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Regenerative Medicine Applications in Organ Transplantation illustrates exactly how these two fields are coming together and can benefit one another. It discusses technolog… Read more
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Regenerative Medicine Applications in Organ Transplantation illustrates exactly how these two fields are coming together and can benefit one another. It discusses technologies being developed, methods being implemented, and which of these are the most promising. The text encompasses tissue engineering, biomaterial sciences, stem cell biology, and developmental biology, all from a transplant perspective. Organ systems considered include liver, renal, intestinal, pancreatic, and more. Leaders from both fields have contributed chapters, clearly illustrating that regenerative medicine and solid organ transplantation speak the same language and that both aim for similar medical outcomes. The overall theme of the book is to provide insight into the synergy between organ transplantation and regenerative medicine.
Recent groundbreaking achievements in regenerative medicine have received unprecedented coverage by the media, fueling interest and enthusiasm in transplant clinicians and researchers. Regenerative medicine is changing the premise of solid organ transplantation, requiring transplantation investigators to become familiar with regenerative medicine investigations that can be extremely relevant to their work. Similarly, regenerative medicine investigators need to be aware of the needs of the transplant field to bring these two fields together for greater results.
Basic and clinical researchers in the fields of regenerative medicine, transplantation, tissue engineering, biomaterial sciences, stem cell biology, developmental biology, and related fields
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List of Contributors
Preface: Solid Organ Transplantation in the Regenerative Medicine Era
Chapter 1. Introduction: Regenerative Medicine and Solid Organ Transplantation from a Historical Perspective
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Major Advances in Organ Transplantation
1.3 Regenerative Medicine
Chapter 2. Solid Organ Transplantation: Has the Promise Been Kept and the Needs Met?
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Tolerance in organ transplantation
2.3 Organ shortage
2.4 Conclusions
Part I: Principles of Regenerative Medicine and Cell, Tissue, and Organ Bioengineering
Chapter 3. Strategies for the Specification of Tissue Engineering Biomaterials
3.1 Introduction: the Engineering Approach to Tissue Regeneration
3.2 Principles of Biomaterials Selection in Tissue Engineering
3.3 Specific Types of Template Material
3.4 Concluding Comments
Author’s Note
Chapter 4. Principles of Stem Cell Biology
4.1 The Origin of the Cell Reprogramming
4.2 Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer
4.3 Cell Fusion
4.4 Transcription Factor Transduction: iPS Cell Generation
4.5 Novelty in Nuclear Reprogramming
4.6 Comparison Between the Three Approaches of Nuclear Reprogramming
4.7 Conclusions
Chapter 5. Principles of Cell Sheet Technology
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Functional Tissue Regeneration Using Cell Sheets
5.3 Conclusions
Chapter 6. Principles of Bioprinting Technology
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Bio-blueprint
6.3 Bio-ink
6.4 Bio-Paper
6.5 Organ Bio-Printers and Bioprinting Methods
6.6 Summary
Chapter 7. Synthetic Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine Applications
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Biologically Relevant Properties of Polymeric Biomaterials
7.3 Classic Materials
7.4 Degradable Polymers
7.5 Hydrogels
7.6 Summary and Future Directions
