Part I Field and Laboratory Studies
Parental Age, Genetic Variation and Selection
Genes, Survival and Adjustment in an Island Population of the House Mouse
Patterns of Survival and Microevolution in Plant Populations
Domestication Processes in Trifolium berytheum Boiss
Protein Polymorphisms in Domesticated Species: Evidence for Hybrid Origin?
Adaptive Strategies of Genetic Systems in Constant and Varying Environments
Natural Selection of Genetic Polymorphisms along Climatic Gradients
Muellerian Mimicry: Classical 'Beanbag' Evolution and the Role of Ecological Islands in Adaptive Race Formation
The Genetics of Haploid-Diploid Populations with Vegetative and Sexual Reproduction
Morphological Variation of the Gall-Forming Aphid, Geoica utricularia (Homoptera) in Relation to Environmental Variation
Part II Models and Evidence
Selection Component Analysis of Natural Polymorphisms Using Mother-Offspring Samples of Successive Cohorts
The Theoretical Assessment of Selective Neutrality
Non-Random Association of Neutral Linked Genes in Finite Populations
An Analysis of Allelic Diversity in Natural Populations of Drosophila: The Correlation of Rare Alleles with Heterozygosity
The Intensity of Selection for Electrophoretic Variants in Natural Popu lations of Drosophila
Mating Preferences and Their Genetic Effects in Models of Sexual Selection for Colour Phases of the Arctic Skua
Simulation of Quantitative Characters by Genes with Biochemically Definable Action. VII. Observation and Discussion of Non-Linear Relationships
The Relationship between Genotype and Fitness for Heterotic Models
The HL-A System as a Model for Studying the Interaction between Selection, Migration, and Linkage
The Structure of Gene Control Regions and Its Bearing on Diverse Aspects of Population Genetics
Part III Theoretical Studies Number of Heterozygotes Left by Neutral Genes
Altruism, Competition, and Kin Selection in Populations
Genetic Modification and Modifier Polymorphisms
Travelling Population Fronts
Stochastic Selection and the Maintenance of Genetic Variation
Population Subdivision and Selection Migration Interaction
Some Theoretical Analyses of Migration Selection Interaction in a Cline: A Generalized Two Range Environment
Models of Density-Frequency Dependent Selection for the Exploitation of Resources. I: Intraspecific Competition
Mathematical Models of Speciation and Genetic Distance
The Rate of Spread of an Advantageous Allele in a Subdivided Population
The Three Locus Model with Multiplicative Fitness Values: The Crystallization of the Genome
Problems, Objectives, and Comments on Population Genetics