Catalysis from first principles (J.K. Norskov).
Complexities and dynamics of the enantioselective active site in heterogeneous catalysis (R. Raval, C.J. Baddeley, S. Haq, S. Louafi, P. Murray, C. Muryn, M. Ortega Lorenzo, J. Williams).
Intrinsic activities and pore diffusion effect in hydrocarbon cracking in steamed Y zeolite (H.H. Kung).
Internal reforming in solid oxide fuel cells (R.M. Ormerod).
Microchemical reactors for heterogeneously catalyzed reactions (D. Hönicke).
Transient Studies.
Novel frequency response techniques for the study of kinetics in heterogeneous catalysis (M. Cavers, J.M. Davidson, I.R. Harkness, G.S. McDougall, L.V.C. Rees).
Reactivity of novel metal substituted heteropolyacid catalysts using steady-state and transient response kinetics (H.T. Randall, P.L. Mills, K. Kourtakis).
Use of isotopic transient methods for mechanistic analysis of ethylene hydroformylation over 4 wt% Rh/SiO2 catalyst (S.S.C. Chuang, S.A. Hedrick, M.A. Brundage).
CO oxidation over a supported Pt catalyst: transient kinetics using temporal analysis of products (TAP) (A.H.J. Colaris, J.H.B. Hoebink, J.C. Schouten).
Transient kinetics of ethylene and carbon monoxide oxidation for automotive exhaust gas catalysis: experiments and modeling (J.M.A. Harmsen, J.H.B. Hoebink, J.C. Schouten).
Dynamics of NO adsorption and transformation over supported Pt catalysts for the treatment of lean burn engine emissions (G.E. Arena, A. Bianchini, G. Centi, F. Vazzana, P. Vitali).
Effect of catalyst deactivation on the dynamics of cyclic reactive processes (D.O. Borio, N.S. Schbib, J.E. Gatica).
Propyne hydrogenation over a silica-supported platinum catalyst studied under transient conditions (D.R. Kennedy, B. Cullen, D. Lennon, G. Webb, P.R. Dennison, S.D. Jackson).
A TAP reactor investigation of the oxidative dehydrogenation of propane over a V/MgO catalyst: experiment and modeling (Y. Schuurman, T. Décamp, J.C. Jalibert, C. Mirodatos).
Transient behavior of an industrial acetylene converter (N.S. Schbib, A.F. Errazu, J.A. Porras).
Modeling of alkane dehydrogenation under transient and steady state conditions over a chromia catalyst using isotopic labelling (S.D. Jackson, J. Grenfell, I.M. Matheson, G. Webb).
The development of a model capable of predicting diesel lean NOx catalyst performance under transient conditions (G.P. Ansell et al.).
Dynamics of Surfaces.
Monte Carlo and lattice-gas studies of the kinetics of hydrocarbon hydrogenation reactions (A.S. McLeod, L.F. Gladden).
Time distribution of adsorption energies, local monolayer capacities, local isotherms and energy distribution functions on catalytic surfaces (Ch. Abatzoglou, N.A. Katsanos, A. Kalantzopoulos, F. Roubani-Kalantzopoulou).
Molecular dynamical studies of the mobility of benzene and water on silica surfaces: correlation with the influence of surface chemistry and morphology (S.P. Rigby, L.F. Gladden).
Experimental study of reaction instability and oxcillatory behavior during CO oxidation over Pd supported on glass fiber catalysts (I.Yuranov, L. Kiwi-Minsker, V. Barelko, A. Renken).
Enhancement of selective conversion in spatially patterned reactors (A.S. Côté, W.N. Delgass, D.Ramkrishna).
Novel Reactors.
A novel laboratory reactor for gas-phase transient kinetics based on time-of-flight and quadrupole mass spectroscopy (H.T. Randall, P.L. Mills, J.S. McCracken).
Development of new photo-catalytic methods and reactors for waste water treatment (A. Starosud, A. Bhargava, C.H. Langford, A. Kantzas).
An integrated dehydrogenation-hydrogenation membrane reactor for the simultaneous production of styrene and cyclohexane (T.M. Moustafa, I. Ashour, S.S. Elnashaie).
A simple and flexible micro reactor for investigations of heterogeneous catalytic gas phase reactions (G. Veser, G. Friedrich, M. Freygang, R. Zengerle).
The use of a catalytic wall reactor for studying highly exothermic reactions (B. Amon, E. Klemm, G. Emig).
A novel reactor to activate chromium-catalysts (H. Schönfelder, M. Kämmerer, W. de Lange).
Kinetic Modeling.
Kinetics and reactor simulation for polyethoxylation and polyproproxylation reactions (E. Santacesaria, M. Di Serio, P. Iengo).
On the use of response reactions in the kinetic modeling of complex heterogeneous catalytic reactions (I. Fishtik, R. Datta).
