Pattern Recognition and Image Processing: B. Javidi, P. Refregier, J. Wang, and P. Willett,<$> Pattern Recognition with Spatially Disjoint Target and Scene Noise. B.V.K.V. Kumar,<$> Optical Pattern Recognition. O. Gualdron and H.H. Arsenault,<$> Improved Invariant Pattern Recognition Methods. B. Javidi, Nonlinear Joint Transform Correlators. H. Stark and M.I. Sezan<$>, Image Processing Using Projection Methods. Neural Networks:<$> D. Casasent,<$> Optical Associative Processing. H.J. Caulfield and J. Shamir,<$> Fixed Hologram Neural Networks. Y. Owechko and B.H. Soffer,<$> Holographic Neural Networks Based on Multi-Grating Processes. Systems, Hardware and Applications:<$> J.N. Lee,<$> Materials for Spatial Light Modulators. B.E.A. Saleh,<$> Quantum Noise in Optical Processing. K.T. Stalker, F.M. Dickey, B.A. Kast, and M.L. Yee,<$> Acousto-Optic Correlator for Optical Pattern Recognition. P. Yeh and A. Chiou,<$> Optical Phase Conjugation for Interconnection and Image Processing. Index.