endurance
4.3 Environmental Considerations
4.3.1 Moisture—Humidity/Chemical
4.3.2 Hygrothermal Aging of Epoxy Resin
4.3.3 Alkalinity
4.3.4 Thermal Effects and Freeze/Thaw
4.3.5 Ultraviolet Radiation
4.3.6 Design Recommendations
5. Strengthening Members in Flexure
Using FRP
5.1 General
5.2 Basis of Design
5.3 Rectangular Stress Block
5.4 Failure Modes of FRP Flexurally
Strengthened Members
5.4.1 Concrete Crushing
5.4.2 FRP Rupture
5.4.3 Intermediate Crack-Induced
5.4.4 End Debonding
5.4.5 Use of U-Strap Anchors to Mitigate
End Debonding
5.5 Ductility of FRP-Strengthened Members
5.6 FRP Termination and Anchorage
5.7 Serviceability Considerations
5.8 Creep Rupture and Fatigue Stress
5.9 Design Summary Flow Charts for
Flexurally Strengthened Members
5.9.1 Flexural Strengthening Flow Chart
According to AS 5100.8 (2017)
5.9.2 Flexural Strengthening Flowchart
According to ACI 440.2R (2017)
5.9.3 Flexural Strengthening Flowchart
According to TR 55 (2012)
5.10 Flexural Strengthening Examples
5.10.1 Flexural Strengthening of an RC
T Beam According to AS 5100.5
(2017) and AS 5100.8 (2017)
5.10.2 Flexural Strengthening of a
Prestressed Super-T beam
According to AS 5100.5 (2017)
and AS 5100.8 (2017)
5.10.3 Flexural Strengthening of an
RC T-Beam According to ACI 318
(2014) and ACI 440.2R (2017)
5.10.4 Flexural Strengthening of a
Prestressed Super-T Beam
According to ACI 318 (2014)
and ACI 440.2R (2017)
5.10.5 Flexural Strengthening of an RC
T-Beam According to BS EN
1992–1-1 (24) and Technical
Report No. 55 (2012)
5.10.6 Flexural Strengthening of a
Prestressed Super-T Beam
According to BS EN1992–1:1(24)
and Technical Report No. 55
Further Reading
6. Strengthening Members in Shear
Using FRP
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Concept of Safety in Design
6.3 Contribution of Concrete to Shear
Capacity of Prestressed Members
6.4 Contribution of Concrete to Shear
Capacity of Prestressed Members
6.5 Shear Contribution of Transverse Shear
6.6 Design of Concrete Members
Strengthened in Shear Using FRP
6.6.1 Failure Modes
6.6.2 Contribution of FRP to Shear
6.7 Design Summary Flowcharts for
Shear-Strengthened Members
6.7.1 Shear-Strengthening Flow Chart
According to AS5100.8 (2017)
6.7.2 Shear-Strengthening Flow Chart
According to TR55 (2012)
6.8 Shear-Strengthening Examples
6.8.1 Shear Strengthening of an RC
T-Beam According to AS5100.5 (2017)
and AS5100.8 (2017)
6.8.2 Shear Strengthening of a Prestressed
Super T-beam According to AS5100.5
(2017) and AS5100.8 (2017)
6.8.3 Shear Strengthening of an RC
T-beam According to ACI Committee
318 (2014) and ACI440.2 (2017)
6.8.4 Shear Strengthening of a Prestressed
Super T-beam According to ACI
Committee 318 (2014) and ACI 440.2
6.8.5 Shear Strengthening of a RC
T-beam According to BS EN 1992-1-1
(24) and Technical Report No. 55
6.8.6 Shear Strengthening of a Prestressed
Super T-beam According to BS EN
1992-1-1 (24) and Technical
Report No. 55
Further Reading
7. Axial Strengthening of RC Members
Using FRP
7.1 General
7.2 Confinement Under Concentric
Axial Load
7.2.1 ACI and AS 5100 Models for
Confined Circular Columns
7.2.2 ACI and AS 5100 Models for
Confined Rectangular Columns