Kinetic effects of chemical modifications of PMO12 catalysts for the selective oxidation of isobutane (M. Sultan, S. Paul, D. Vanhove).
Kinetic based deactivation modeling of an isothermal propane dehydrogenation reactor (E.H. Stitt, S.D. Jackson, F.King).
Development of kinetic models for reactions of light hydrocarbons over ZSM-5 catalysts. Experimental studies and kinetic modeling of ethene transformation and deactivation of HZSM-5 catalyst (D.B. Lukyanov).
Two-dimensional reactor modeling of the pure dehydrogenation of methanol to formaldehyde (S. Ruf, S. Schunk, G. Emig, Th. Weber, S. Braun, G. Brenner, F. Durst).
Kinetic modeling of enzymatic chiral resolution of (±)2-methyl butyric acid (R. García, M. Martínez, D. García, J. Aracil).
Regioselective synthesis of monoglycerides. Kinetic modeling (T.García, M. Martínez, D. García, J. Aracil).
Kinetic modeling of paraffins hydrocracking based upon elementary steps and the single event concept (G. Martens, G.F. Froment).
A comparative kinetic study of CH4 oxidation by NiO/Al2O3, Pt/Al2O3 and NiO-Pt/Al2O3 catalysts (T.-N. Angelidis, V. Tzitzios).
Catalysis in Processes.
Kinetic and mass-transfer effects in the hydrogenation of xylose to xylitol (J.-P. Mikkola, T. Salmi, R. Sjöholm).
Methylation of biphenyl over zeolite H-ZSM-5 in gas phase with methanol in presence of water: effect of the catalyst impregnation by tetraethyl orthosilicate (S. Dubuis, R. Doepper, A. Renken).
Kinetics and mechanism studies of the catalytic dehydrogenation of isobutane on platinum-indium catalyst (D. Casanave, K. Fiaty, J.A. Dalmon, M. Forrisier).
Synthesis of ethylbenzene from diethylbenzenes in the presence of benzene using triflic acid as catalyst (M.C. Al-Kinany, S.H. Al-Khowaiter).
Elementary steps of reaction pathway in the pilot plant photomineralisation of s-triazines on to photocatalytic membranes immobilising titanium dioxide and promoting photocatalysts (A. Moroni, I.R. Bellobono, B.M. Gawlik).
Methane oxidation over supported nickel catalysts (A.M. Diskin, R.H. Cunningham, R.M. Ormerod).
Novel sensor for studying the transient behaviour of an iron antimonate partial oxidation catalyst (D.Barth, M. Sahibzada, I.S. Metcalfe).
Chemical equilibria in direct synthesis of dimethyl ether (M. Grzesik, J. Skrzypek).
Thermodynamics and kinetics of the synthesis of higher aliphatic alcohols (M. Grzesik, M. Kulawska, J. Skrzypek, M. Witczak).
Kinetics of esterification of acrylic acid with C3 and C4 aliphatic alcohols in the presence of sulfuric acid as a catalyst (M. Grzesik, J.Skrzypek, M. Witczak).
Hydrogenation of carbonaceous adsorbed species formed during the CO/H2 reaction on a Ru/Al2O3 catalyst: experiment and kinetic modeling (H. Ahlafi, M. Nawdali, D. Bianchi).
Application of the continuous two impinging streams reactors in chemical absorption (M. Sohrabi, A.M. Jamshidi).
A kinetic study of heck reaction of iodobenzene and methyl acrylate using homogeneous Pd/TPP catalyst (F.-G. Zhao, B.M. Bhanage, M. Shirai, M. Arai).
Kinetic and catalytic aspects in the synthesis of polyethylene terephtalate (PET), also through the use of model molecules (B. Apicella, E. Santacesaria, M. Di Serio).
H/D isotopic exchange between oxide surface and spiltover hydrogen on nickel supported catalysts (V. Almasan, M. Lazar, P. Marginean).
Transient studies of adsorption kinetics (J. Kanervo, L.B. Backman, A.O.I. Krause, S.-L. Jämsä-Jounela).
Modeling the voltammetric behaviour of cobalt cations inside zeolites (M.A.N. Lemos, P. Sousa, F. Lemos, A.J.L. Pombeiro, F. Ramôa Ribeiro).
Modeling transient tracer studies of complex activation mechanisms of two-atom labelled molecules (A.A. Shestov, R. Burch, J.A. Sullivan, V.S.Muzykantov).
Preparation of ZSM-5 zeolite film on metal support (A. Brehm, U. Antons, A. Bekurdts).
A steady state isotopic transient kinetic analysis of NO reduction over Pt/SiO2 under lean burn conditions (A.A. Shestov, R. Burch, J.A. Sullivan).
Modeling the dynamics of the surface of a carbon (C. Palma, I. Santos Silva, F. Lemos, L. Sousa Lobo).
Investigation of isomerization kinetics of m-xylene over zeolite based catalysts (O. Akpolat, G. Gündüz). Author Index.