Chapter 8. Natural Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine Applications
8.1 Introduction
8.2 ECM Composition and Tissue-Specific Ultrastructure
8.3 Production of Naturally Occurring Biomaterials from Decellularized Tissues
8.4 Mechanisms by Which Biomaterials Support Constructive Remodeling
Chapter 9. Bioartificial Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine Applications
9.1 Relevance of Bioartificial Materials in Regenerative Medicine
9.2 Different Levels of Biomimickry in Bioartificial Materials
9.3 Bioartificial Materials by Blending
9.4 Bioartificial Hydrogels
9.5 Bioartificial Materials Through Coating Strategies
9.6 Conclusions and Future Perspective
Chapter 10. Bioactivated Materials for Cell and Tissue Guidance
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Evolution of Scaffold Design Concept
10.3 Bioactivated Programmable Cell-Instructive Scaffolds
10.4 Conclusion and Remarks
Chapter 11. Biocompatibility and Immune Response to Biomaterials
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Transplant Rejection
11.3 The Host Response to Tissue Injury
11.4 The Foreign Body Reaction
11.5 Macrophage Polarization
11.6 The Host Response to ECM-Based Scaffolds
11.7 Conclusion
Chapter 12. Harnessing Regenerative and Immunomodulatory Properties of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Transplantation Medicine
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Use of MSCs in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
12.3 Use of MSCs in Non-HSC Transplant Settings
12.4 Role of MSCs in Solid Organ Transplantation
12.5 Practical Issues
12.6 Evolving Concepts
12.7 Conclusions
Chapter 13. Bioreactors for Tissue Engineering Purposes
13.1 Mixing Bioreactors
13.2 Guiding Tissue Structure and Function
13.3 Conclusion
Part II: Kidney
Chapter 14. Current Status of Renal Transplantation
14.1 The Waiting List
14.2 Donation
14.3 Outcomes
14.4 Causes of Graft Loss
14.5 Mechanisms of Rejection
14.6 Expanding the Deceased Donor Organ Pool
14.7 Expanded Criteria Donors
14.8 Donation After Cardiac Death
14.9 Dual Kidney Transplants
14.10 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention High-Risk Kidneys
14.11 Pediatric Kidneys
14.12 Kidneys from Donors with Acute Renal Failure
14.13 Living Donation
14.14 Immunosuppression: Current Status and Emerging Therapies
14.15 Progress Toward Tolerance
14.16 New Kidney Allocation Policy Proposal in the United States
14.17 Conclusion
Chapter 15. Living Donor Renal Transplantation: Progress, Pitfalls, and Promise
15.1 Introduction
15.2 The Donor Operation
15.3 Perioperative Risks of Living Donor Nephrectomy
15.4 Potential Problems with Living Donors
15.5 Outcomes After LDT
15.6 Problems with LDT
15.7 HLA-Incompatible Transplantation
15.8 Blood Group Incompatible Transplantation
15.9 Alternatives to Antibody-Incompatible Transplantation
15.10 Future Directions in Living Donor Transplantation
15.11 Conclusion
Chapter 16. Machine Perfusion of Kidneys Donated After Circulatory Death: The Carrel and Lindbergh Legacy
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Concept of Machine Perfusion
16.3 Machine Perfusion Introduced in the Clinics
16.4 Machine Perfusion Disappears to the Background
16.5 Machine Preservation Revival
16.6 What is the Evidence?
16.7 Machine Perfusion in the Twenty-First Century—Active Organ Repair During Machine Perfusion
16.8 Conclusions
Chapter 17. Renal Regeneration: The Bioengineering Approach
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Overview of Organ Bioengineering
17.3 Kidney ECM
17.4 ECM in Renal Bioengineering: Bioartificial Scaffolds
17.5 ECM in Renal Bioengineering: Native ECM
17.6 Organ Bioengineering and Regeneration Technology: Moving Forward
17.7 Conclusion
Chapter 18. Renal Regeneration: The Stem Cell Biology Approach
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Acute Kidney Failure
