Readings in Groupware and Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
Assisting Human-Human Collaboration
- 1st Edition - December 1, 1992
- Editor: Ronald M. Baecker
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 5 5 8 6 0 - 2 4 1 - 0
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 5 1 5 7 7 - 9
This comprehensive introduction to the field represents the best of the published literature on groupware and computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW). The papers were chosen fo… Read more

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Request a sales quoteThis comprehensive introduction to the field represents the best of the published literature on groupware and computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW). The papers were chosen for their breadth of coverage of the field, their clarity of expression and presentation, their excellence in terms of technical innovation or behavioral insight, their historical significance, and their utility as sources for further reading. Taken as a whole, the papers and their introductions are a complete sourcebook to the field.
This book will be useful for computer professionals involved in the development or purchase of groupware technology as well as for researchers and managers. It should also serve as a valuable text for university courses on CSCW, groupware, and human-computer interaction.
Ronald M. Baecker
- Preface
Part I. Introduction 1
- Chapter 1. Introduction to Computer-Supported Cooperative work
- Groupware: Some Issues and Experiences Clarence A. Ellis, Simon J. Gibbs, and Gail L. Rein
Computer Supported Co-operative Work: Cases and Concepts Mike Robinson
CSCW: Four Characters in Search of a Context Liam J. Bannon and Kjeld Schmidt
Being There: The Promise of Multimedia Communications David Brittan
Chapter 2. The Adoption, Deployment, and Use of Groupware
- Groupware in Practice: An Interpretation of Work Experiences Christine V. Bullen and John L. Bennett
Building the Business Case for Group Support Technology Brad Quinn Post
Groupware and Cooperative Work: Problems and Prospects Jonathan Grudin
Part II. Behavioral Foundations and Enabling Technologies
- Chapter 3. Human Behavior in Groups and Organizations
- Groups and Human Behavior (Excerpt) Joseph E. McGrath
Time, Interaction, and Performance (TIP): A Theory of Groups Joseph E. McGrath
How to Run a Meeting Antony Jay
The Group Facilitator: A CSCW Perspective Stephen Viller
Visual Communication and Social Interaction John Short, Ederyn Williams, and Bruce Christie
A Typology of Tasks (Excerpt) Joseph E. McGrath
Communication Modes and Task Performance John Short, Ederyn Williams, and Bruce Christie
A Typology of Organizational Structure Henry Mintzberg
Chapter 4. Groupware Design and Evaluation Methodologies
- Designing for Cooperation-Cooperating in Design Morten Kyng
Methods for the Study of Groups (Excerpt) Joseph E. McGrath
Understanding Practice: Video as a Medium for Reflection and Design Lucy A. Suchman and Randall H. Trigg
Ethnographic Workflow Analysis: Specifications for Design Danielle Fafchamps
Grounding in Communication Herbert H. Clark and Susan E. Brennan
Chapter 5. Case Studies of Cooperative Work
- How People Write Together Ilona R. Posner and Ronald M. Baecker
Findings from Observational Studies of Collaborative Work John C. Tang
Twinkling Lights and Nested Loops: Distributed Problem Solving and Spreadsheet Development Bonnie A. Nardi and James R. Miller
Analyzing Distributed Cognition in Software Teams: A Case Study of Team Programming During Perfective Software Maintenance Nick V. Flor and Edwin L. Hutchins
Informal Communication in Organizations: Form, Ffunction, and Technology Robert E. Kraut, Robert S. Fish, Robert W. Root, and Barbara L. Chalfonte
Cooperative Support for Computer Work: A Social Perspective on the Empowering of End Users Andrew Clement
Chapter 6. Enabling Technologies and Theories
- Networks Vinton G. Cerf
Advances in Interactive Digital Multimedia Systems Edward A. Fox
Sound Support for Collaboration William W. Gaver
Hypertext: An Introduction and Survey (Excerpts) Jeff Conklin
What is Coordination Theory and How Can It Help Design Cooperative Work Systems Thomas W. Malone and Kevin Crowston
CSCW and Distributed Systems: The Problem of Control Tom Rodden and Gordon Blair
Part III Asynchronous Groupware
- Chapter 7. Electronic Mail and Computer Conferencing
- A Lesson in Electronic Mail Robert F. Sproull
Computer-mediated Communication Requirements for Group Support (Excerpts) Murray Turoff
Increasing Personal Connections Lee S. Sproull and Sara Kiesler
Electronic Groups at Work Thomas Finholt and Lee S. Sproull
Work Group Structures and Computer Support: A Field Experiment J. D. Eveland and Tora K. Bikson
