Readings in Clinical Psychology
- 1st Edition - January 1, 1966
- Editor: R. D. Savage
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 0 0 8 7 - 3
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 1 2 4 7 - 0
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 2 5 9 0 - 6
Readings in Clinical Psychology illustrates the development of reliable and valid measures of behavior, and the skillful, expert use of modern statistical techniques for the… Read more

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Request a sales quoteReadings in Clinical Psychology illustrates the development of reliable and valid measures of behavior, and the skillful, expert use of modern statistical techniques for the analysis of data. These readings stress the importance of experimental and academic psychology as the basis of clinical psychology, and the need for behavioral research. This book is organized into five parts encompassing 44 chapters, and begins with an introduction to the history and role of clinical psychology. The following parts are devoted to the measurement of individual differences, treatment techniques, psychometric and statistical considerations and, finally, diagnostic and research problems. The last parts include articles on children, neuroses, psychoses, brain damage, old age, animal behavior and drugs. This book will prove useful to psychologists, social scientists, medical practitioners, and post-graduate applied psychology students.
I. Introduction
1. Clinical Psychology
II. The Measurement of Individual Differences
2. Experimental Method in the Psychological Description of the Individual Psychiatric Patient
3. Construct Validity in Psychological Tests
A. Cognitive Functions
4. The Structure of Intellect
5. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—A Review of a Decade of Research
6. Research on the Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Adults, 1955-1960
7. Raven's Progressive Matrices—A Review and Critical Evaluation
B. Personality Characteristics
8. Rorschach Methods and Other Projective Technics
9. Statistical Methods Applied to Rorschach Scores—A Review
10. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
11. Validation and Intensification of the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire
12. The Maudsley Personality Inventory—A Review
III. Therapeutic Techniques
13. Some Issues Concerning the Control of Human Behavior
A. Psychotherapy and Behavior Therapy
14. General Principles of Psychotherapy
15. The Effects of Psychotherapy—An Evaluation
16. The Results of Psychotherapy with Children—An Evaluation
17. Psychotherapy as a Learning Process
18. Learning Theory and Behavior Therapy
19. The Aetiology and Treatment of Children's Phobias—A Review
IV. Psychometric and Statistical Techniques
20. Sampling in Psychological Research
21. Nonparametric Statistics for Psychological Research
22. The Analysis of Variance in Psychological Research
23. The Three Basic Factor-analytic Research Designs
24. The Differentiation of Clinical Groups Using Canonical Variates
25. Item Analysis in Relation to Educational and Psychological Testing
26. Statistics for the Investigation of Individual Cases
V. Diagnostic Problems and Research Techniques
A. Child Behavior
27. Developmental Studies in Perception
28. Learning Theory and Child Psychology
B. Neuroses
29. Neurosis and Experimental Psychology
30. Electrocerebral Activity, Extraversion and Neuroticism
31. Psychoneurotic Symptom Clusters, Trait Clusters and Psychological Tests
32. The Questionnaire Measurement of Emotionality
C. Psychoses
33. An Experimental Study of Schizophrenic Thought Disorder
34. Personal Construct Theory—A Summary and Experimental Paradigm
35. The Independence of Neurotic Depression and Endogenous Depression
D. Brain Damage
36. Validity of Some Psychological Tests of Brain Damage
37. Disorders in Visual Perception Following Cerebral Lesions
38. The Spiral After-effect as a Test of Brain Damage
39. The Modified Word Learning Test. The Validity of a Psychological Test of Brain Damage
E. Old Age
40. Psychological Investigations of Cognitive Deficit in Elderly Psychiatric Patients
41. A Paired-associate Learning Test for Use with Elderly Psychiatric Patients
F. Animal Behavior, Drugs and Clinical Psychology
42. The Definition and Measurement of Emotionality
43. A Comparative Approach to the Evaluation of Drug Effects Upon Affective Behavior
44. The Classification of Drugs According to Their Behavioral Effects
- No. of pages: 822
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: January 1, 1966
- Imprint: Pergamon
- Hardback ISBN: 9781483200873
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483212470
- eBook ISBN: 9781483225906
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