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Power: Police Officer Wellness, Ethics, and Resilience collectively presents the numerous psychic wounds experienced by peace officers in the line of duty, including compassio… Read more
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Power: Police Officer Wellness, Ethics, and Resilience collectively presents the numerous psychic wounds experienced by peace officers in the line of duty, including compassion fatigue, moral injury, PTSD, operational stress injury, organizational and operational stress, and loss. Authors describe the negative repercussions of these psychic wounds in law enforcement decision-making, job performance, job satisfaction, and families. The book encompasses evidence-based strategies to assist law enforcement agencies in developing policy programs to promote wellness for their personnel. The evidence-based techniques presented allow officers to get a more tangible and better understanding of the techniques so that they apply those techniques when on and off-duty.
With forewords authored by Dr. John Violanti (Distinguished Police Research Professor) and Dr. Tracie Keesee, Vice President of the Center of Policing Equity, this book is an excellent resource for police professionals, police wellness coordinators, early career researchers, mental health professionals who provide services to law enforcement officers and their families, and graduate students in psychology, forensic psychology, and criminal justice.
Forensic Psychologists, Law Enforcement Officers, Criminologists, and Policy Makers. Students in Psychology, Criminal Justice, and Police Wellness programs at community colleges or universities
Foreword by John M. Violanti
Foreword by Dr. Tracie Keesee
Section 1: Foundation
1. Introduction & statement of the problem
Daniel M. Blumberg and Konstantinos Papazoglou
2. Police officer wellness
Alex R. Thornton
3. Internal threats to police wellness
Christine C. Kwiatkowski and Alfred J. Robison
4. Implicit bias, officer wellness, and police training
Kimberly C. Burke
Section 2: Psychic wounds: consequences of a lack of personal wellness
5. The moral risks of policing
Daniel M. Blumberg, Konstantinos Papazoglou and Sarah Creighton
6. The neurobiology of police health, resilience, and wellness
Christine C. Kwiatkowski, Claire E. Manning, Andrew L. Eagle and Alfred J. Robison
7. Compassion Fatigue and burnout
Charles Russo, Prashant Aukhojee, Brooke McQuerrey Tuttle, Olivia Johnson, Mark Davies, Brian Chopko and Konstantinos Papazoglou
8. Moral injury in law enforcement
Katy Kamkar, Charles William Russo, Brian A. Chopko, Brooke McQuerrey Tuttle, Daniel M. Blumberg, and Konstantinos Papazoglou
9. PTSD and other operational stress injuries among police officers: empirical findings and reflections from clinical experience
Breanne Faulkner, Samantha Fuss and Lisa M. Z. Couperthwaite
Section 3: Intervention and Prevention
10. Creating a culture of wellness
Felipe Rubim, Lucas Rubim and Alex R. Thornton
11. Promoting wellness
Sarah Creighton and Chuck Kaye
12. The role of compassion satisfaction
Detective Beth Milliard
13. Community Relations and Community-Oriented Policing
Mike Schlosser
14. Closing thoughts
Daniel M. Blumberg and Konstantinos Papazoglou
Foreword by John M. Violanti
Foreword by Dr. Tracie Keesee
Section 1: Foundation
1. Introduction & statement of the problem
Daniel M. Blumberg and Konstantinos Papazoglou
2. Police officer wellness
Alex R. Thornton
3. Internal threats to police wellness
Christine C. Kwiatkowski and Alfred J. Robison
4. Implicit bias, officer wellness, and police training
Kimberly C. Burke
Section 2: Psychic wounds: consequences of a lack of personal wellness
5. The moral risks of policing
Daniel M. Blumberg, Konstantinos Papazoglou and Sarah Creighton
6. The neurobiology of police health, resilience, and wellness
Christine C. Kwiatkowski, Claire E. Manning, Andrew L. Eagle and Alfred J. Robison
7. Compassion Fatigue and burnout
Charles Russo, Prashant Aukhojee, Brooke McQuerrey Tuttle, Olivia Johnson, Mark Davies, Brian Chopko and Konstantinos Papazoglou
8. Moral injury in law enforcement
Katy Kamkar, Charles William Russo, Brian A. Chopko, Brooke McQuerrey Tuttle, Daniel M. Blumberg, and Konstantinos Papazoglou
9. PTSD and other operational stress injuries among police officers: empirical findings and reflections from clinical experience
Breanne Faulkner, Samantha Fuss and Lisa M. Z. Couperthwaite
Section 3: Intervention and Prevention
10. Creating a culture of wellness
Felipe Rubim, Lucas Rubim and Alex R. Thornton
11. Promoting wellness
Sarah Creighton and Chuck Kaye
12. The role of compassion satisfaction
Detective Beth Milliard
13. Community Relations and Community-Oriented Policing
Mike Schlosser
14. Closing thoughts
Daniel M. Blumberg and Konstantinos Papazoglou