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Expert petroleum geologists David Roberts and Albert Bally bring you Regional Geology and Tectonics: Phanerozoic Passive Margins, Cratonic Basins and Global Tectonic Maps,… Read more
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Expert petroleum geologists David Roberts and Albert Bally bring you Regional Geology and Tectonics: Phanerozoic Passive Margins, Cratonic Basins and Global Tectonic Maps, volume three in a three-volume series covering Phanerozoic regional geology and tectonics. Its key focus is on both volcanic and non-volcanic passive margins, and the importance of salt and shale driven by sedimentary tectonics to their evolution. Recent innovative research on such critical locations as Iberia, Newfoundland, China, and the North Sea are incorporated to provide practical real-world case studies in regional geology and tectonics. The vast amount of volcanic data now available to form accurate hydrocarbon assessments and analysis at passive margin locations is also included into this thorough yet accessible reference.
Geologists, geophysicists, and marine geologists globally in academia and petroleum exploration with a focus on tectonics, basin analysis, sedimentary processes and petroleum systems. The secondary market includes undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as instructors in Geosciences.
Contributors for Volumes 1A
Foreword and Introduction
Section 1. Passive margins
1. Regional geology and tectonics of sedimentary basins
1.1 Introduction
1.2 A historical perspective
1.3 Some remarks on regional geology and tectonics
1.4 Conclusion
2. De Re Salica: Fundamental principles of salt tectonics
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Mechanics of salt flow
2.3 Processes of diapir growth
2.4 Salt and regional tectonics
2.5 Conclusions
3. Shale tectonics
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Mechanics of shale movement
3.3 Shale implacement and form
3.4 Shale and regional tectonics
3.5 Conclusions
4. The Red Sea and Gulf of Aden basins
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Afar
4.3 Gulf of Aden
4.4 Red Sea
4.5 Plate scale considerations
4.6 Discussion
4.7 Conclusions
4.8 Future research
5. The NE Atlantic conjugate margins
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Conjugate margin setting and segmentation
5.3 Crustal structure
5.4 Pre-breakup basin evolution
5.5 Breakup-related magmatism
5.6 Post-breakup margin evolution
5.7 Summary and Conclusions
6. Conjugate margins of the South Atlantic: Namibia-Pelotas
6.1 Introduction
7. Phanerozoic regional geology of the eastern Brazilian margin
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Previous works
7.3 Main tectonic features of the South Atlantic
7.4 Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the continental margin
7.5 Salt tectonics
7.6 Magmatism
7.7 Hydrocarbon resources and petroleum fields
7.8 Summary and conclusions
8. The conjugate margins of Morocco and Nova Scotia
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Regional setting, stratigraphy, and structure
8.3 Regional transects of conjugate basin segments
8.4 Minimum closure syn-rift reconstruction of the conjugate margins of Morocco and Nova Scotia
8.5 Implications for hydrocarbon exploration at the scale of the conjugate margins
8.6 Brief exploration history of the central segment of the Moroccan margin
8.7 Deepwater and shelf stratigraphy, central segment of the Moroccan margin
8.8 Regional structural transects across offshore Atlantic Morocco
8.9 Salt tectonics in the central segment of the Moroccan offshore
8.10 Play types
8.11 Structures outboard of the Nova Scotia and Morocco salt basins
8.12 Discussion
8.13 Conclusions
Section 1.1 Non-volcanic margins
9. Evolution of magma poor continental margins: from rifting to the onset of seafloor spreading
About the Authors
10. The Newfoundland–Iberia conjugate rifted margins
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Geologic setting
10.3 Continental basement rocks
10.4 Rift phases
10.5 Plate kinematic reconstructions
10.6 Geological/geophysical constraints on the Early Cretaceous transition from rifting to seafloor spreading
10.7 Extensional models and melt supply
10.8 End of rifting and post-rift sedimentary history
10.9 Conclusions
11. Labrador Sea, Davis Strait, and Baffin Bay
11.1 Extent of oceanic crust
11.2 Sedimentary Basins on continental crust
11.3 Geological development
