Proceedings of the Ninth International Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Kobe, Japan, 11-14 May 1982
- 1st Edition - October 13, 1982
- Editors: K. Yasukochi, H. Nagano
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 0 8 - 0 1 2 5 2 - 2
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 6 4 0 9 - 0
Proceedings of the Ninth International Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Kobe, Japan, 11-14 May 1982 contains the papers presented during the entirety of the conference. The… Read more

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Request a sales quoteProceedings of the Ninth International Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Kobe, Japan, 11-14 May 1982 contains the papers presented during the entirety of the conference. The overall focus is on the presentation of technical developments and new applications in the field of cryogenics. The topics covered during the conference include high speed magnetic levitation train, magnetic fusion energy and its cryogenic applications, and cooling effects in a vortex cooler. Superconductivity and fusion, digital applications of the Josephson effect, thermally activated stirling cryocooler, and large cryogenic systems of the energy doubler are discussed as well. Physicists, chemists, engineers, and researchers in the field of cryogenics will find the compendium very insightful.
In Memoriam Kurt Mendelssohn
List of Committee Members
Introduction to ICEC9
AA Plenary Session
High Speed Magnetic Levitated Train
BA Plenary Session
Magnetic Fusion Energy and its Cryogenic Applications
CF1 Magnetic Refrigeration
CF1-1 Thermodynamical Analysis of a Double Acting Reciprocating Magnetic Refrigerator
CF1-2 Analysis of Regenerative Operations in Magnetic Refrigeration
CF1-3 A New Usage of Anisotropie Magnetic Compound for the Magnetic Refrigerant
CF1-4 The Magnetic Refrigeration Characteristics of Several Magnetic Refrigerants Below 20K: I Magnetocaloric Effect
CF1-5 The Magnetic Refrigeration Characteristics of Several Magnetic Refrigerants Below 20K: II Thermal Properties
CF2 Refrigerator Components - 1
CF2-2 High Pressure Adsorption Isotherms of Hydrogen and Neon on Charcoal
CF3 Air Separators
CF3-1 Studies of Perforated Distillation Plates at High Vapour Velocity for Oxygen Plants
CF3-2 Anti-Explosion and Heat Transfer of Plate-Fin Type Condenser-Evaporator in Air-Separation Plant
CF4 Cryogenics in Space
CF4-1 Superfluid Experiment in Zero Gravity Aboard a Rocket
CF4-2 Performance of the Helium II Dewar Subsystem for the Spacelab 2 Infrared Telescope
CG1 Heat Transfer - I
CG1-2 Pool-Boiling Helium Heat Transfer from Small Monolithic Copper Stabilizers with High Packing Factors
CG1-3 Formvar Coating Effects on Heat Transfer from NbTi/Cu to Liquid Helium: Dynamic Determination of the Formvar Thermal Conductivity
CG1-5 An Experimental Study on the Forced-Convective Heat Transfer to Supercritical Helium 4 Flowing Downward in a Circular Tube
CG1-6 Forced Convection Heat Transfer from Submerged Surface to Liquid Helium
CG2 Heat Transfer - II
CG2-5 Flow Boiling Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Nitrogen From 1 to 30 Bar
CG2-6 Fouling Phenomena During the Evaporation of Argon
CG2-7 Effect of a Thin Insulating Layer on Rapid Cooldown of Metals in Liquid Nitrogen
CG2-8 Heat Transfer from Warm Plates of Cryobiologic Interest fo Liquid Nitrogen
CH1 Refrigeration Systems - I
