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Processing, Analyzing and Learning of Images, Shapes, and Forms: Part 2, Volume 20, surveys the contemporary developments relating to the analysis and learning of images, shapes an… Read more
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Processing, Analyzing and Learning of Images, Shapes, and Forms: Part 2, Volume 20, surveys the contemporary developments relating to the analysis and learning of images, shapes and forms, covering mathematical models and quick computational techniques. Chapter cover Alternating Diffusion: A Geometric Approach for Sensor Fusion, Generating Structured TV-based Priors and Associated Primal-dual Methods, Graph-based Optimization Approaches for Machine Learning, Uncertainty Quantification and Networks, Extrinsic Shape Analysis from Boundary Representations, Efficient Numerical Methods for Gradient Flows and Phase-field Models, Recent Advances in Denoising of Manifold-Valued Images, Optimal Registration of Images, Surfaces and Shapes, and much more.
Researchers, developers as well as people who want to learn the most recent and advanced developments in these fields
1. Diffusion operators for multimodal data analysis
Tal Shnitzer, Roy R. Lederman, Gi-Ren Liu, Ronen Talmon and Hau-tieng Wu
2. Intrinsic and extrinsic operators for shape analysis
Yu Wang and Justin Solomon
3. Operator-based representations of discrete tangent vector fields
Mirela Ben-Chen and Omri Azencot
4. Active contour methods on arbitrary graphs based on partial differential equations
Christos Sakaridis, Nikos Kolotouros, Kimon Drakopoulos and Petros Maragos
5. Fast operator-splitting algorithms for variational imaging models: Some recent developments
Roland Glowinski, Shousheng Luo and Xue-Cheng Tai
6. From active contours to minimal geodesic paths: New solutions to active contours problems by Eikonal equations
Da Chen and Laurent D. Cohen
7. Computable invariants for curves and surfaces
Oshri Halimi, Dan Raviv, Yonathan Aflalo and Ron Kimmel
8. Solving PDEs on manifolds represented as point clouds and applications
Rongjie Lai and Hongkai Zhao
9. Tightening continuous relaxations for MAP inference in discrete MRFs: A survey
Hariprasad Kannan, Nikos Komodakis and Nikos Paragios
10. Lagrangian methods for composite optimization
Shoham Sabach and Marc Teboulle
11. Generating structured nonsmooth priors and associated primal-dual methods
Michael Hintermuller and Kostas Papafitsoros
12. Graph-based optimization approaches for machine learning, uncertainty quantification and networks
Andrea L. Bertozzi and Ekaterina Merkurjev
13. Survey of fast algorithms for Euler’s elastica-based image segmentation
Sung Ha Kang, Xuecheng Tai and Wei Zhu
14. Recent advances in denoising of manifold-valued images
R. Bergmann, F. Laus, J. Persch and G. Steidl
15. Image and surface registration
Ke Chen, Lok Ming Lui and Jan Modersitzki
16. Metric registration of curves and surfaces using optimal control
Martin Bauer, Nicolas Charon and Laurent Younes
17. Efficient and accurate structure preserving schemes for complex nonlinear systems
Jie Shen