List of Authors
1. New Results in Recent Crustal Movement Studies at Local or Regional Scale
Geodetic Control of Neotectonics in Venezuela
The Geodynamic Polygon of Santiago de Cuba: A Scientific and Socio-Economic Perspective (Abstr.)
Releveling Evidence for Crustal Deformation in the United States (Abstr.)
Recomputation of Vertical Crustal Motions Near Palmdale, California, 1959-1975
Multiwavelength EDM Measurements in Southern California (Abstr.)
Strain Accumulation Along the San Andreas Fault System East of San Francisco Bay, California
Finite Element Analysis of Strain Patterns from Geodetic Observations Across a Plate Margin
Tectonic Motions and Systematic Errors in Leveling and Trilateration Data for California
Recent Crustal Movement Determined from Repeat Surveying — Results from Southeastern and Southwestern Australia (Abstr.)
Crustal Movement from Satellite Observations in the Australian Region
Horizontal Deformations on the Border of the Bohemian Massif as Determined by Repeated EDM Measurements (Abstr.)
Land Uplift and its Implications on the Geoid in Fennoscandia
Vertical Crustal Movements in the Kuril Islands from Geologic-Geomorphological and Tidal Data
A Precise Geodetic Survey in Japan (Abstr.)
Recent and Present-Day Subduction and Collision Along the Northern Tip of the Philippine Sea Plate (Abstr.)
Horizontal Crustal Movements in the Kanto-Tokai District, Japan, as Deduced from Geodetic Data
Crustal Movement in the Tokai District, Japan
Anomalous Crustal Uplift in the Northeastern Part of the Izu Peninsula, Central Honshu, Japan
2. Crustal Deformations Associated with Volcanism
A Model for the 1975-1976 Tolbachik Eruption, Kamchatka, as Deduced from Geodetic Data (Abstr.)
Ground Deformations Associated with the 1977-1978 Eruption of Usu Volcano, Japan (Abstr.)
3. Crustal Deformations Associated with Seismic Activity
Recent Crustal Movements and Seismicity in the Western Coastal Region of Peninsular India (Abstr.)
Observability of Crustal Deformations due to a Foreslip on a Hypothesized Earthquake Fault (Abstr.)
Vertical Movements in Connection with Earthquakes in Finland (Abstr.)
Gravity Variation Before and After the Tangshan Earthquake (Abstr.)
Local Gravity Variations Before and After the Tangshan Earthquake (M = 7.8) and the Dilatation Process
On the Results of Geodetic Observations of Seismic Effects (Abstr.)
Strain Effects Near Palmdale Associated with the San Fernando Earthquake (1971) (Abstr.)
Research on the Vertical Movements of the Crust Associated with Earthquake Swarms in Japan
Secular and Earthquake-Related Vertical Crustal Movements in Japan as Deduced from Tidal Records (1951-1981)
Study on Coseismic and Postseismic Crustal Movements Associated with the 1923 Kanto Earthquake
Crustal Strain, Crustal Stress and Microearthquake Activity in the Northeastern Japan Arc
Abnormal Ground Strain Changes Observed at Erimo Before and After the 1973 Earthquake Off the Nemuro Peninsula
Anomalous Crustal Uplift and Crustal Structure in the Matsushiro and the Izu Peninsula Earthquake Swarm
4. Error Analysis; Computations; Methods of Measurements
Determination of Vertical Recent Crustal Movements by Levelling and Gravity Data
Application of Least-Squares Collocation to Gravity and Height Variations Associated with a Recent Rifting Process
Dynamic Adjustment of Repeatedly Observed Levelling Networks Used in Crustal Vertical Deformation Monitoring
Quasi-Stable Adjustment of Monitoring Networks (Abstr.)
Error Analysis and Adjustment Synthesis of the Two Main Strategies in Vertical Geokinetic Networks Data Processing (Abstr.)
An Attempt to Determine Areas with Homogeneous Vertical Soil Movement (Abstr.)
On the Strain Analysis of Tectonic Movements Using Fault Crossing Geodetic Surveys
The Estimate of the Stress Tensor on the Earth's Surface (Abstr.)
Determining the Cause of Crustal Deformation from Observations of Crustal Tilt and Extensions
On the Cause of Long-Period Crustal Movement
Vertical Geodesy without Slope Dependent Errors — A Proposed Hydrostatic Pressure Level Using Water at 4°C
Systematic Errors of Levelling in Mountains (Abstr.)