CH1-1 A Forced Cooled Superconductor Test Facility for Big High Fields Magnets
CH1-2 Development of the Experimental Apparatus to Study Internally Cooled Superconductors Property
CH1-3 350-l/h, 1,200-W Helium Cryogenic System for the Development of Fusion Technology
CH1-4 Universal Cryogenic Plant
CH1-5 Low Loss Flexible Cryogenic Transfer Lines for Jet
CH1-6 Automatization and Data Acquisition of Helium Gas Liquefing System
CH2 Transportation and Magnetic Separators
CH2-1 Thermal Performance of a Low Heat Leak Support for Superconducting Magnetic Levitated Trains
CH2-2 Pulsed Cryogenically Cooled Coils for Maglev Experiments
CH2-4 The Magnetic Field Screening with Nb-Ti
CH2-5 New Methods of Force Compensation in Reciprocating Superconducting Magnetic Separators
CH3 Pulse Magnets
CH3-1 Dynamics and Controlled Characteristics of 0.5 MJ Pulsed Magnet
CH3-2 0.5 MJ Pulsed Magnet with its Control and Cooling Systems
CH3-3 High Ramp Rate Characteristics of Pulsed Superconducting Magnet
CH3-4 Development of a 1 MJ Superconducting Pulsed Coil
CI1 Cable and Magnet Technology
CI1-1 Experimental Investigation of a 60cm Bore Wax-Filled Superconducting Solenoid with Different Winding Current Density
CI1-2 A design of Polyethylene Insulated Sub-gVA Superconducting Cable
CI2 Stability and ac Losses - I
CI2-2 Maximum Allowable Resistive Zone in a Metastable Conductor
CI2-3 Stability of Superconducting Cables in Pulse Fields
CI2-4 Estimation of the Stability of High Current Density Superconducting Magnet
CI2-5 Propagation of Normal Zones in Small Superconducting Magnets Immersed in He II
CI2-6 Effect of Surface Coatings on the Cold-End Recovery Current of NbTi Filamented Conductors
DB Refrigerator Components - II
DB-1 Low-Temperature Centifugal Helium Compressors
DB-2 A New Helium Refrigerator System with Low-Temperature Centrifugal Compressors
DB-4 A New Range of Industrial Cryogenic Turboexpanders with Gas Bearings
DD Superfluid - I
DD-1 Development of a Launchworthy Motor-Operated Valve for Containment of Superfluid Helium
DD-2 Investigation of He II Phase Separator Operation Instabilities
DD-3 Characterization of Superfluid Porous Plug Performance
DD-4 Porous Plug Phase Separator for Superfluid He II
DE Transporation MHD and Power Cables
DE-1 Highly Efficient Superconducting Magnet for Magnetically Levitated Train
DE-4 The Developmental Progress Leading to the Installation of a Thousand Feet of Superconducting Cable
FC High Energy Physics
FC-1 High-Field Superconducting Accelerator Magnets
FC-2 Three Prototype Cells of a SC Magnet System
FC-3 C Band Superconducting Structures for a High Relativistic Energy e Linac
FC-5 Characteristics of Thin Wall Superconducting Solenoid Magnets and its Model Magnet Test Results
FC-6 The Design of the S/C Magnet for A H.E. Detector at LEP
FC-7 Long Term Performance of the Superconducting Solenoid for the UT-MSL Muon Channel
FD Refrigeration Systems - II
FD-1 Low Temperature Irradiation Facility at Kyoto University Reactor
FD-2 Studies on Supercritical He Cooling of a Large Superconducting Solenoid
FD-3 Cryogenic System of 8-GeV/c Pion Beam Line at KEK
FD-4 LHe and LN2 Cryosupply and Distribution System for the Net Neutral Injection Cryopumps
FD-5 Cryogenic System for Heliotron E NBI
FD-6 A 30 L/H Helium Liquefier for A 30 MVA Superconducting Synchronous Condenser
FD-7 Large Scale Hydrogen and Helium Liquefiers
FE Superfluid - II
FE-1 Results on Heat Transfer to He II for Use in Superconducting Magnet Technology
