Empowering Progress
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles

Aimed at library science students and librarians with newly assigned administrative duties the book is about improving one’s thinking and decision making in a role as a library… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
About the author
List of acronyms
Chapter 1: History of managerial thought: a brief overview
Frederick Winslow Taylor and scientific management
Max Weber and bureaucratic management
Henri Fayol and the five functions of management
Elton Mayo and the Hawthorne studies
Doug McGregor and Theory X and Theory Y
Kurt Lewin and open systems theory
Contingency theories
Robert Greenleaf and servant leadership
Thoughts for consideration or discussion
Case study: Diane takes on a challenge
Project ideas
Chapter 2: Psychology and knowing oneself: how do these affect management and decision-making?
General personality tests
Annual performance reviews/appraisals
360-degree feedback
Informal feedback and coaching
Daniel Goleman and emotional intelligence
Robert Greenleaf and servant leadership
Stephen Covey and the seven habits
Thoughts for consideration or discussion
Case study: Jekyll and Hyde?
Project ideas
Chapter 3: Motivating employees and fostering diversity
Needs theories
Motivator-hygiene theory
Equity theory
Victor Vroom and expectancy theory
Edwin Locke and goal-setting theory
Other ways to motivate
Diversity and respect
Thoughts for consideration or discussion
Case study: John needs to light a fire
Case study: action needed
Project ideas
Chapter 4: Organizational culture and socialization processes
Organizational culture: what is it and where did it come from?
Organizational culture: how do we know what it is in a given organization?
The socialization process
Maintaining and fostering change in organizational culture
Thoughts for consideration or discussion
Case study: Mary wants to hear… or does she?
Case study: Lisa learns her way
Project ideas
Chapter 5: Communication
Fundamentals of communication
Traditional ways of communicating
New ways of communicating
Directional communication
Thoughts for consideration or discussion
Case study: she said what!? …to whom!?
Case study: they posted what!?
Case study: who is in charge here?
Project ideas
Chapter 6: Decision-making and leadership
Some pitfalls and biases in decisionmaking
Some models for making decisions
Leading change
Final thoughts on leadership
Thoughts for consideration or discussion
Case study: the Winslow Homer Institute for Art
Project ideas
Appendix: sample of a basic annual plan