Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterases: Relating Structure and Function, S.H. Francis, I.V. Turko, and J.D. Corbin.
Thyroid Hormone Regulation of Apoptotic Tissue Remodeling: Implications from Molecular Analysis of Amphibian Metamorphosis, Y.-B. Shi and A. Ishizuya-Oka.
Role of S6 Phosphorylation and S6 Kinase in Cell Growth, S. Volarevic and G. Thomas.
Molecular Characterization of Monoamine Oxidases A and B, C.W. Abell and S.-W. Kwan.
Squalene Synthase: Structure and Regulation, T.R. Tansey and I. Schechter.
Yeast Chromatin Structure and Regulation of GAL Gene Expression, R. Bash and D. Lohr.
A Coordinated Interplay: Proteins with Multiple Functions in DNA Replication, DNA Repair, Cell Cycle/Checkpoint Control, and Transcription, M. Stucki, I. Staglijar, Z.O. Jónsson, and U. Hübscher.
Signal Transduction Pathways and the Modification of Chromatin Structure, J.R. Davie and V.A. Spencer.
RGS Proteins: Lessons from the RGS9 Subfamily, C.W. Cowan, W. He, and T.G. Wensel.
Regulation of Mammalian Cell Membrane Biosynthesis, A. Lykidis and S. Jackowski.
Chapter References