Theoretical and Methodological Issues: C. Pair, Programming, Programming Languages and Programming Methods. T.R.G. Green, The Nature of Programming. N. Pennington and B. Grabowski, The Tasks of Programming. T. Ormerod, Human Cognition and Programming. D.J. Gilmore, Methodological Issues in the Study of Programming. Language Design and the Acquisition of Programming: M. Petre, Expert Programmers and Programming Languages. T.R.G. Green, Programming Languages as Information Structures. J.M. Hoc and A. Nguyen-Xuan, Language Semantics, Mental Models, and Analogy. J. Rogalski and R. Samur*aycay, Acquisition of Programming Knowledge and Skills. P. Mendelson, T.R.G. Green, and P. Brna, Programming Languages in Education. Expert Programming Skills and Job Aids: F. D*aaetienne, Expert Programming Knowledge: A Schema-Based Approach. D. Gilmore, Expert Programming Knowledge: A Strategic Approach. W.Visser and J.M. Hoc, Expert Software Design Strategies. B. Curtis and D. Walz, The Psychology of Programming in the Large: Team and Organizational Behavior. B. Kitchenham and R. Carn, Research and Practice: Software Design Methods and Tools.