Chapter 8. Structured Messages, Agents and Workflows
- The Information Lens: An Intelligent System for Information Sharing and Coordination Thomas W. Malone, Kenneth R. Grant, Kum-Yew Lai, Ramana Rao, and David A. Rosenblitt
Object Lens: A "Spreadsheet" for Cooperative Work Kum-Yew Lai, Thomas W. Malone, and Keh-Chiang Yu
Power, Ease of Use and Cooperative Work in a Practical Multimedia Message System Nathaniel S. Borenstein and Chris A. Thyberg
Active Mail: A Framework for Integrated Groupware Applications Yaron Goldberg, Marilyn Safran, William Silverman, and Ehud Shapiro
Computer Systems and the Design of Organizational Interaction Fernando Flores, Michael Graves, Brad Hartfield, and Terry Winogra
Electronic Group Calendaring: Experiences and Expectations Beth M. Lange
Chapter 9. Cooperative Hypertext and Organizational Memory
- Hypertext and Collaborative Work: The Example of Intermedia (Excerpts) George P. Landow
Higher Levels of Agency for Children in Knowledge Building: A Challenge for the Design of New Knowledge Media (Excerpts) Marlene Scardamalia and Carl Bereiter
Issues in the Design of Computer Support for Co-authoring and Commenting Christine M. Neuwirth, David S. Kauder, Ravinder Chandhok, and James H. Morris
Building an Electronic Community System Bruce R. Schatz
Capturing Organizational memory E. Jeffrey Conklin
Report on a Development Project Use of an Issue-Based Information System K. C. Burgess Yakemovic and E. Jeffrey Conklin
Part IV Synchronous Groupware
- Chapter 10. Desktop Conferencing
- WYSIWIS Revised: Early Experiences with Multiuser Interfaces Mark Stefik, Daniel G. Bobrow, Gregg Foster, Stan Lanning, and Deborah G. Tatar
Design for Conversation: Lessons from Cognoter Deborah G. Tatar, Gregg Foster, and Daniel G. Bobrow
Issues and Experiences Designing and Implementing Two Group Drawing Tools Saul Greenberg, Mark Roseman, Dave Webster, and Ralph Bohnet
Designing Group-enabled Applications: A Spreadsheet Example Irene Greif
Chapter 11. System and Language Support for Desktop Conferencing
- MMConf: An Infrastructure for Building Shared Multimedia Applications Terrence Crowley, Paul Milazzo, Ellie Baker, Harry Forsdick, and Raymond Tomlinson
Replicated Architectures for Shared Window Systems: A Critique J. Chris Lauwers, Thomas A. Joseph, Keith A. Lantz, and Allyn L. Romanow
Collaboration Awareness in Support of Collaboration Transparency: Requirements for the Next Generation of Shared Window Systems J. Chris Lauwers and Keith A. Lantz
Languages for the Construction of Multi-user Multi-Media Synchronous (MUMMS) Applications Ralph D. Hill
Primitives for Programming Multi-user Interfaces Prasun Dewan and Rajiv Choudhary
Chapter 12. Electronic Meeting and Decision Rooms
- Observation of Executives Using a Computer Supported Meeting Environment Marilyn M. Mantei
Liveboard: A Large Interactive Display Supporting Group Meetings, Presentations and Remote Collaboration Scott Elrod, Richard Bruce, Rich Gold, David Goldberg, Frank Halasz, William Janssen, David Lee, Kim McCall, Elin Pederson, Ken Pier, John Tang, and Brent Welch
Electronic Meeting Systems to Support Group Work Jay F. Nunamaker, Alan R. Dennis, Joseph S. Valacich, Douglas R. Vogel, and Joey F. George
Experiences at IBM with Group Support Systems: A Field Study Jay F. Nunamaker, Douglas R. Vogel, Alan Heminger, Ben Martz, Ron Grohowski, and Chris McGoff
The Impact of Technological Support on Groups: An Assessment of the Empirical Research Alain Pinsonneault and Kenneth L. Kraemer
Chapter 13. Media Spaces
- Videoplace (Excerpt) Myron Krueger
The Media Space: A Research Project into the Use of Video as a Design Medium (Excerpts) Steve Harrison and Scott Minneman
Experiences in an Exploratory Distributed Organization Mark J. Abel
Experiences in the Use of a Media Space Marilyn M. Mantei, Ronald M. Baecker, Abigail J. Sellen, William A. S. Buxton, Thomas Milligan, and Barry Wellman
Portholes: Supporting Awareness in a Distributed Work Group Paul Dourish and Sara Bly
Telepresence: Integrating Shared Task and Person Spaces William A. S. Buxton
Design of Team Workstation: A Realtime Shared Workspace Fusing Desktops and Computer Screens Hiroshi Ishii and Masaaki Ohkubo
ClearBoard: A Seamless Medium for Shard Drawing and Conversation with Eye Contact Hiroshi Ishii and Masaaki Ohkubo
Disembodies Conduct: Communication Through Video in a Multi-Media Office Environment Christian heath and Paul Luff
Beyond Being There Jim Hollan and Scott Stornetta
Part V. Summary and Conclusions
- Chapter 14. The Future of Groupware for CSCW
- No. of pages: 882
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: December 1, 1992
- Imprint: Morgan Kaufmann
- Paperback ISBN: 9781558602410
- eBook ISBN: 9780080515779