7.2.3 TR 55 Model for Confined Circular
7.2.4 TR 55 Model for Confined
Rectangular Columns
7.2.5 Confinement of Slender
7.2.6 Ultimate Strength in Compression
of a Short Column
7.3 Combined Axial Compression and
7.3.1 Diagram of Axial Moment
Interaction for Rectangular and
Circular Sections
7.3.2 Ultimate Strength in Compression
of a Slender Column
7.4 Serviceability Considerations
7.5 Design Summary Flowcharts for Axially
Strengthened Members
7.5.1 Axial Strengthening Flowchart
According to ACI 440.2 (2017)
7.5.2 Axial Strengthening Flowchart
According to AS5100.8 (2017)
7.5.3 Axial Strengthening Flowchart
According to Technical
Report No. 55
7.6 Axial Strengthening Examples
7.6.1 Axial Strengthening of a Circular
Column According to AS5100.5 (2017)
and AS5100.8 (2017)
7.6.2 Axial strengthening of a
rectangular column according to
AS5100.5 (2017) and AS5100.8
7.6.3 Axial Strengthening of a Circular
Column According to
ACI 318 (ACI Committee 318, 2014)
and ACI 440.2 (2017)
7.6.4 Axial Strengthening of a
Rectangular Column According to
ACI Committee 318 (2014) and
ACI 440.2 (2017)
7.6.5 Axial Strengthening of a Circular
Column According to BS EN
1992-1-1 (24) and
Technical Report No. 55
7.6.6 Axial Strengthening of a Rectangular
Column According to BS EN
1992-1-1 (24) and
Technical Report No. 55
Further Reading
8. FRP Anchorage Systems
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Anchorage Devices for FRP
Reinforcement Used to Strengthen
Members in Flexure
8.2.1 FRP U-jacket Anchors
8.2.2 Inclined U-jacket Orientations
8.2.3 Prestressed U-jackets
8.2.4 Metallic Anchorage Systems
8.2.5 FRP Anchors
8.2.6 p-Anchor
8.2.7 Evaluation of FRP Anchorage
Systems Used to Strengthen
Members in Flexure
8.3 Flexural Anchor Discussion
8.4 Mechanisms of FRP Failure in Shear
Strengthening Applications
8.5 Anchorage Devices for FRP
Reinforcement Used to Strengthen
Members in Shear
8.5.1 Mechanically Fastened Metallic
Anchors in Shear and Torsion
8.5.2 Anchorage of FRP Through
Concrete Embedment
8.5.3 FRP Spike Anchors in Shear
8.5.4 Patch Anchors
8.5.5 Hybrid (FRP Anchors+Patch
8.5.6 Substrate Strengthening
8.5.7 NSM Anchors
8.5.8 Evaluation of FRP Anchors
Used to Strengthen Members
in Shear
8.6 Shear Anchor Discussion
8.7 Further Work and Development of
Design Provisions
8.8 Conclusions and Recommendations
Further Reading
9. Installation and Testing of FRP
9.1 General
9.2 Preparation
9.2.1 Concrete Substrate
9.2.2 Concrete Flatness
9.2.3 Leveling of the Substrate
9.2.4 Environmental Conditions
9.2.5 Set Out
9.3 Application of Pultruded FRP Laminate
9.4 Application of FRP Fabrics
9.5 Quality Control
9.5.1 Testing of Substrate Prior to
Application of FRP
9.5.2 Adhesion and Durability
9.5.3 Visual Inspections
9.6 Repair Techniques
9.7 Cold Weather Application/Accelerated
9.8 Hot Weather Application
Further Reading
10. Field Applications
10.1 West Gate Bridge Project
10.1.1 Modeling
10.1.2 Selection of Material
10.1.3 Detailing
10.1.4 Application and Quality Control
10.2 Strengthening of Posttensioned Slabs
at White City London
10.2.1 Method of Works
10.2.2 Aspects of Construction
10.2.3 Testing and Approval
10.2.4 Summary
Further Reading