Psychopathia Sexualis
A Medico-Forensic Study
- 1st Edition - September 3, 2013
- Author: Richard Von Krafft-Ebing
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 9 4 1 0 - 3
Psychopathia Sexualis: A Medico-forensic Study, Twelfth Edition deals with the psychology of deviant sexual behavior. The book discusses the psychology and the physiology of sexual… Read more
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Request a sales quotePsychopathia Sexualis: A Medico-forensic Study, Twelfth Edition deals with the psychology of deviant sexual behavior. The book discusses the psychology and the physiology of sexual life including anthropological conditions such as Gynecomasty. The author describes general pathology including anesthesia sexualis (absence of sexual feeling), hyperesthesia (abnormally increased sexual desire), paraesthesia (perversion), masochism, sadism, fetishism, and antipathic sexuality. The author also examines homosexuality (as abnormal congenital manifestation), effimination, and androgyny. Special pathology includes the manifestations of abnormal sexual life in various forms and states of mental disturbance. The author discusses dementia, epilepsy, periodic insanity, nymphomania, and satyriasis. He also addresses pathological sexuality and its legal aspects that cover acts of rape, murder with rape, sodomy, cultivated pederasty, lesbian love, incest, necrophilia, or immoral acts on persons under care. The book also contains some case histories that illustrate such deviant sexual behavior. This book can interest behavioral scientists, psychiatrists, psychologists, students and professors in the sciences of human sexuality and behavior.
I. Fragments of a System of Psychology of Sexual Life Force of Sexual Instinct Sexual Instinct the Basis of Ethical Sentiments Love as a Passion Historical Development of Sexual Life Chastity Christianity Monogamy Position of Woman in Islam Sensuality and Morality Cultural Demoralization of Sexual Life Episodes of the Moral Decay of Nations Development of Sexual Desire; Puberty Sensuality and Religious Fanaticism Relation between Religious and Sexual Domains Sensuality and Art Idealization of First Love True Love Sentimentality Platonic Love Love and Friendship Difference between the Love of the Man and that of the Woman Celibacy Adultery Matrimony Fondness of Dress Facts of Physiological Fetichism Religious and Erotic Fetichism Hair, Hand, Foot of the Female as Fetiches Eye, Smell, Voice, Psychical Qualities as FetichII. Physiological Facts Puberty Time Limit of Sexual Life Sexual Instinct Localization Physiological Development of Sexual Life Erections: Center of Erection Sphere of Sexuality and Olfaction Flagellation as a Stimulant for Sexual Life Sect of Flagellants "Flagellum Salutis" of Paulini "Erogenous" (Hypersesthetic) Zones Control of Sexual Instinct Coitus EjaculationIII. Anthropological Facts Primary and Secondary Sexual Characteristics Psychical Characteristics Differentiation of Sexes Gynecomasty Development of Sexual Type EunuchsIV. General Pathology (Neurological and Psychological) Frequency and Importance of Pathological Manifestations Schedule of Literature Sexual Neuroses Influences Stimulating the Erectile Tissues Paralysis of the Erectile Tissues Temporary Impotence Neurosis of the Nerve Centers of Ejaculation Neuroses Produced by Cerebral Causes Paradoxia, I.E., Sexual Instinct Outside the Period of Anatomicalphysiological Processes Sexual Instinct in Early Childhood Sexual Instinct Reappearing in Old Age Sexual Perversions in Seniles Due to Impotence or Dementia Anoestkesia Sexualis, I.E., Absence of Sexual Instinct Congenital Acquired Hyperoesthesia, I.E., Pathologically Exaggerated Sexual Instinct Conditions and Manifestations of This Anomaly Paroesthesia or Perversion of the Sexual Instinct Perversion and Perversity Sadism, an Attempted Explanation of Sadism Sadistic Lust Murder Anthropophagy Mutilation of Corpses Maltreatment