FE-2 Heat Transport Mechanisms in a 2.3m Long Cooling Loop Containing He II
FE-3 Heat Transport in Flowing Subcooled Helium II
FE-5 Studies of Cooling Effects in a Vortex Cooler
FE-6 The Gorter-Mellink Constant Associated with Counterflow Convection in Pressurized Superfluid He II (He4)
FE-7 Common Flow Characteristics of Various Types of He II Phase Separators
GC Pulse and Fusion Magnets - I
GC-1 Superconductivity and Fusion
GC-2 TMC-1, 10T-60cm Bore Nb3Sn Test Module Coil for the Cluster Test Program
GC-3 Performance Benefits of Advanced Superconductors in Magnet Systems for Fusion Power Generation
GC-4 Development and Characteristics of 0.5 MJ Pulsed Superconducting Magnet
GC-5 Thermal Characteristics of a 0.5 MJ Pulsed Magnet
GE Cryoelectronics - I
GE-1 Digital Applications of the Josephson Effect at Bell Laboratories
GE-2 Design of a Josephson Device for the High Precision Potentiometer
GE-3 Direct Coupled Adder by Using Josephson Elements
GE-4 Charge-Controlled Cryotron
GE-5 Phase-Coupled Josephson Logic Circuit
HC Stability and ac Losses - II
HC-1 Superconducting Poloidal Coils for the Reacting Plasma Project I. A.C. Loss and Stability of a Prototype Cabled Conductor
HC-2 Nb3Sn Cables Designed for AC Current Tests
HC-4 The Use of Calorimetry in Superfluid He II to Measure Losses in Superconducting Magnets
HD Refrigerator Components - III
HD-1 The Characteristics of Low-Temperature Binary Control Valves
HD-2 Performance of Reciprocating Expansion Engine with Electronic Control Valves
HD-4 A High Capacity Pump for Liquid Helium
HE Cryoelectronics II
HE-1 A Novel Process for Fabricating Josephson Tunnel Junctions
HE-2 High Temperature Operation of Nb3Ge SQUID'S
HE-3 A Study of an Absolute Determination of the Magnetic Flux Quantum by Superconducting Levitating System
JA Refrigerators
JA-1 Thermally Activated Stirling Cryocooler
JA-2 Thermal Stabiity and Noise of a Miniature J-T Heat Exchanger Refrigerator System
JA-3 The Cryogenic Wind Tunnel for High Reynolds Number Testing
JB Rotating Machinery - I
JB-1 Prospect of Superconducting Generators
JB-2 Development of Superconducting Generators and Motors in the USSR
JB-3 Cryogenerator Development Program - Model Rotor First Operational Results and Industrial Conclusions
JB-4 Manufacture of a 50MVA Superconducting Rotor
JB-5 Experimental Study of Cryoalternators
JB-6 Projecting ac Losses in a Superconducting Generator
JD Pulse and Fusion Magnets - II
JD-1 The Axicell MFTF-B Superconducting Magnet System
JD-2 Testing of the MFTF Magnets
JD-3 Construction and Cool-Down Test of the Japanese LCT Coil
JD-4 Test Results of the 3.3-MJ Split-Pair Pulsed Superconducting Coil of the Argonne PCTF
JD-5 Development of a 3 MJ-Class Pulsed Superconducting Coil
JD-6 Advances in High-Current Poloidal Conductors at JAERI
JD-7 Superconducting Poloidal Coils for the Reacting Plasma Project II. Performance Test of a Model Coil Under a 200 T/sec Pulsing Rate
KF1 Rotating Machinery - II
KF1-1 Cryogenic Development Program - Rotor-Model Tests - Some Cyrogenic Results
KF1-2 A Short Cut in Applying Superconducting Technology - D.C. Heteropolar Machine
KF1-3 Effects on Pole Number and Stator Core on the Performance of Superconducting Machine
KF1-4 Development of a Helium Transfer Couping for 50 MVA Superconducting Generators
KF1-5 A Helical Airgap Winding for Superconducting Generators
KF1-6 The Optimum Environmental Shielding System of Superconducting Generators
