Potato Physiology
- 1st Edition - November 16, 2012
- Editor: Paul Li
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 4 1 4 1 7 0 - 4
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 1 4 4 8 5 - 8
Potato Physiology provides perspective and knowledge on the biological behavior and potentials of the potato plant. Organized into 15 chapters, this book focuses on tuber… Read more

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Request a sales quotePotato Physiology provides perspective and knowledge on the biological behavior and potentials of the potato plant. Organized into 15 chapters, this book focuses on tuber development physiology, biochemistry, and anatomy. This text also covers topics on physiological and biochemical aspects of photosynthesis, photoassimilate partitioning, respiration, tuberization, as well as carbohydrate and protein metabolisms. It elucidates potato's rest period, the stage when growth is inhibited as a result of endogenous causes, and the tubers' disorders, environmental responses, frost hardiness, and tissue culture. This text provides a worldwide perspective and is organized and presented to be useful to graduate students, teachers, and potato investigators.
1. The Potato as a World Food Crop, with Special Reference to Developing Areas
I. Introduction
II. Potato Production and Use
III. Technology Needs of Developing Areas
IV. Summary and Conclusions
2. Photosynthesis and Photoassimilate Partitioning
I. Photosynthesis
II. Photoassimilate Partitioning
III. Conclusion
3. Potato Respiration: Electron Transport Pathways
I. Introduction
II. Respiration of Potato Tissues
III. Mitochondria
IV. Cyanide Resistance
V. Conclusions
4. Development and Structure of Tubers
I. Introduction
II. External Morphology
III. Early Tuber Development
IV. Tissues of Mature Tubers
V. Ergastic Substances
VI. Structure of Tubers Grown in Vitro
VII. Conclusions
5. Cuttings as Simplified Models of the Potato Plant
I. Introduction
II. Methodology and Interpretation of Results
III. Physiological Studies with Cuttings
IV. Cuttings as a Selection Tool for Breeding
V. In Vitro Cuttings
VI. Implications Concerning the Nature of the Hypothetical Tuberization Stimulus
VII. Implications for Yield Physiology
6. Interactions of Nitrogen Nutrition, Phytohormones, and Tuberization
I. Introduction
II. Tuber Initiation and Tuber Growth as Regulated by Nitrogen Nutrition
III. Conclusion
7. Tuber Initiation in Solanuaa Tuberosum: Effect of Phytohormones and Induced Changes in Nucleic Acid and Protein Metabolism
I. Introduction
II. Auxins
III. Kinins
IV. Coumarin
V. Miscellaneous Chemicals
VI. Inhibitors^Abscisic Acid (ABA)
VII. Nucleic Acid Changes
VIII. Enzyme Changes
IX. Inhibitors of Protein and Nucleic Acid Metabolism
X. Discussion
8. Molecular Approaches to the Study of the Major Tuber Proteins
I. Characterization of Patatin and Its mRNA
II. Regulation of Patatin under Normal Conditions
III. Induction of Patatin without the Morphology of Tuberization
IV. Regulation of Patatin Synthesis by Photoperiod and Gibberellic Acid
V. Conclusions
9. Carbohydrate Metabolism in Developing Potato Tubers
I. Introduction
II. Scope
III. Phloem Unloading and the Movement of Assimilate to Storage Cells
IV. Metabolism of Sucrose
V. Biosynthesis of Starch
VI. Tuberization of Stolon Tips and Development of Tubers
VII. Metabolism of Young Growing Tubers and the Effects of Exogenous and Environmental Factors
VIII. Regulation of Metabolism
IX. Conclusion
10. Potato Proteins
I. Introduction
II. Amino Acids in the Free Pool
III. Amino Acid Composition of Potato Protein
IV. Protein Fractions and Soluble Protein Relationships
V. The Nutritional Quality of Potato Protein
VI. Protein Yield and Starch Relationships
VII. Protein Changes during Tuber Development
VIII. Genetic Variability in Proteins Detected by Gel Electrophoreses
IX. Conclusion
11. Potato Rest
I. Introduction and Definition of the Term Rest
II. Duration of the Rest Period, and Methods to Break and to Induce Rest
III. Changes Other than Hormonal in the Potato Tuber during Rest and Cessation of Rest
IV. Changes in the Levels of Endogenous Hormones during the Rest Period and Effect of Exogenous Growth Substances on the Rest
V. Acidic Inhibitors as One of the Causes of Potato Rest
12. Physiological Disorders of Potato Tubers
I. Introduction
II. Major Physiological Disorders
III. Minor Physiological Disorders
IV. Concluding Remarks
13. Potato Frost Hardiness
I. Introduction
II. Frost Hardiness
III. Frost Hardiness in Relation to Anatomy Morphology, and Genotype Origin
IV. Concluding Remarks
14. Environmental Effects on Growth and Development of Potato Plants
I. Introduction
II. The Potato Plant and Its Potentiality to Environmental Responses
III. Effects of Natural Environments
IV. Effects of Controlled Environments
V. Conclusions
15. Potato Tissue Culture and its Applications in Agriculture
I. Types of in Vitro Potato Cultures
II. In Vitro Culture Applied to Seed Potato and Field Production
III. In Vitro Germ Plasm Preservation
IV. In Vitro Mutation Breeding
V. Closing Thoughts
- No. of pages: 602
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: November 16, 2012
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Paperback ISBN: 9780124141704
- eBook ISBN: 9780323144858
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