18.3 Stem Cells and AKF
18.4 Chronic Renal Diseases
18.5 Stem Cells and CKD
18.6 Conclusion
Chapter 19. Renal Regeneration: The Developmental Approach
19.1 Normal Kidney Development
19.2 Modeling Developmental Programs Using Organ Culture
19.3 Modeling Renal Morphogenesis with Modified Organ Cultures
19.4 Tissue Engineering
19.5 Ex Vivo/In Vivo Approaches
19.6 Cell-Based Approaches
19.7 Conclusion
Part III: Liver
Chapter 20. Current Status of Liver Transplantation
20.1 Historical Note
20.2 The Status in 1983
20.3 The Status 30 Years Later…
20.4 Indications for LT in the Twenty-First Century
Chapter 21. Living-Related Liver Transplantation: Progress, Pitfalls, and Promise
21.1 Historical Note
21.2 Actual Status: Eastern Versus Western Experiences
21.3 Controversial Issues
21.4 Technical Challenges and Controversies
21.5 Recipient Morbidity and Mortality
21.6 Donor Morbidity and Mortality
21.7 Conclusion
Chapter 22. Donation After Cardiac Death in Liver Transplantation
22.1 Introduction
22.2 Classification of DCD
22.3 DCD Liver Transplantation: The Past, a Historical Perspective
22.4 DCD Liver Transplantation: The Present
22.5 Conclusions
Chapter 23. Artificial Liver Support
23.1 Introduction
23.2 Liver Support Techniques
23.3 Future Perspectives and Conclusions
Chapter 24. Liver Regeneration: The Bioengineering Approach
24.1 Introduction
24.2 Development of BAL Devices
24.3 Engineering Perspective on Hepatocyte Transplantation
24.4 Hepatic Tissue Engineering
24.5 Whole Liver Tissue Engineering
24.6 Conclusion
Chapter 25. Liver Regeneration: The Developmental Biology Approach
25.1 Introduction
25.2 Historical Perspectives
25.3 Experimental Models of Liver Regeneration
25.4 General Principles of Liver Regeneration
25.5 Molecular Regulation of Liver Regeneration
25.6 Clinical Implications
25.7 Summary and Areas of Future Investigation
25.8 Acknowledgments
Chapter 26. Liver Regeneration: The Stem Cell Approach
26.1 Liver Structure and Function
26.2 Animal Models of Liver Regeneration
26.3 Regeneration of Liver Cell Subpopulations
26.4 Extrahepatic Liver Cell Progenitors
26.5 Isolation and Identification of Extra-HPCs
26.6 Transplantable Cells that Repopulate the Liver—Potential for Cell Therapy
26.7 Conclusion and Future Directions
Chapter 27. Liver Regeneration and Bioengineering: The Role of Liver Extra-Cellular Matrix and Human Stem/Progenitor Cells
27.1 Liver Development and the Stem Cell Niche
27.2 The Liver ECM
27.3 The Liver Stem Cells and Matrix Mechanobiology
27.4 Cellular Therapies for Liver Disease
27.5 Augmentation of Cell Therapies by Natural ECM
27.6 Bioengineering of Livers Using Liver ECM as a Scaffold
Part IV: Heart
Chapter 28. Current Status of Heart Transplantation
28.1 The Heart Failure Syndrome
28.2 Cardiac Transplantation: Historical Achievement
28.3 Heart Transplant Evaluation
28.4 Listing Status
28.5 The Ideal Donor Heart
28.6 Perioperative Management
28.7 Immunosuppression Strategies and Rejection Surveillance
28.8 Maintenance Immunosuppression
28.9 Rejection Surveillance
28.10 Transplantation Outcomes
28.11 Mechanical Horizon: VADs as a Bridge to Transplant
28.12 Future Directions in Cardiac Transplantation
28.13 Conclusion
Chapter 29. Artificial Heart Support
29.1 Introduction
29.2 Definition
29.3 History of Research on VADs and TAH
29.4 Indications for MCS
29.5 Types of MCS Systems
29.6 Patient Selection and Timing of Implant
29.7 Surgical Procedure for Implantable VADs and Postoperative Management
29.8 Long-Term Outcome of Implantable VADs
29.9 Future Perspectives
Chapter 30. Heart Regeneration: The Bioengineering Approach
30.1 Introduction
30.2 Acellular Approaches
30.3 Cell-Based Approaches: Non-injectable Materials
30.4 Injectable Materials
30.5 Hydrogel Scaffolds with Controlled Mechanical Properties
30.6 Donor-to-Host Integration
30.7 Future Considerations