KF1-7 An Experimental Study on the Magnetic Field in the End Region of the Damper Shield of Superconducting Alternators
KF2 Cooling of Rotating Machinery
KF2-6 A Rotor Model to Investigate Thermodynamic and Cryogenic Aspects of S.C. Alternators
KF2-7 The Use of Carbon Film and SI Diode Thermometers for the Detailed Study of Transient Fluid Behaviour in Rotating Frames at High Tip Speeds
KG1 Dielectric Properties of Cryogenic Liquids
KG1-1 Dielectric Strength of Large Gaps in Cryogenic Helium
KG1-2 Arc Extinction Voltage Between Copper Electrodes in Liquid Helium - Application to the High-Voltage Discharge of Superconducting Magnets
KG 1-4 Breakdown Characteristics and Mechanisms of Cryogenic Liquids
KG2 High Energy Physics Applications - II
KG2-1 Large Aperture Superconducting Magnet (Benkei)
KG2-2 Stress Analysis in a High Field Dipole Magnet Design
KG2-3 Stress Analysis of Superconducting 1OT Magnets for Synchrotron
KG2-4 Alternative Dipole Magnets for Isabelle
KG3 Quench and Propagation
KG3-1 Quench Back in Superconducting Magnets with Shorted Secondary Circuits
KG3-2 A Finite Difference Computer Code for the Simulation of Superconducting Magnets Thermal Behaviour
KG3-3 Flux Jumps in Multifilament Superconducting Composites in a High dB/dt Time Dependent Magnetic Field
KG3-4 Relation Between ac Flux Jumps and Quenches of Superconducting NbTi Wire without Copper Cladding
KG3-6 The Research Normal Zone Propagation in ac Composite Superconductors
KG3-7 Mechanical Disturbances in Superconducting Magnet
KH2 Cryoelectronics - III
KH1-1 MSR - A Magnetically Shielded Room for Ultrasensitive Measurements
KH1-2 Temperature Controlled Mini-Specimen Chamber for use in SQUID-Magnetometers
KH1-3 Characteristics of Temperature Vs Optical Frequency and Transient Heating of Semi-Conductor Laser Element
KH1-6 High-Sensitivity Josephson Logic Gate Using Low ßc Devices
KH1-7 Possibility of Superconducting Exciton Laser
KH2 Cryostat and Superinsulation
KH2-4 Simplified Technique for the Evaluation of Multiple Layer Insulation
KH2-5 Thermal Characteristics of Multilayer Insulation
KH2-6 Nuclear Demagnetization Cryosat for 3He Experiments
KH2-8 Large Dilution Refrigerators
KI1 Cryogenic Thermometry
KI1-1 Thermometry in the mK Region Using the Proximity Effect
KI1-2 A Glass Capacitance Thermometer for Use at mK Temperature Range
KI1-3 RS-11-1/4W Composite Carbon Resistors as Low Temperature Thermometers
KI1-6 Germanium Resistance Thermometers - Conditions Which Affect their Precision
KI2 Cryotechnology - I
KI2-1 Optical Constants and Thermal Radiative Properties of H2O and CO2 Cryodeposits
KI2-2 Performance Test of New Re-Condensing Type Cooling System Designed for Fatigue Testing Machine at Liquid Helium Temperature
KI2-3 New Apparatus for Instrumented Charpy Impact Test at Cryogenic Temperatures
KI2-5 Cryopumps and Cryogenics Systems of Prototype Injector Unit for JT-60
KI2-6 Calibration System of Head Type Flow Meter in Cryogenic Temperature
LB Dilution Refrigeration
LB-1 Studies of 4He-Circulating Dilution Refrigerator
LB-3 New Flow Phenomena in 3He-4He II Mixtures and their Implications for the Performance of Dilution Refrigerators
LB-4 Fully Portable, Highly Flexible Dilution Refrigerator Systems for Neutron Scattering
LD High Field Magnets
LD-1 Development of Medium-Sized Multifilamentary Nb3Sn Superconducting Coil Producing High Magnetic Field of 12 Tesla
LD-2 An Additional Technique of 'Wind and React' Method
