The chemistry of an allylsilane: the synthesis of a prostaglandin intermediate and of loganin, I Fleming. Carbon alkylation of simple nitronate anions by N-substituted pyridiniums, A R Katritzky. The structure of factor III: a trimethyl isobacteriochlorin intermediate in the biosynthesis of vitamin B12, A I Scott. The structure of acumycin: a 16-membered ring macrolide antibiotic, J Clardy. Optical rotatory dispersion studies - 131: demonstration of a conformational isotope effect in deuterium substituted cyclopentanones, C Djerassi. Phenylselenylation of arachidonic acid as a route to intermediates for leukotriene synthesis, J E Baldwin. Stereocontrolled preparation of precursors to all primary prostaglandins from butadiene, L A Paquette. Organometallic compounds in organic synthesis - XI: the strategy of lateral control of reactivity -- tricarbonylcyclohexadieneiron complexes and their organic synthetic equivalents, A J Birch. Total synthesis of aphidicolin, J E McMurray.