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Radioistope Experiments for Schools and Colleges

  • 1st Edition - September 3, 2013
  • Author: J. B. Dance
  • Editors: W. Ashhurst, L.L. Green
  • Language: English
  • eBook ISBN:
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 2 7 0 1 - 6

Radioisotope Experiments for Schools and Colleges describes some radioisotope experiments to delineate atomic events and to provide evidence of the particulate nature of matter.… Read more

Radioistope Experiments for Schools and Colleges

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Radioisotope Experiments for Schools and Colleges describes some radioisotope experiments to delineate atomic events and to provide evidence of the particulate nature of matter. This book is divided into nine chapters, and starts with a discussion on the fundamental of radioisotope, including radioactivity, atomic structure, decay kinetics, radiation-matter interaction, gamma radiation, and isotope production. The subsequent chapters deal with the nuclear radiation measurement methods and the occurrence of natural radioisotopes. These topics are followed by a review of the effect of radiation from external and internal sources on biological tissues. This book also provides demonstration experiments during elementary lectures on radioactivity or, in some cases, by individual pupils and do not involve any accurate measurement. The concluding chapters are devoted to specific experiments using naturally occurring radioisotopes, and sealed and unsealed artificially produced isotopes. This book is of value to physics teachers and students.