LD-3 Large Scale High Field Test Facility at ETL
LD-4 Development of a Large Scale High Field Superconducting Magnet by Nb3Sn Superconductor
LE Cryotechnology - II
LE-1 Development of Cryogenic Liquid Level Guage
LE-2 A Preliminary Report on the Evaluation of Selected Ultrasonic and Gyroscopic Flowmeters at Cryogenic Temperatures
LE-3 Cryogenic Pipe Freezing - A Research to Determine the Basic Mechanisms of Plug Formation
LE-4 Measurement of Superconductivity Under High Pressure
MA Medical Applications
MA-1 Aspects of the Design of NMR Magnets for Analysis and Imaging
MA-2 A Superconducting Magnet for Whole Body NMR-Imaging
MA-3 Simple Instruments for Cryosurgery
MA-4 Some Designing and Technical Features of the Special Cryo-Surgical Apparatus
MC LNG and Safety
MC-1 Cold Utilization of LNG In Japan
MC-2 Latest Developments in Cryogenic Safety
MC-3 Cooling Pipeline Components to Operating Temperatures with LNG
MC-4 The World-Biggest LNG Inground Storage Tank; its Construction and System
MC-5 A Power Generating Plant by LNG Cold Energy
MD ac Losses
MD-1 Thermal Stabilization of Superconducting Devices
MD-2 Transverse Field Loss of a Twisted Multifilamentary Round Wire in Windings of Superconducting Magnets
MD-3 Self Field Losses in Superconducting Circular Wires
MD-4 Decay-Time Constant of Induced Current in Fine Multifilamentary Superconductors
MD-5 Coupling Loss in Normal Metal Core of Multitilamentary Superconducting Wire
ME Magnets for Energy Storage
ME-1 Cryogenic Aspects of Inductor-Converter Superconductive Magnetic Energy Storage
ME-2 The superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage System and its Control Methods
ME-3 Design Study of Intermediate Superconductive Energy Storage
ME-4 Design of a Three PHase Thermally Switched 25 kA 1.5 kW Superconducting Rectifier-Fluxpump
ME-5 Power System Stabilization by Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage - Experiments Using Power System Model
NA Cryocoolers
NA-1 Prospects for Small Cryocoolers
NA-3 Far-Infrared Detector Cooling for Fusion Research
NA-4 A Hybrid Cryogenic Cooling System for an Extended Life-Time IR-Space Telescope
NA-5 Electrically Insulated Thermal Joint for IRAS Focal Plane Assembly
NC Fluid Flow and Instability
NC-1 Selected Thermodynamic and Fluid Flow Data from the Space Shuttle Liquid Oxygen Servicing System
NC-2 Flows through Sequential Orifices with Heated Spacer Reservoirs
NC-3 Laser Doppler Anemometry Applied to Boundary Layer Flows in Cryogenic Fields
NC-5 Local Theory of Thermo-Acoustic Phenomena: Inviscid Case
NC-6 Evaporation Instabilities in Cryogenic Liquids, and the Solution of Water and Carbon Dioxide in Liquid Nitrogen
NE Quench and Monitor
NE-1 Diagnostic Requirements and Mechanical Disturbances in Superconducting Magnets
NE-2 Simulation of the Quenching of an Internally Cooled Superconducting Magnet
NE-3 Experimental Investigation of the Quench Dynamic Process of the Close-Packed Superconducting Magnets
NE-4 An Acoustic Monitoring Method for Superconducting Magnet
NE-5 An Acoustic Emission Technique to Localize Mechanical Disturbances in Superconducting Magnets
OA Plenary Session
OA Large Cryogenic Systems of the Energy Doubler
- No. of pages: 870
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: October 13, 1982
- Imprint: Butterworth-Heinemann
- Hardback ISBN: 9780408012522
- eBook ISBN: 9781483164090
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