Chapter 31. Heart Regeneration: The Developmental and Stem Cell Biology Approach
31.1 Introduction
31.2 Cardiac Developmental Biology
31.3 Innate Cardiac Regeneration
31.4 Clinical Strategies to Augment Cardiac Regeneration
31.5 Conclusions
Part V: Small Bowel
Chapter 32. Current Status of Intestinal Transplantation
32.1 Introduction
32.2 Diagnoses and Indications for Intestinal Transplant
32.3 Intestinal Rehabilitation
32.4 Types of Intestinal Grafts
32.5 Surgical Procedure
32.6 Immunosuppression
32.7 Monitoring of the Graft
32.8 Complications
32.9 Results
32.10 Conclusions
Chapter 33. Living Related Small Bowel Transplantation: Progress, Pitfalls, and Promise
33.1 Donor
33.2 Recipient
33.3 Current Status of Intestine Transplantation
33.4 Regenerative Medicine in Organ Transplantation
Chapter 34. Intestinal Regeneration: The Bioengineering Approach
34.1 Introduction to the Enteric Nervous System
34.2 Disorders of the ENS and Current Therapeutic Paradigms
34.3 Tissue Engineering of the Intestinal Neuromusculature
34.4 Sources of Smooth Muscle and Neuronal Stem and Progenitor Cells
34.5 A Summary of Delivery Strategies for NSCs in the GI Tract
34.6 Smooth Muscle Intestinal Tissue Engineering
34.7 Future Perspectives
Chapter 35. Intestinal Regeneration: The Developmental Biology Approach
35.1 The Molecular Basis of Organogenesis
35.2 Embryological Organogenesis
35.3 Regenerative Organogenesis
35.4 Alternative Animal Models
35.5 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 36. Intestinal Regeneration: The Stem Cell Approach
36.1 Introduction
36.2 Tissue Engineering of the Intestinal Tract
36.3 Transition to an In Vivo Model
36.4 Engineered Intestine Is Distinct from Healing, Tissue Transfer, and Monolayer Cell Culture
36.5 Organoid Unit Approach Facilitates Engineering of the Gastrointestinal Tract
36.6 Nutrient Supply to the Neoorgan
36.7 Cell Signaling
36.8 Defining the Progenitor Cells of the Intestine
36.9 The Stem Cell Niche
36.10 Intestine Regeneration Using Stem Cells: TESI
Chapter 37. Building Blocks for Engineering the Small Intestine
37.1 Recent Advances in Intestinal Tissue Engineering
37.2 Current Understanding of ISC Biology
37.3 Advances in In Vitro Expansion of Intestinal Epithelium
37.4 Concluding Remarks
Part VI: Endocrine Pancreas and Islets of Langerhans
Chapter 38. Current Status of Pancreas Transplantation
38.1 Importance of Glycemic Control
38.2 Hypercoagulable State in T1D/ESRD
38.3 Pancreas Transplant, Technical Aspects
38.4 Immunosuppression in PT
38.5 PT: Patient, Pancreas, and Kidney Transplant Survival
38.6 PT: Impact on Diabetes-Related Complications
38.7 T1D Recurrence after PT
38.8 Challenges and Future Perspectives in PT
Chapter 39. Living-Donor Pancreas Transplantation: Progress, Pitfalls, and Promise
39.1 Introduction
39.2 Rationale for Pancreas Transplants
39.3 Rationale for LD Pancreas Transplants
39.4 The Donor
39.5 The Recipient
39.6 The Identical-Twin Experience
Author Contributions
Chapter 40. Current Status of Islet Transplantation
40.1 Introduction
40.2 The Burden of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
40.3 Pathophysiology of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
40.4 Standard Management of Patients with Type 1 Diabetes
40.5 Indications to Islet Transplantation
40.6 The Origins of Islet Transplantation
40.7 Clinical Outcomes of Islet Transplantation
40.8 Immunosuppressive Regimens for Islet Transplantation
40.9 Future Developments
40.10 Conclusion
Chapter 41. Pancreatic Islets Regeneration: The Bioengineering Approach
41.1 Introduction
41.2 Islet Encapsulation
41.3 The Importance of the Pancreatic Extracellular Matrix
41.4 Decellularization–Recellularization Technology
41.5 Whole-Organ Pancreas Bioengineering
41.6 Future Challenges
Chapter 42. Pancreatic Islet Regeneration: The Developmental and Stem Cell Biology Approach
