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Volume 1A: Principles of Geologic AnalysisA "how-to" primer describes the basic concepts petroleum geologists and students need to understand hydrocarbon exploration in a broad ran… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Volume 1A: Principles of Geologic AnalysisA "how-to" primer describes the basic concepts petroleum geologists and students need to understand hydrocarbon exploration in a broad range of geological settings globally.
Volume 1B: Phanerozoic Rift Systems and Sedimentary BasinsIncorporates industry data to present regional seismic lines and cross sections to accurately document and analyze proven hydrocarbon systems. It also includes summaries of analogue and theoretical models as an essential backdrop to the structure and stratigraphy of a variety of geological settings.
Volume 1C: Phanerozoic Passive Margins, Cratonic Basins and Global Tectonic MapsFocuses on both volcanic and non-volcanic passive margins as well as cratonic basins—critical habitats for hydrocarbons. It provides a unique basis for comparison of different passive margins and for an understanding of their structural and stratigraphic evolution, as well as their petroleum systems—especially useful to explorationists working in deep-water basins and researchers examining the tectonic evolution of the continent-ocean transition. A vast amount of data to enable hydrocarbon play assessments and analysis on passive margins is also included in this thorough yet accessible reference.
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Geologists, geophysicists, and marine geologists globally in academia and petroleum exploration with a focus on tectonics, basin analysis, sedimentary processes and petroleum systems. The secondary market includes undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as instructors in Geosciences
Chapter 1 Regional geology and tectonics of sedimentary basins
Section 1 The Earth
Chapter 2 The Earth: Core, mantle and crust
Chapter 3 Phanerozoic volcanism
Section 2 Geological megaprovinces
Chapter 4 Some remarks on basins and basin classification and tectonostratigraphic megasequences
Chapter 5 A lithospheric perspective on structure and evolution of Precambrian cratons
Chapter 6 Convergent margins and orogenic belts
Chapter 7 Crustal seismic reflection profiles of collisional orogens
Section 3 Principles of Regional Geological Analysis: Geological and Geophysical Tools
Chapter 8 Geological methods, William R. Muehlberger
Chapter 9 Hotspots, rifts, reefs, deltas, and cratonic basins: Views from space
Chapter 10 2D and 3D seismic data
Chapter 11 Wide-angle refraction and reflection
Chapter 12 Regional tectonics and basin formation: The role of potential field studies
Section 4 Sedimentary Systems
Chapter 13 Seismic and sequence stratigraphic analysis
Chapter 14 A brief review of developments in stratigraphic forward modelling, 2000–2009
Chapter 15 Lake systems
Chapter 16 Late Ordovician glaciogenic reservoir heterogeneity: An example from the Murzuq Basin, Libya
Chapter 17 River deltas
Chapter 18 Architecture and growth history of a Miocene carbonate platform from 3D seismic reflection data: Luconia province, offshore Sarawak, Malaysia
Chapter 19 Pelagic realms
Chapter 20 Controls on reservoir distribution, architecture, and stratigraphic trapping in slope settings
Chapter 21 The Barbados ridge: A mature accretionary wedge in front of the Lesser Antilles active margin
Chapter 22 Uplift, denudation, and their causes and constraints over geological timescales
Chapter 23 The accumulation of organic-matter-rich rocks within an earth systems framework: The integrated roles of plate tectonics, atmosphere, ocean, and biota through the Phanerozoic
Chapter 24 Fluid flow in sedimentary basins including petroleum systems
Section 5 Experimental and analogue structural models
Chapter 25 4D analogue modelling of transtensional pull-apart basins
Section 6 Ocean Basins
Chapter 26 Ocean floor tectonics
Chapter 27 Ophiolites and oceanic lithosphere
Section 1 Rift Systems
Chapter 1 Regional geology and tectonics of sedimentary basins
Chapter 2 From rifts to passive margins: A continuum of extension
Chapter 3 Models for the evolution of passive margins
Chapter 4 Rift sequence stratigraphy
Chapter 5 Structural control on syn-rift sedimentation, northwestern Red Sea margin, Egypt
Chapter 6 Carbonate dominated marine rifts
Section 2 Active and Cenozoic rifts
Chapter 7 Evolution of the Cenozoic East African rift system: cratons, plumes, and continental breakup
Chapter 8 The Gulf of Suez rift basin
Chapter 9 Cenozoic rifts of eastern China
Chapter 10 Xialiao, North China Basin
Chapter 11 Lake Baikal
Chapter 12 Geology of the shelves surrounding the New Siberian Islands from seismic images: Laptev Sea and East Siberian Sea, Russian Arctic
Section 3 Mesozoic and older rifts
Chapter 13 Development of the passive margin of Eastern North America: Mesozoic rifting, igneous activity, and breakup
Chapter 14 Extensional tectonics and stratigraphy of the Mesozoic Jeanne d’Arc basin, Grand Banks of Newfoundland
Chapter 15 The Recoˆncavo basin
Chapter 16 The Dniepr-Donets Basin
Chapter 17 Sedimentary basins of the late Mesozoic extensional domain of China and Mongolia
Chapter 18 Songliao/Erlian rifts
Section 4 Inverted rift systems
Chapter 19 Inverted rift-basins of northern Egypt
Section 1 Passive margins
Chapter 1 Regional geology and tectonics of sedimentary basins
Chapter 2 De Re Salsa: Fundamental principles of salt tectonics
Chapter 3 Shale tectonics
Chapter 4 The Red Sea and Gulf of Aden basins
Chapter 5 The NE Atlantic conjugate margins
Chapter 6 Conjugate margins of the South Atlantic: Namibia-Pelotas
Chapter 7 Phanerozoic regional geology of the eastern Brazilian margin
Chapter 8 The conjugate margins of Morocco and Nova Scotia
Section 1.1 Non volcanic margins
Chapter 9 Evolution of magma poor continental margins: from rifting to the onset of seafloor spreading
Chapter 10 The Newfoundland–Iberia conjugate margins
Chapter 11 Labrador Sea, Davis Strait, and Baffin Bay
Chapter 12 Evolution of the Western Mediterranean
Chapter 13 Tyrrhenian Sea
Chapter 14 Deepwater frontier basins: New Zealand
Section 1.2 Transform margins
Chapter 15 South Africa’s Mesozoic basins
Chapter 16 Rift-shear architecture and tectonic development of the Ghana margin
Chapter 17 Structural styles along the Dead Sea Fault
Chapter 18 Columbus basin, offshore Trinidad: A detached pull-apart basin inatranspressional foreland setting
Section 2 Cratonic basins
Section 2.1 Cratonic basins on Pre-Cambrian basement
Chapter 19 Illizzi basin
Chapter 20 The Moscow Basin
Section 2.2 Cratonic /composite basins on Paleozoic basement
Chapter 21 Evolution of the West Siberian Basin
Chapter 22 The Aquitaine Basin and the Pyrenees: geodynamical evolution and hydrocarbons
Chapter 23 Geodynamic interpretation of the Cape and Karoo basins, South Africa
Chapter 24 The Parry Islands fold belt
Section 3 Global Maps
Chapter 25 Tectonics and basin maps of the world