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Quality Activities in Center-Based Programs for Adults with Autism: Moving from Nonmeaningful to Meaningful describes what constitutes meaningful versus nonpurposeful activitie… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Quality Activities in Center-Based Programs for Adults with Autism: Moving from Nonmeaningful to Meaningful describes what constitutes meaningful versus nonpurposeful activities for adults with autism and other severe disabilities in a classroom or center-based program. Then this step-by-step guide presents an evidence-based process for changing nonpurposeful activities, using behavior analytic research and application. The goal is to help ensure adults with autism and other severe disabilities are engaged in week-day activities that truly enhance their income-earning capacity, independence with life skills, day-to-day enjoyment, and overall dignity.
Practitioners working in adult service settings including behavior analysts, consultants, supervisors, clinicians, and administrators. The content will also be relevant for family members and advocates who strive to ensure adults with autism and other severe disabilities experience a desirable quality of life on a daily basis
Series Foreword: Critical Specialities in Treating Autism and Other Behavioral Challenges
Chapter 1. Historical Challenges and Needed Improvements in Center-Based Services for Adults With Autism
Chapter 2. Current Professional Consensus Regarding Meaningful Activities
Chapter 3. An Evidence-Based Protocol for Improving the Meaningful Utility of Center-Based Activities
Chapter 4. Specifying Criteria for Meaningful Versus Nonmeaningful Activities
Chapter 5. Assessing Meaningful Versus Nonmeaningful Task Participation
Chapter 6. A Staff Training and Supervision Plan to Increase Meaningful Activities
Chapter 7. Maintaining Meaningful Activity Participation