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Precision Nutrition: The Science and Promise of Personalized Nutrition and Health organizes and integrates information on the diverse special areas of scientific expertise… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Precision Nutrition: The Science and Promise of Personalized Nutrition and Health organizes and integrates information on the diverse special areas of scientific expertise involved in Precision Nutrition in order to inform health professionals and inspire researchers to advance this field while applying the general principles into health care and medical research now.
Broken into three sections, this book addresses the fundamentals of precision nutrition, applications of precision nutrition in health and disease, and the future directions of precision nutrition.
Nutrition scientists, geneticists, physicians, dietitians, postdoctoral fellows, and epidemiologists seeking to understand Precision Nutrition will benefit from this timely reference.
Dr. Zhaoping Li is Professor of Medicine and Lynda & Steward Resnick Endowed Chair in Human Nutrition at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. She currently serves as the Director of Center for Human Nutrition and Chief of Division of Clinical Nutrition at Department of Medicine, UCLA. She is also the Chair of Medicine at the VA Greater Los Angeles Health Care System.
Dr. Li is board certified in internal medicine and a physician nutrition specialist. She is a fellow of the American College of Physicians, a former President of the National Board of Physician Nutrition Specialists and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Society for Nutrition. She is a council member of International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS). Her research centers on gene-nutrient interaction, nutritional modulation of the microbiome, and health impacts of phytonutrients. Dr. Li has been a principal investigator for over 100 investigator-initiated National Institutes of Health and industry-sponsored clinical trials and published over 240 peer-reviewed scientific papers. Dr. Li has co-Authored textbook “Primary Care Nutrition: Writing the Nutrition Prescription” in 2017, and is a co-editor of “Nutritional Oncology” in 2021.