Quality and the Academic Library
Reviewing, Assessing and Enhancing Service Provision
- 1st Edition - February 17, 2016
- Author: Jeremy Atkinson
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 8 0 2 1 0 5 - 7
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 1 0 0 1 3 4 - 9
Quality and the Academic Library: Reviewing, Assessing and Enhancing Service Provision provides an in-depth review and analysis of quality management and service quality in academ… Read more

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Request a sales quoteQuality and the Academic Library: Reviewing, Assessing and Enhancing Service Provision provides an in-depth review and analysis of quality management and service quality in academic libraries. All aspects of quality are considered in the book, including quality assessment, quality review, and quality enhancement.
An overview of quality management and service quality concepts, principles, and methods leads to a detailed consideration of how they have been applied in universities and their libraries. A case study approach is used with different perspectives provided from the different stakeholders involved in the quality processes.
All contributors adopt a critical reflection approach, reflecting on the implications, impact, and significance of the activities undertaken and the conclusions that can be drawn for future developments. The book concludes with an overall reflection on quality management and service quality in academic libraries with a final analysis of priorities for the future.
- Presents a holistic view of the subject, looking at reviews of academic library services, quality assurance and assessment, quality enhancement, and service quality
- Provides perspectives from authors with different experiences and responsibilities, including those responsible for initiating and managing quality processes in higher education
- Includes case studies where the authors not only describe the quality processes used, but also seek to review and reflect on their success, limitations, and the impact of their work some time after the event
- Seeks to be current, comprehensive, and reflective by including the results of surveys/interviews from senior librarians on quality in academic libraries
The primary market for the book will be practitioners, both managers and librarians, working in academic libraries. The volume will be of value to those wishing to have an understanding of quality management and service quality approaches and methods and their application in academic libraries.
- Dedication
- List of Contributors
- About the Editor
- Acknowledgements
- Section I: Introduction
- Chapter 1. Introduction
- References
- Chapter 1. Introduction
- Section II: Quality, Universities and Their Libraries
- Chapter 2. Quality, Universities and Their Libraries: An Overview
- Abstract
- Case Studies
- References
- Chapter 3. The Institutional HE Quality Perspective
- Abstract
- Internal Measures
- Surveys
- Other Mechanisms
- Quality Assurance Agency
- Impact
- References
- Chapter 4. Academic Libraries and Quality Reviews Within the United Kingdom
- Abstract
- Principles
- Reviewing Higher Education
- The Quality Code
- Perceptions from the Academic Library Community
- Evidence of Good Practice and Recommendations for Improvement
- Conclusions
- References
- Chapter 5. Self and Peer Assessment at Maynooth University Library
- Abstract
- Context
- Elements in the Quality Review process
- Peer Review Report and Quality Improvement Plan 2010
- Outcomes
- Conclusion
- Chapter 2. Quality, Universities and Their Libraries: An Overview
- Section III: Reviews of Library Services
- Chapter 6. Reviews of Library Services: An Overview
- Abstract
- Reviews of the Overall Service
- References
- Chapter 7. Review of the Cardiff University Health Library Service
- Abstract
- Rationale
- Aims and Objectives
- Methods
- Outcomes
- How the Report was Used
- Impact
- Conclusions
- References
- Chapter 8. Review of Learning Resources, Regent’s College London (Now Regent’s University London)
- Abstract
- Introduction, Rationale and Context
- Methodology
- Outcomes
- Use of the Review
- Impact
- Conclusions
- Chapter 6. Reviews of Library Services: An Overview
- Section IV: Academic Libraries and Student Support
- Chapter 9. Academic Libraries and Student Support: An Overview
- Abstract
- Background
- Standards, Monitoring and Evaluation
- Student Lifecycle
- New and Innovative Services
- Student Engagement and Patron-Driven Acquisition
- Removing Barriers and Reaching Out
- Case Studies and Further Reading
- References
- Chapter 10. The National Student Survey: The University of Sheffield Library
- Abstract
- Introduction
- A Brief History of Surveys at Sheffield
- The Library Response
- Next Steps
- The NSS and the Developing Quality Management Agenda
- Lessons for the Future
- References
- Chapter 11. User Involvement in the Design of New Library Services: Learning from the Application of Codesign on Library Service Design Projects
- Abstract
- Introduction
- User Involvement in Service Design Processes
- Methodology
- The Recruitment of Lead Users
- The Codesign Process
- The Effect of User Involvement
- The Implications of Codesign for Service Implementation and Operation
- Discussion
- Conclusion and Limitations
- References
- Chapter 12. The Development and Review of Library Customer Service Quality at Loughborough University Library
- Abstract
- Background and the Retail Approach
- Recruitment
- Library Values
- Development of Staff Skills Through Training
- Investors in People (IIP) and Customer Service Excellence (CSE)
- External and Internal Validation
- The Benefits and Challenges of Our Plan
- The Future
- References
- Chapter 9. Academic Libraries and Student Support: An Overview
- Section V: Academic Libraries and Research Support
- Chapter 13. Academic Libraries and Research Support: An Overview
- Abstract
- The Traditional Role: Library Collections and Support in Finding Information
- A Changing Role for Libraries in Research Support?
