PrefaceAcknowledgmentsChapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Plasmas 1.3 Systems of Units 1.4 Characteristic Lengths and Times in a Plasma 1.5 Scattering of Electromagnetic Radiation by a Plasma 1.6 Radiation by a Moving Charge 1.7 Acceleration of a Charge by an Electromagnetic Wave 1.8 General Restrictions Applied to Calculations in This BookChapter 2 Scattered Power Spectrum 2.1 Spectral Density Function S(k,ω) 2.2 Kinetic Equations for a Plasma 2.3 S(k,ω) for a Low-Temperature Plasma 2.4 S(k,ω) for a High-Temperature Plasma 2.5 S(k,ω) Fourier-Laplace Transforms and CollisionsChapter 3 Incoherent Scattering—Low-Temperature Plasma 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Scattering from a Single Electron 3.3 Incoherent Scattering from a Plasma (No Magnetic Field) 3.4 Incoherent Scattering from a Plasma in Thermodynamic Equilibrium 3.5 Incoherent Scattering from a Magnetized Plasma 3.6 Comments on the Scattered Spectrum 3.7 Measurement of the Direction of the Magnetic Field in a PlasmaChapter 4 Constraints on Scattering Experiments 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Choice of a Source (λiΔλi) 4.3 Choice of a Scattering Angle (θ,Δθ) 4.4 Signal-To-Noise Ratio (S/N) 4.5 Ratio of Scattered Power to Bremsstrahlung Radiation Power 4.6 Effect of the Incident Beam on the PlasmaChapter 5 Optical Systems 5.1 Introduction 5.2 General Properties of Spectrometers: Instrument Function 5.3 Diffraction Grating Spectrometer: Theory 5.4 Reflection Grating Spectrometer: Image Dissectors, Application 5.5 Fabry-Perot Etalon: Theory 5.6 Fabry-Perot Etalon Spectrometer: Image Dissectors, Application 5.7 Miscellaneous 5.8 Detectors 5.9 ExamplesChapter 6 Scattered Spectrum for a Low-Temperature Plasma—Theory 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Derivation of nc(k,ω) for B = 0, v = 0 6.3 The Spectral Density Function S(k,ω) for a Collisionless Plasma 6.4 Comments on the Effects of Various Initial Conditions 6.5 S(k,ω) for a Collisional Plasma, B = 0 6.6 S(k,ω) from the Fluctuation-Dissipation TheoremChapter 7 Scattering from a Low-Temperature Stable Plasma, B = 0: Experiment 7.1 Introduction 7.2 S{k,ω), Maxwellian Distribution Functions 7.3 S(k,ω), Te/Ti ≅ 1, the Salpeter Approximation 7.4 Electron Plasma Frequency Resonances 7.5 Ion Acoustic Resonance 7.6 Relative Drift of Electrons and Ions 7.7 Incoherent Spectrum for Collisional Plasma 7.8 Total Cross Section ST(k)Chapter 8 Scattering from a Magnetized Plasma 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Calculation of the Spectral Density Function S(k,ω) 8.3 S(k,ω), Maxwellian Distribution Functions 8.4 Collisional Magnetized Plasma 8.5 Transverse Modes 8.6 General Features of the Magnetized Spectrum 8.7 Total Cross Section, ST(k) 8.8 High-Frequency Spectrum 8.9 Low-Frequency SpectrumChapter 9 Scattering from a High-Temperature Plasma 9.1 Introduction 9.2 The Finite Transit Time Effect 9.3 S(k,ω) for High-Temperature Plasma, B = 0 9.4 Incoherent Spectrum B = 0 9.5 Scattering Geometry and Finite Transit Time Effect for a Magnetized Plasma 9.6 S(k,ω) High-Temperature Magnetized PlasmaChapter 10 Scattering from Unstable Plasmas 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Microscopic Instability Theory 10.3 Scattering from a Marginally Stable Plasma 10.4 Scattering from a Weakly Unstable Plasma 10.5 Scattering from Microturbulence in Shock FrontsAppendix 1 Mathematical Methods A1.1 Complex Variables and Integrals in the Complex Plane A1.2 Fourier Transforms A1.3 Laplace Transforms A1.4 Stability of Longitudinal Plasma Oscillations A1.5 Total Cross Section for a Stable PlasmaAppendix 2 Kinetic Theory of a Plasma A2.1 Introduction A2.2 Characteristic Lengths and Times in a Plasma A2.3 The Boltzmann Equation A2.4 Comments on the Collision Term A2.5 Kinetic Description of Scattering from a Plasma A2.6 The BBGKY Hierarchy A2.7 The Klimontovich Hierarchy A2.8 Stable, Homogeneous, Quasi-Stationary PlasmasAppendix 3 Review of Work on the Scattering of Radiation from Plasmas A3.1 Introduction A3.2 Scattering from the Ionosphere A3.3 Scattering from Laboratory Plasmas with λi ≅ L and ωi ≅ ωpe A3.4 Scattering from a Plasma Close to Equilibrium, B = 0, v = 0, λi <> ωpe A3.5 Scattering from a Magnetized Plasma Close to Equilibrium A3.6 Collisional Effects A3.7 High-Temperature and Relativistic Effects A3.8 Total Scattering Cross Section A3.9 Unstable and Turbulent Plasma A3.10 Absorption of the Incident Beam and Two-Beam ScatteringAppendix 4 Physical Constants and Formulas Physical Constants Conversion Factors Formulas Symbols Scattering Formulas UnitsReferencesIndex