42.1 Introduction
42.2 Embryonic Development of Pancreas and Islets
42.3 Recapitulating Development: Strategies for β-Cell Differentiation
42.4 Stem Cells and Progenitors for the β-Cell Phenotype
42.5 miRNA and siRNA in Differentiation
42.6 Challenges and Perspectives
Chapter 43. Microencapsulation Technology
43.1 Introduction
43.2 Islet Isolation
43.3 Alginate-Based Microencapsulation of Islets
43.4 Potential Role of ECM-Based Technology in the Development of the BAP
43.5 Conclusions
Chapter 44. Autologous Islets Transplantation
44.1 Introduction
44.2 Background
44.3 Patient Selection and Surgical Considerations
44.4 Islet Isolation and Intraportal Infusion
44.5 Sites for Islet Engraftment
44.6 IAT Results
44.7 Complications of TP-IAT
44.8 Unsuccessful IAT: Salvage by Allogeneic Pancreas Transplantation
44.9 What Do the Results of IAT Mean for Allogeneic Islet Transplantation?
44.10 Summary
Part VII: Lung
Chapter 45. Current Status of Lung Transplantation
45.1 Introduction
45.2 History of LTx
45.3 Current Activities Worldwide
45.4 Indications
45.5 Recipient Selection
45.6 Timing of Listing and Organ Allocation
45.7 Transplant Procedure
45.8 Donor Types, Selection, and Management
45.9 Lung Preservation Techniques
45.10 Results
45.11 Complications and Morbidities
45.12 Experience with LTx at the University Hospitals Leuven
45.13 Conclusions and Future Directions
Chapter 46. Living Related Lung Transplantation: Progress, Pitfalls, and Promise
46.1 History and Concept
46.2 Patient Selection
46.3 Donor Selection
46.4 Size Matching
46.5 Surgical Technique
46.6 LDLLT Using Oversized Graft
46.7 LDLLT Using Undersized Graft
46.8 Postoperative Management
46.9 Outcome of Living Donors
46.10 Outcome of LDLLT Recipient
46.11 LDLLT for IP
46.12 LDLLT for Bronchiolitis Obliterans
46.13 LDLLT for PH
46.14 Comparison with CLT
Chapter 47. Artificial Lung Support
47.1 Introduction
47.2 Indications and Contraindications for ECLS
47.3 New Technology
47.4 Modes of ECLS—Configuration of Device
47.5 Clinical Management
47.6 Conclusions and Future of ECLS
Chapter 48. Lung Regeneration: The Bioengineering Approach
48.1 Introduction
48.2 Scaffolds for Lung Engineering
48.3 Potential Cell Sources for Lung Engineering
48.4 Engineering of Lung Tissue
48.5 Conclusions
Chapter 49. Lung Regeneration: The Developmental Biology Approach
49.1 Introduction
49.2 Overview of Lung Development
49.3 Cell Signaling in Lung Development
49.4 Endogenous Airway Homeostasis
49.5 Airway Regeneration Following Injury
49.6 Cell Signaling in the Adult Airway Epithelium
49.7 Generation of Airway Cells from Pluripotent Cells Using a Developmental Approach
49.8 Airway Tissue Engineering
Chapter 50. Lung Regeneration: The Stem Cell Approach
50.1 Lung Stem/Progenitor Cells and Differentiated Cells
50.2 Lung Differentiation From Embryonic Stem Cells and iPSCs
50.3 Lung Regeneration
Part VIII: Composite Tissues Allotransplantation
Chapter 51. Current Status of CTA
51.1 Introduction
51.2 Indications and Outcomes
51.3 Immunosuppressive Treatment
51.4 Acute and Chronic Rejections
51.5 Upper Extremity Allotransplantation
51.6 Face Transplantation
51.7 Larynx and Tracheal Transplantations
51.8 Abdominal Wall
51.9 Lower Extremity Transplantation
51.10 Penis Transplantation
51.11 Uterus Transplantation
51.12 Tongue Transplantation
51.13 Conclusions
Chapter 52. Bioengineering of the Lower Urinary Tract
52.1 Bladder Regeneration
52.2 Emerging Rules for Inducing Organ Regeneration
52.3 Ureteral Regeneration
52.4 Urethral Regeneration
52.5 Conclusion
Chapter 53. Upper Airways Regeneration and Bioengineering
53.1 The Upper Respiratory Tract
53.2 Airway Pathologies: The Clinical Need
53.3 Airway Reconstruction: A Challenging Surgical Issue
53.4 Airway Tissue Engineering: A Possible Functional Solution
53.5 Conclusions
Chapter 54. Skin Regeneration and Bioengineering
54.1 Introduction
54.2 Important Technologies
54.3 Future
54.4 Conclusions
Chapter 55. The Use of Skin Substitutes in the Treatment of Burns
55.1 Introduction
55.2 Aim and Method
55.3 Treatment of Burns
55.4 Economic Issues
55.5 Challenges and Future Directions
Chapter 56. Bone Regeneration and Bioengineering
56.1 Bone Engineering in the Last 20 Years
56.2 New Regenerative Medicine Approach to Bone Repair
56.3 The Paradigm Shift: Biomimetic Stimulation of Endogenous Bone Repair and Regeneration