- Case Studies and Further Reading
- References
- Chapter 14. Libraries and the Support of University Research
- Abstract
- Introduction: Universities and Research
- Libraries and the Support of Research
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 15. The Durham Difference: Supporting Research at Durham University
- Abstract
- Context
- Background
- What is a ‘Quality’ Service?
- Review of Services and Benchmarking
- Staffing and Staff Skills
- Benefits of the Changes
- Issues
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 16. Research Support Services in South African Academic Libraries
- Abstract
- Introduction
- New Research Support Services
- OA Services
- Institutional Repositories
- Gold OA
- Bibliometrics
- RDM Services
- Research Landscape Analysis Service
- Research Week
- Skills Development and Offerings by LIS Schools
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 13. Academic Libraries and Research Support: An Overview
- Section VI: Quality Methods Used by Academic Libraries
- Chapter 17. Quality Methods Used by Academic Libraries: An Overview
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Quality Management Systems
- Statistics, Data and Benchmarking
- Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality
- Strategic Planning and Balanced Scorecard
- Mixed Methods Approaches
- Outcomes, Value and Impact
- Case Studies
- References
- Chapter 18. Reviewing the Value of the SCONUL Statistics: A Case Study
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Background
- SCONUL Statistics
- Reflection
- Chapter 19. User Surveys at the University of Washington Libraries
- Abstract
- Background
- Customer Surveys: Strengths and Weaknesses
- Local Survey Development at the University of Washington Libraries
- University of Washington Libraries Triennial Survey
- In-Library Use Survey
- Case Study: Multiple Assessment Methods and User-Centred Design
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 20. LibQUAL+: A Quality Survey Case Study
- Abstract
- Introduction: An International Tool
- The UK & Ireland SCONUL Consortium Case
- Individual University Cases
- Critiques and Responses
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Chapter 21. Doing it Ourselves: A Longitudinal Study of Insync at Victoria University Library
- Abstract
- Background
- The Early Years
- The Later Years
- Developments and Limitations
- Benchmarking Beyond Australia
- The (Near) Future
- References
- Chapter 22. Mystery Shopping Your Way to Improved Customer Service
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Reference Evaluation
- Mystery Shopping
- Discussion
- References
- Chapter 23. Measuring Quality in Super-Converged Services
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Background
- Quality Assurance Problems with the New Library and Student Support Service
- Developing the Quality Assurance Framework
- Effectiveness of the Quality Assurance Framework
- What did We Do with the Results?
- What Next?
- On Reflection
- References
- Chapter 24. Reviewing and Revising University Library Space: A Case Study at Loughborough University
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Reasons for Reviewing Space and Methods Used to Gather Data: 2006–
- Lessons Learned in Revising and Reviewing Physical Space at Loughborough University Library
- Impact of the Reviews of the Physical Spaces at Loughborough University Library
- References
- Chapter 25. Implementing the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Planning and Performance Management Tool: A Case Study from McMaster University Library
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Background
- Initial Implementation
- What has Worked Well
- What has Proven to be More Difficult than Expected
- Future Plans
- References
- Chapter 26. Libraries and Big Data: A New View on Impact and Affect
- Abstract
- Introduction
- The Value Cube
- Privacy
- The Marketing Cube
- Learning Analytics and UWL
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 17. Quality Methods Used by Academic Libraries: An Overview
- Section VII: Reflections
- Chapter 27. Reflections on Quality and Academic Libraries
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Working Effectively with Others
- The Customer Perspective
- Dealing with Change
- Perspectives on Different Approaches
- Communication and Promotion
- Management and Leadership
- Quality and the Academic Library: An Evaluation Tool
- Chapter 27. Reflections on Quality and Academic Libraries
- Further Reading
- Section I: Introduction
- Section II: Quality, Universities and Their Libraries
- Section IV: Academic Libraries and Student Support
- Section V: Academic Libraries and Research Support
- Section VI: Quality Methods Used by Academic Libraries
- Abbreviations and Acronyms
- Index
- No. of pages: 336
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: February 17, 2016
- Imprint: Chandos Publishing
- Paperback ISBN: 9780128021057
- eBook ISBN: 9780081001349