Protides of the Biological Fluids
Proceedings of the Seventeenth Colloquium, Bruges, 1969
- 1st Edition - January 1, 1970
- Editor: H. Peeters
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 7 0 7 3 - 2
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 8 6 5 4 - 2
Protides of the Biological Fluids documents the proceedings of the XVIITH Colloquium held in Bruges in 1969. This book is divided into three sections. Section A discusses the… Read more
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Request a sales quoteProtides of the Biological Fluids documents the proceedings of the XVIITH Colloquium held in Bruges in 1969. This book is divided into three sections. Section A discusses the genetics of the antibody response, focusing on the evolutionary aspects and genetics of differentiation centered on the problems of immunoglobulin structure and deficiencies. The molecular variation occurring in the amino acid sequence of various proteins, its ways of detection and its physiological significance, is presented in Section B. Some of the proteins considered include hemoglobin, fibrinogen, complement, and lipoproteins. Section C is devoted to the developments in theoretical and instrumental aspects of electrofocusing, considering the ampholyte structure and function and techniques, such as gel electrofocusing and preparative column electrofocusing. This compilation is beneficial to researchers and specialists concerned with protides of the biological fluids.
Academic Lecture
Molecular Variation in Proteins
Section A: Genetics of the Antibody Response
Introduction to the Symposium
A1. Evolutionary Aspects
Evolution of the Immune Response
Gene Duplication as an Evolutionary Force
The Variability of Human Immunoglobulins
The Genetic Control of Antibody Variability
Specific Blocking of in vitro Antibody Response by Affinity Labeling Reagents
The Inverse Wobble Theory
Some Facts about the Evolution of Immunoglobulins
A2. Genetics of Differentiation
Thymus Deficiency in Mice
Thymus and Possible Pathogenic Mechanisms of Immunologie Deficiency in Man
The Genetics of IgA Deficiency
Genetic Studies on Isolated Deficiency of γA Globulin
The Deficiency of Certain Sub-Groups of Human γG as Demonstrated by the Study of Allotypes
A3. Genetics of Productive Processes
—Immunological Responsiveness to Haptens
A4. Genetics of Regulatory Mechanisms
Allotypy as a Probe
The Expression of Immunoglobulin AUotypic Specificities by Rabbit Lymphocytes
The Quantitative Expression, Genetics and Chemistry of Allotypes, Types and Subtypes of Rabbit Light Polypeptide Chains
Antigenic Modulation
Subclass and Allotype Differences in Human yG Immunoglobulins Reflected by the Amino Acid Sequence of Fc Glycopeptides
The Genes of the Gm System, Are they Structural Genes?
Section B: Molecular Variation
B1. Haemoglobin
Multiple α and ß Chain Structural Genes as a Basis for Hemoglobin Heterogeneity of the Adult Goat
Investigations of Molecular Variation in Human Fetal Hemoglobin in the Infant and in Certain Hematological Conditions in the Adult
Molecular Changes in Haemoglobins during Development and Their Functional Significance
Duplication of the Haemoglobin α-chain Locus in Macaca irus
On the Heterogeneity of Equine Myoglobin
Partial Structure of Beef Myoglobin
Unstable Haemoglobin with a Modified Affinity for Oxygen in a French Patient
B2. Fibrinogen
Molecular Variation of Human Fibrinogen
Fibrinogen "Zurich". Separation of a Pathological from a Normal Fibrin Fraction
Electrophoresis and Chromatography of Native and of Sulphitolysed Fibrinogen
B3. Complement
Genetic Polymorphism of Human C3
C6-Deficiency in Rabbits
Guinea Pig C'la-Inactivator: Purification and Characterization
Characterization of the Purified Fourth Component of Guinea Pig Complement
A Tool for the Detection of C'6 Deficiencies
B4. Lipoproteins
Location of Antigenic Specificity in Human Serum Lipoproteins
The Explanation of the Variability in Streptolysin O Binding Capacity of Human β-Lipoprotein
New Aspects of Human Low Density Lipoprotein Polymorphism
Immunological and Biochemical Characterization of the LDL Proteins
B5. Other Proteins
Molecular Variations in Erythrocyte Catalase
Molecular Variation in an Intra- and Extracellular R-type Vitamin B12-Binding Protein
Heterogeneity of the Haptoglobin 1-1 Molecule by Electrophoresis of Human Serum in Starch Gels at pH 4-9
Isolation of a Lysine-Rich, Serine-Rich Histone from Calf Thymus
Section C: Electrofocusing
C1. Instrumental
Trends in Instrumental and Methodical Development of Isoelectric Focusing
General Aspects of Isoelectric Focusing of Proteins
Some Physical and Chemical Properties of the Ampholine Chemicals
Preparative Isoelectric Focusing in a Sea-Serpent Shaped Apparatus
Zone Convection Electrofocusing: A New Technique for Fractionation of Ampholytes in Free Solution
Direct Optical Scanning of Isoelectric Fractionations
A New Elution System for Isoelectric Focusing in Sucrose Gradients
Protein Fractionation by Gel Electrofocusing: Importance of the Sample Application Procedure
Some Applications of Gel Electrofocusing to the Separation and Characterization of Proteins
Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis after Isoelectric Focusing of Proteins
Immunoglobulin Heterogeneity Studied by Isoelectric Focusing in Polyacrylamide Gel
C2. Application
Isoelectric Focusing and Immunological Characterization of Human Serum Albumin
The Heterogeneity of Human Serum Albumin
The Separation of Pooled Human IgG into Fractions by Isoelectric Focusing, and Their Electrophoretic and Immunological Properties
The Application of Electrofocusing to the Fractionation of Proteins
Studies on Haemolysins from Staphylococcus aureus by the Method of Isoelectric Focusing
Separation and Characterization of Glucagon-Like Immunoactive Components from Gut Extracts by Electrofocusing
Isoelectric Focusing of Lens Proteins
Purification of Myeloma Proteins by Iso-electric Focusing
The Isolation of the Fibrin Stabilizing Factor (FSF) from Human Plasma by Electrofocusing Techniques
Isoelectric Focusing of the Steroid Binding β-globulin of Human Serum
The Use of the Technique of Isoelectric Focusing in the Study of Certain Proteases
Two Slow Bence-Jones K Monomers Separated by Isoelectric Focusing
Section D: Techniques
Evaluation of Molecular Radius by Exclusion Gel Electrophoresis, Demonstrated on Haptoglobins
Preparation of Freeze-dried, Monomeric and Immunochemically Pure IgG by a Rapid and Reproducible Chromatographie Technique
Gel Filtration of Heat Denatured Human Serum
Effect of Different Agaroses and pH upon Agarose-gel Electrophoresis of Lipoproteins
Molecular Parameters of Charged and Uncharged Macromolecules from Quantitative Thin-layer Electrophoresis in Sephadex Gels
Changes in the β1c-β1A-Globulin During the Coagulation Process Demonstrated by Means of a Quantitative Immunoelectrophoresis Method
Quantitative Estimation of Electrophoretically Heterogeneous Proteins by Electrophoresis in Antibody-containing Agarose Gel
Author Index
Subject Index
- No. of pages: 558
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: January 1, 1970
- Imprint: Pergamon
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483170732
- eBook ISBN: 9781483186542
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