(partial) The computer - a tool for statistical process control, A M Fischer. A description of an on-line statistical quality control package, J R Rushing. Implementing on-line statistical quality control techniques, R C Conroy & G Coleman. Software requirements for statistical quality control, D L Ulery. Software architecture of large distributed process control systems, M Horvai et al. A link between data abstraction and concurrency, G M Bull & R J Mitchell. Integration of textual and graphic languages for real-time programming, D R Benedick. Graphical programming languages for programmable controllers, J H Christensen. A work station for the computer assisted design of real-time control systems, R Hurteau & R M De Santis. A hierarchical graphics interface for control systems programming, M Buchner. How control languages should be designed with an integrated example design, E H Bristol. A programming language for batch process control, R H Caro. Software for data acquisition and control, K H Clement & L Hallager.