of Women by Cutting or Flogging, Etc. Defilement of Female Persons Symbolic Sadism, I.E., Brutal Force Employed against Female Persons Ideal Sadism Sadism Practiced on Any Other Object Flogging of Boys Sadistic Acts on Animals Sadism in Woman Kleist's "Penthesilea" Masochism Essence and Clinical Manifestations of Masochism Maltreatment and Humiliation Invited for the Purpose of Sexual Gratification Passive Flagellation and Its Relations to Masochism Frequency and Practices of Masochism Symbolic Masochism Ideal Masochism Jean Jacques Rousseau Masochism in Scientific and Belletristical Literature Latent Masochism Shoe and Foot Fetichism Koprolagnia Masochism in Woman An Attempted Explanation of Masochism Sexual Bondage Masochism and Sadism Fetichism, Definition of Cases in Which the Fetich is a Part of the Female Body Hand Fetichism Bodily Defects as Fetiches Hair Fetichism Hair Despoilers The Fetich is a Part of Female Attire Mania for (Theft of) Female Handkerchiefs Shoe Fetichism The Fetich Consists of Some Special Fabric Fur, Silk, Velvet, Gloves, Roses Beast Fetichism Antipathic Sexual Instinct Acquired Sexual Inversion in Either Sex Neurotic Taint a Condition of Antipathic Sexual Instinct Grades of Acquired Perversion Simple Inversion of Sexual Instinct Eviration and Defemination Insanity among the Scythians Mujerados Transition to Metamorphosis Sexualis Metamorphosis Sexualis Paranoica Congenital Antipathic Sexuality Various Clinical Forms Thereof General Symptoms Attempted Explanation of This Anomaly Congenital Antipathic Sexuality in the Male Psychical Herm-Iphrorlitism Homosexuality Urnings Effemination Androgyny Congenital Antipathic Sexuality in the Female Complications of Antipathic Sexual Instinct Diagnosis, Prognosis and Therapy of Sexual InversionIV. Special Pathology The Manifestations of Pathological Sexual Life in the Various Forms and Conditions of Mental Disturbance Inhibition of Psychical Development Acquired Mental Debility Dementia following Psychosis or Apoplexy Or Injuries to the Head Or Lues Cerebrales Dementia Paralytica Epilepsy Periodical Dementia Psychopathia Sexualis Periodica Mania Symptoms of Sexual Excitement in Maniacs Satyriasis and Nymphomania Chronic Satyriasis and Nymphomania Melancholia Hysteria ParanoiaV. Pathological Sexual Life Before the Criminal Forum Sexual Crimes Endanger the Common Weal On the Increase Probable Causes Clinical Researches Sexual Crimes not Properly Understood by the Law Profession Points for the Proper Judgment of Sexual Crimes Conditions for the Cessation of Responsibility Points for the Psychopathological Importance of Sexual Crimes Sexual Crimes Classified Exhibitionists Frotteurs Defilers of Statues Rape and Lust-Murder Bodily Injury, Violation of Things, Cruelty to Animals Caused by Sadism Masochism and Sexual Bondage Bodily Injury, Robbery, Theft Emanating from Fetichism Notes on the Question of Responsibility in Sexual Offenses caused by Delusions Immorality with Persons under the Age of Fourteen Non-Psychopathological Cases Psychopathological Cases Unnatural Abuse Violation of Animals, Sodomy, Bestiality Zooerasty Unnatural Sexual Relations with Persons of the Same Sex, Pederasty In Relation to Sexual Inversion Necessity to Distinguish between Pathological and Normal Conditions of Pederasty Forensic Opinion on Congenital Sexual Inversion and when Pathologically Acquired Letter from an Urning Reasons why Legal Proceedings against Homosexual Acts Should be Stopped Cultivated Pederasty (not Pathological) Causes of the Vice Social Life of Pederasts A Woman-Hater's Ball in Berlin Various Categories of Male-Loving Men Poedicatio Mulierum Amor Lesbicus Necrophilia Incest Violation of WardsVI. Supplement Psychoanalysis Endocrinology Censorship
- No. of pages: 642
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: September 3, 2013
- Imprint: Butterworth-Heinemann
- eBook ISBN: 9781483194103
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