Carolina Escobar
Carolina Escobar completed a first degree in Biology at the University Autonoma of Madrid where she also received her M.Sc. degree. She was a PhD student at the John Innes Center, UK, in Molecular aspects of oxidative stress in plants, receiving her PhD degree from the University of East Anglia, UK in 1998. After a brief post-doctoral position at Wageningen University, Netherlands, on molecular analysis of the Rhizobium interaction, she moved at Castilla La Mancha (UCLM) University in 1999 as part of the group of Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Biologyleaded by Carmen Fenoll. In 2003, she started her own research group on molecular and developmental aspects of the plant-nematode interaction with the aim to identify biotechnology tools for nematode control supported by National and EU funding. She holds an assistant professorship position at the Department of Environmental Sciences, UCLM, and teaches in different courses as Functional Cell Biology, Plant physiology, Genetic Engineering and Systems Biology. She has been also a visitor researcher at Durham University, UK, and at the National Biotechnology Center in Madrid, Spain. As a result, she has supervised 5 PhD thesis and more than 20 final research projects for M. Sc. students and undergraduates. She actively participates in the EU Erasmus mobility program supervising several students every year and holds extensive collaborations with different groups in Europe. She also keeps active a research line on the initial plant responses to contaminants as heavy metals, pointing to the restoration of local Hg contaminated areas.
Affiliations and expertise
Department of Environmental Sciences, Universidad de la Mancha, Spain