56.4 Learning Nature’s Lesson: Providing Insight into Bone Regeneration
56.5 Biofunctionalizing the Scaffold for Endogenous Bone Repair
56.6 Single versus Multiple Growth Factor Delivery: Providing the Right Signals
Chapter 57. Nerve Regeneration and Bioengineering
57.1 Introduction
57.2 Current Treatment Options and Their Limitations
57.3 Tissue Engineering Strategies
57.4 Conclusion and Future Prospects
Chapter 58. Vessel Regeneration and Bioengineering
58.1 Introduction
58.2 Materials
58.3 Cell Types
58.4 Cell Seeding Technique
58.5 Mechanism of Neotissue Formation in TEVGs
58.6 Clinical Application of TEVGs in Congenital Heart Disease
58.7 Perspectives for the Future
Chapter 59. Corneal Bioengineering
59.1 Stratified Epithelia
59.2 Identification of Human Squamous Epithelial Stem Cells: the Holoclone-Forming Cell
59.3 Structure and Function of Corneal Epithelium
59.4 The Limbal Epithelial Stem Cells
59.5 Culture Method of Limbal Stem Cell for Graftable Epithelium
59.6 Learning Stem Cell Biology from Clinics
59.7 Alternative Methods of Autologous Graft Cultivation on Different Substrates
59.8 Alternative Stem Cell Sources
59.9 GMP and Implications for Regulation
59.10 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 60. Esophagus Bioengineering
60.1 Introduction
60.2 Regenerative Medicine
60.3 Future Perspectives
60.4 Conclusion
Part IX: Immunosuppression-free Transplantation in the Regenerative Medicine Era
Chapter 61. Stem Cell-Based Approach to Immunomodulation
61.1 Immunomodulation
61.2 Hematopoietic Stem Cells
61.3 Mesenchymal Stromal Cells
61.4 Clinical Application of MSCs in Transplantation
61.5 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 62. Immunosuppression-Free Renal Transplantation
62.1 Graft Tolerance: Immunological Background and Definition
62.2 Lessons Learned from Immunology
62.3 Ethical Considerations and Concerns Regarding Transplantation Tolerance-Inducing Regimens
62.4 Clinical Transplantation Tolerance Induction
62.5 Clinical Tolerance Strategies Based on T-Cell Depletion
62.6 Clinical Tolerance Strategies Based on Regulatory Mechanisms
62.7 Immunosuppressive Drugs in the Context of Clinical Organ Tolerance Induction
62.8 Chemokine Receptor-Mediated Trafficking of Tregs
62.9 Obstacles and Perspectives in COT
Chapter 63. Immunosuppression-Free Liver Transplantation
63.1 Introduction
63.1 Definition of Transplantation Tolerance
Chapter 64. Biomarkers of Operational Tolerance in Liver Transplantation
64.1 Introduction
64.2 Potential Biomarkers of Operational Tolerance in LTx
64.3 Novel Biomarkers
64.4 Biomarkers of Fibrosis
64.5 Conclusions
Chapter 65. Biomarkers of Tolerance in Renal Transplantation
65.1 Introduction
65.2 Biomarkers of Chronic Rejection
65.3 Biomarkers of Transplantation Tolerance
Chapter 66. Immunocloaking
66.1 The Immune Response to a Vascularized Allograft
66.2 Potential of Modulating the Immunogenicity of Vascularized Allografts: Concept of Immunocloaking
66.3 Initial Immunocloaking Studies
Chapter 67. The Need for Immune Modulation Despite Regenerative Medicine
67.1 Introduction
67.2 Definitions and Historical Notes
67.3 The Immune Mechanisms That Sustain Self-Tolerance: Central and Peripheral Tolerance
67.4 Strategies to Promote Tolerance Applicable to Regenerative Medicine
67.5 Conclusions
Chapter 68. Stem Cells Approach to I/R Injury
68.1 Candidate Stem Cells for Regenerative Medicine
68.2 Functions of MSCs
68.3 Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury Framework
68.4 Prevention of Solid Organ I/R Injury with MSCs
68.5 Conclusions
Competing Interests
Chapter 69. Xenotransplantation: Past, Present, and Future
69 Xenotransplantation
Chapter 70. Regenerative Medicine as an Industry
70.1 Introduction
70.2 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
70.3 The Market of TE, Mechanisms and Perspectives
70.4 A Cultural Dichotomy Between Biomaterials and Cells: Where to Place the Bet?
70.5 Conclusion
Chapter 71. Ethics in Regenerative Medicine and Transplantation
71.1 Introduction
71.2 Blazing the Trail
71.3 Trail Markers
71.4 Making (and Breaking) the Bank
71.5 Summary: Beyond the Trail’s End
Chapter 72. Epilogue: Organ Bioengineering and Regeneration as The New Holy Grail of Organ Transplantation
72.1 Introduction
72.2 Organ Transplantation as a Halfway Technology
72.3 Why Pursuing an IFS?
72.4 Principles of OBR
72.5 OBR as the New Holy Grail for Transplantation