11.4 Late Eocene to Neogene
12. Evolution of the Western Mediterranean
12.1 Introduction
12.2 The western Mediterranean sub-basins
12.3 Lithospheric structure from S-wave velocities
12.4 Geodynamic evolution of the Western Mediterranean area
13. Tyrrhenian Sea
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Geophysics
13.3 The CROP M2A profile
13.4 Extension in the Tyrrhenian Sea
13.5 Magmatism
13.6 Geodynamic setting
14. Deepwater frontier basins: New Zealand
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Geological controls on New Zealand’s Petroleum basins
14.3 Seaward Gondwana margin basins
14.4 Intermediate basins
14.5 Back-arc basins
14.6 Intra-continental basins
14.7 Discussion
14.8 Conclusions
Section 1.2 Transform margins
15. South Africa's offshore Mesozoic basins
15.1 Introduction
15.2 The Atlantic extensional margin
15.3 The South coast transform margin
15.4 The East coast rift margin
15.5 History of exploration and economic aspects
16. Rift-shear architecture and tectonic development of the Ghana margin
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Geological setting
16.3 Data
16.4 Results
16.5 Discussion
16.6 Conclusions
17. Structural styles along the Dead Sea Fault
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Basins along the Dead Sea fault
17.3 Discussion
18. Columbus basin, offshore Trinidad: A detached pull-apart basin in a transpressional foreland setting
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Tectonic setting
18.3 Columbus basin stratigraphy
18.4 Columbus basin geometry and structure
18.5 Basin evolution
18.6 Petroleum system
18.7 Summary and conclusions
Section 2. Cratonic basins
Section 2.1 Cratonic basins on Pre-Cambrian basement
19. The Illizi and Berkine Basins in Southern Algeria
19.1 Introduction and scope
19.2 Regional geological setting and Phanerozoic tectonostratigraphic evolution
19.3 The Palaeozoic “Gondwana” Supersequence: Sedimentation, Tectonism and Igneous Activity
19.4 The Mesozoic “Tethys” Supersequence: Sedimentation, tectonism, and igneous activity
19.5 Petroleum systems: Two world-class source rocks, and multiple petroleum systems
19.6 Conclusions
20. The Moscow Basin
20.1 Introduction
20.2 The East European Craton
20.3 The Moscow Basin
20.4 Geologic history
Section 2.2 Cratonic/composite basins on Paleozoic basement
21. Evolution of the West Siberian Basin
21.1 Introduction
21.2 Crust and lithosphere
21.3 Paleozoic basement
21.4 Tectonic evolution and stratigraphy
21.5 Summary and conclusions
22. The Aquitaine Basin and the Pyrenees: geodynamical evolution and hydrocarbons
22.1 Introduction: the Aquitaine basin as part of a larger province
22.2 The basement of the Aquitaine basin
22.3 Evolution of the North Atlantic and the Aquitaine basin
22.4 The Pyrenees
22.5 Prolongation of the Pyrenees to the east, in the Mediterranean
22.6 Hydrocarbon habitats
22.7 Conclusions
Further reading
23. Geodynamic interpretation of the Cape and Karoo basins, South Africa
23.1 Introduction
23.2 Tectonic framework
23.3 Early Paleozoic Cape basin: Large extensional subsidence
23.4 Permian early Karoo basin: Large-scale epeirogeny
23.5 Cape orogeny and late Karoo foreland basin
23.6 Discussion
23.7 Summary and conclusions
About the Authors
24. The Parry Islands fold belt
24.1 Introduction
24.2 Geological setting
24.3 Summary of tectonic history
24.4 General features of the fold belt
24.5 Description of fold belt tectonic layers
24.6 Triangle zone model
About the Authors
Section 3. Global Maps
25. Tectonic and Basin maps of the world
25.1. Global topography and plate tectonics
25.2. Global topography and bathymetry: The face of old earth reworked and modified by present processes
25.3. Neotectonics; earthquakes and conventional (i.e., rigid) versus diffuse plate boundaries
25.4. Global stress maps and paleostress studies
25.5. The continental lithosphere and continental crust ( and )
25.6. Tectonic maps of the world
25.7. Cenozoic/Mesozoic and Paleozoic orogenic systems and their fold and thrust belts (FTBs)
25.8. Age of Continental basement
25.9. Hot spots, linear island chains, large igneous provinces (LIPs), and radiating dike swarms; active volcanoes
25.10. Tectonic settings of mafic/ultramafic oceanic and intra-oceanic arc system crust, LIPs, rifted and volcanic passive margins, tectonic setting and discussion of equivalent allochthonous “ophiolitic” fragments in orogens
25.11. Sedimentary basins and rifts (including Rifts)*