Fluide: an operating environment for extensible multiprocessors, J Skubich et al. Mapping an algebraic specification onto a modula-2-program, W Ditt. Perspectives of automatic real-time program synthesis, Z Banaszak. A knowledge-presentation for diagnosis of dynamical systems, N Kumagai et al. A framework for fault tolerant design using abstract data types, M B Kelly. Digital signal processors, H Halling. A paradigm for the development of distributed systems, G M Bull et al. Development of real-time systems: specifying functional and parallel behaviour formally, M Goedicke. Rtunix - one step towards real-time unix, T Tempelmeier. Problems of real-time scheduling, D J Leigh. Formal specification of a real-time multiprogramming kernel, J Gorski. Artex - a real-time executive for distributed process control, O Pettersen. Formal specification of real-time software systems: an industrial example, J A de la Puente et al.