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This book is intended to help practitioners understand the causes and effects of disordered breathing and to provide strategies and protocols to help restore normal function. Fu… Read more
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This book is intended to help practitioners understand the causes and effects of disordered breathing and to provide strategies and protocols to help restore normal function. Fully updated throughout, this volume has been completely revised to guide the practitioner in the recognition of breathing pattern disorders and presents the latest research findings relating to the condition including a range of completely new techniques – many from an international perspective - to help restore and maintain normal functionality. Video clips on an associated website presents practical examples of the breathing techniques discussed in the book.
"This is not a perfect all-encompassing textbook.That was not its purpose. As a catalyst for stimulating further exploration and for use as a reference in clinical work of wide-ranging paradigms it succeeds admirably." Reviewed by: David Propert, British School of Osteopathy, UK, International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine Date: Aug 2014
Physiotherapists, manual therapists, physical therapists, osteopaths, osteopathic physicians and chiropractors, massage therapists, structural integration practitioners, Pilates and yoga teachers & therapists, Tai chi and Feldenkrais practitioners, athletic coaches and voice-coaches.
1. What are Breathing Pattern Disorders? - Leon Chaitow, Dinah Bradley, Chris Gilbert
2.1 Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization - Developmental Kinesiology: breathing stereotypes and postural-locomotion function - Pavel Kolar, Alena Kobesova, Petra Valouchova, Petr Bitnar
2.2. The structure and function of breathing - Leon Chaitow, Dinah Bradley, Chris Gilbert
2.3. Nasal influences on breathing - Jim Bartley
3. Patterns of breathing dysfunction in hyperventilation and breathing pattern disorders - Dinah Bradley
4. Biochemical aspects of breathing - Chris Gilbert (notes on food sensitivities and nutrition: Leon Chaitow)
5. Interaction of psychological and emotional variables with breathing dysfunction - Chris Gilbert
6.1. Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization: Assessment methods - Pavel Kolar, Alena Kobesova, Petra Valouchova, Petr Bitnar
6.2. Osteopathic assessment of structural changes related to BPD - Leon Chaitow
6.3. Physiotherapy Assessment Approaches - Dinah Bradley
6.4 Psychological assessment of breathing problems - Chris Gilbert
6.5 Questionnaires and Manual Methods for Assessing Breathing Dysfunction - Rosalba Courtney, Jan van Dixhoorn
6.6 Capnography Assessment - Laurie McLaughlin
7.1a Indirect approaches to breathing regulation - Jan van Dixhoorn
7.1b Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization: Treatment methods - Pavel Kolar, Alena Kobesova, Petra Valouchova, Petr Bitnar
7.2 Osteopathic treatment of thoracic and respiratory dysfunction - Leon Chaitow
7.3 Physiotherapy in rehabilitation of breathing pattern disorders - Dinah Bradley 7.4 Physiotherapy in rehabilitation of breathing pattern disorders - Chris Gilbert7.5 Speech and singing - Eva au Zveglic
7.6 Breathing Pattern Disorders and the Athlete - Tania Clifton Smith
7.7 Capnography in treatment of BPD - Laurie McLaughlin
8.1 Breathing patterns in longstanding pain disorders: A somatocognitive approach to evaluation and therapy - G. Haugstad, T. Haugstad
8.2 Buteyko breathing method - Rosalba Courtney
8.3 Feldenkrais® and Breathing - John C. Hannon
8.4 Pilates in the rehabilitation of breathing disorders - Warrick McNeill, Suzanne Scott
8.5 Tai chi Qigong and breathing - Aileen Chan
8.6 A review of the use of yoga in breathing disorders - Shirley Telles, Nilkamal Singh
9 Self-help approaches - Leon Chaitow, Dinah Bradley, Chris Gilbert
Manipulation: Theory and Practice; Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Practitioner’s Guide to Treatment, and many more. He is editor of the peer reviewed Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, that offers a multidisciplinary perspective on physical methods of patient care. Leon Chaitow was for many years senior lecturer on the Therapeutic Bodywork degree courses which he helped to design at the School of Integrated Health, University of Westminster, London, where is he now an Honorary Fellow. He continues to teach and practice part-time in London, when not in Corfu, Greece where he focuses on his writing.