Clinical pharmacology of anxiolytics and antidepressants: a psychopharmacological perspective, D. J. Nutt & P. Glue. Interactions of anxiolytic and antidepressant drugs with hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, S. E. File. Multiple neurochemical and behavioral consequences of stressors: implications for depression, H. Anisman & R. M. Zacharko. Primate social behavior anxiety or depression?, S. V. Vellucci. Drug discrimination models in anxiolytic & antidepressant research, J. S. Andrews & D. N. Stephens. Effects of drugs on punished behavior: pre-clinical test for anxiolytics, J. L. Howard & G. T. Pollard. Ethologically based animal models of anxiety disorders, R. G. Lister. Animal models of anxiety based on classical conditioning: the conditioned emotional response and the fear-potentiated startle effect, M. Davis. Effect of anxiolytics and antidepressants on extinction and negative contrast, C. F. Flaherty. Effects of psychotropic drugs on the behavior and neurochemistry of olfactory bulbectomized rats, H. van Riezen & B. E. Leonard. Vocal manifestations of anxiety and their pharmacological control, J. D. Newman. Index.
1990 lit. refs., 31 line drawings, 30 tables.