Principles of Transaction Processing
- 2nd Edition - June 9, 2009
- Authors: Philip A. Bernstein, Eric Newcomer
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 5 5 8 6 0 - 6 2 3 - 4
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 9 4 8 4 1 - 6
Principles of Transaction Processing is a comprehensive guide to developing applications, designing systems, and evaluating engineering products. The book provides detailed discus… Read more

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Request a sales quotePrinciples of Transaction Processing is a comprehensive guide to developing applications, designing systems, and evaluating engineering products. The book provides detailed discussions of the internal workings of transaction processing systems, and it discusses how these systems work and how best to utilize them. It covers the architecture of Web Application Servers and transactional communication paradigms.The book is divided into 11 chapters, which cover the following: Overview of transaction processing application and system structureSoftware abstractions found in transaction processing systemsArchitecture of multitier applications and the functions of transactional middleware and database serversQueued transaction processing and its internals, with IBM's Websphere MQ and Oracle's Stream AQ as examplesBusiness process management and its mechanismsDescription of the two-phase locking function, B-tree locking and multigranularity locking used in SQL database systems and nested transaction lockingSystem recovery and its failuresTwo-phase commit protocolComparison between the tradeoffs of replicating servers versus replication resourcesTransactional middleware products and standardsFuture trends, such as cloud computing platforms, composing scalable systems using distributed computing components, the use of flash storage to replace disks and data streams from sensor devices as a source of transaction requests. The text meets the needs of systems professionals, such as IT application programmers who construct TP applications, application analysts, and product developers. The book will also be invaluable to students and novices in application programming.
- Complete revision of the classic "non mathematical" transaction processing reference for systems professionals
- Updated to focus on the needs of transaction processing via the Internet-- the main focus of business data processing investments, via web application servers, SOA, and important new TP standards
- Retains the practical, non-mathematical, but thorough conceptual basis of the first edition
systems professionals, IT application programmers that build TP applications for use in IT or on web sites, application analysts who design applications for deployment on TP systems, and product developers
Preface Trademarks1 Introduction1.1 The Basics1.2 TP System Architecture1.3 Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability1.4 Two-Phase Commit1.5 Transaction Processing Performance1.6 Availability1.7 Styles of Systems1.8 TP System Configurations1.9 Summary2 Transaction Processing Abstractions2.1 Introduction2.2 Transactions2.3 Processes and Threads2.4 Remote Procedure Call2.5 Shared State2.6 Scalability2.7 Summary3 Transaction Processing Application Architecture3.1 Introduction3.2 Application Architecture3.3 Front-End Program3.4 Request Controller3.5 Transaction Servers3.6 Transactional Middleware3.7 Database Servers Versus Transactional Middleware3.8 Summary4 Queued Transaction Processing4.1 Why Use Queues?4.2 The Queued Transaction Processing Model4.3 Client Recovery4.4 Handling Non-Undoable Operations4.5 The Queue Manager4.6 Publish-Subscribe4.7 Other Message-Oriented Middleware4.8 Queuing Products and Standards4.9 Summary5 Business Process Management5.1 Introduction5.2 Business Process Definition5.3 Business Process Execution5.4 Transactional Properties5.5 Making Process State Durable5.6 Other Models of Business Processes5.7 Products and Standards5.8 Summary6 Locking6.1 Introduction6.2 Implementation6.3 Deadlocks6.4 Performance6.5 Hot Spots6.6 Query-Update Problems6.7 Avoiding Phantoms6.8 Optimistic Concurrency Control6.9 B-Tree Locking6.10 Multigranularity Locking6.11 Locking Nested Transactions6.12 Summary6.13 Appendix: Basic Serializability Theory7 System Recovery7.1 Causes of System Failure7.2 A Model for System Recovery7.3 Introduction to Database Recovery7.4 The System Model7.5 Database Recovery Manager7.6 Shadow-Paging Algorithm7.7 Log-Based Database Recovery Algorithms7.8 Optimizing Restart in Log-Based Algorithms7.9 Media Recovery7.10 Summary8 Two-Phase Commit8.1 Introduction8.2 The Two-Phase Commit Protocol8.3 Failure Handling8.4 Optimizations and Variations8.5 Process Structuring8.6 User Checklist8.7 Summary9 Replication9.1 Introduction9.2 Replicated Servers9.3 Synchronizing Updates to Replicated Data9.4 Single-Master Primary-Copy Replication9.5 Multimaster Replication9.6 Other Replication Techniques9.7 Data Sharing Systems9.8 Summary10 Transactional Middleware Products and Standards10.1 Introduction10.2 Web Browser Front-End Programs10.3 .NET Framework10.4 Java Enterprise Edition10.5 Service-Oriented Architecture10.6 Persistence Abstraction Mechanisms10.7 Legacy TP Monitors10.8 TP Standards10.9 Summary11 Future Trends11.1 Introduction11.2 Cloud Computing11.3 Scalable Distributed Computing11.4 Memory Technology11.5 Streams and Event Processing11.6 SummaryGlossary of AcronymsBibliographic NotesBibliographyIndex
- No. of pages: 400
- Language: English
- Edition: 2
- Published: June 9, 2009
- Imprint: Morgan Kaufmann
- Paperback ISBN: 9781558606234
- eBook ISBN: 9780080948416
Philip A. Bernstein
is a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Corporation and author of over 150 technical articles on database and transaction systems. He was previously lead architect for Digital Equipment Corporation’s transaction processing products group and was a professor at Harvard University. He is an ACM Fellow and member of the National Academy of Engineering.
Affiliations and expertise
Lead Architect, Microsoft Corporation, Bellvue, WA, USAEN
Eric Newcomer
is an independent consultant working in the CTO Office at Progress Software. He was previously CTO of IONA Technologies and a TP Architect at Digital Equipment Corporation. He has contributed to multiple enterprise software products and standards.
Affiliations and expertise
Program manager, Digital Equipment Corporation, Groton, MA, USARead Principles of Transaction Processing on ScienceDirect