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Plant Disease: An Advanced Treatise
How Plants Defend Themselves
- 1st Edition - November 12, 2012
- Editor: James G. Horsfall
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 4 1 4 3 0 6 - 7
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 1 4 6 2 2 - 7
Plant Disease An Advanced Treatise, Volume V: How Plants Defend Themselves describes the active, passive, physical, chemical, mechanical, and physiological defense systems of… Read more
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Request a sales quotePlant Disease An Advanced Treatise, Volume V: How Plants Defend Themselves describes the active, passive, physical, chemical, mechanical, and physiological defense systems of plants against the pathogens. Divided into 23 chapters, this volume discusses theories, experimental approaches, and ways to help plant defend themselves. The opening chapters of this volume deal with certain general aspects of plant defense, such as the theories of “tolerance to disease” and “the time sequence of defense”, including a dynamic model of defense. A chapter discusses how plant populations defend themselves in natural ecosystem and the implications of disease management on agroecosystems. Considerable chapters examine the defense by the host by analogy with defense of a medieval castle, such as perimeter, internal, and chemical defenses. Discussions on the defenses triggered by the invading pathogen; recognition and compatibility phenomena; the concept of hypersensitivity; the role of phytoalexins in defense; and the metabolic detoxification done by plants to suffer less damage from toxins are provided. This volume also discusses the theory and mechanisms of hypovirulence and hyperparasitism. The concluding chapters summarize the effects of numerous nutrients on disease and the mechanisms involved. This volume is an invaluable source for plant pathologists, mycologists, advanced researches, and graduate students.
List of Contributors
Contents of Other Volumes
Chapter 1 Prologue: How Plants Defend Themselves
I. Introduction
II. Defense in Plants is Analogous to Defense of a Medieval Castle
III. Plant Disease Constantly Changes
IV. The Concept of Aegricorpus or Pathosystem
V. Premunite, Cross-Protection, and Defenses Triggered by Previous Invaders
VI. The Dynamics of Defense as Affected by the Continuum of Health, Stress, Disease, Senescence, and Death
VII. How about Systems Analysis?
VIII. Some Highlights of Volume V
IX. An Overview of the Treatise
Chapter 2 Escape from Disease
I. Introduction
II. Nature of Disease Escape
III. Objectives of This Chapter
IV. Effect of Time Differentials on Escape
V. Effect of Space Differentials on Escape
VI. Host Factors That Promote Escape
VII. Pathogen Factors That Promote Escape
VIII. Environmental Factors That Promote Escape
IX. Applications of Disease Escape
X. Concluding Remarks
Chapter 3 Tolerance to Disease
I. Introduction
II. Working Definitions for Host-Pathogen Interactions
III. Natural Trends toward Tolerance in Host-Parasite Systems
IV. Functional Levels of Tolerance
V. Identifying Tolerance
VI. Utilization of Tolerance
Chapter 4 The Time Sequence of Defense
I. Introduction
II. Patterns of Sequential Changes in Defense
III. Alteration of Sequential Changes in Defense
IV. Causes of Sequences in Defense
V. A Dynamic Model of Defense
Chapter 5 How Plant Populations Defend Themselves in Natural Ecosystems
I. Introduction
II. Types of Genetic Defense
III. Gene Management Systems
IV. Intensity of Plant Diseases in Natural Ecosystems
V. Population Structures in Natural Stands of Wild, Predominantly Self-Pollinated Plants
VI. Defense of Plant Populations against Diseases in Natural Ecosystems outside Israel
VII. Defense of Plant Populations against Diseases in Natural Ecosystems Undisturbed by Man in Israel
VIII. Concluding Remarks
Chapter 6 Defense at the Perimeter: The Outer Walls and the Gates
I. Introduction
II. The Structure and Function of Plant Surfaces
III. The Theory of Defense
IV. Defenses outside the Walls—Appendages
V. Defenses outside the Walls—The Surface Coverings
VI. Assistance in Defense by Other Surface Organisms
VII. Defenses at the Walls
VIII. Defenses at the Gates and Breaches in the Walls
IX. Conclusions
Chapter 7 Defense at the Perimeter: Extruded Chemicals
I. Introduction
II. General Nature of Extruded Chemicals
III. Zones of Plant Influence
IV. Nature of Extruded Toxic Chemicals
V. Direct Toxicity of Extruded Chemicals in Plant Defense
VI. Indirect Effects through Stimulating Surface Antagonists
VII. Potential for Disease Control through Altering Host Physiology to Favor Antagonists
VIII. Conclusions
References 13
Chapter 8 Preformed Internal Physical Defenses
I. Introduction
II. Preformed Physical Barricades
III. Discussion
Chapter 9 Preformed Internal Chemical Defenses
I. Introduction
II. Lack of Essential Factors
III. Enzyme Inhibitors
IV. Hydrolytic Enzymes
V. Antifungal Compounds
VI. Role of Preformed Chemical Defenses
VII. Chances of Overcoming Preformed Chemical Barriers
VIII. Epilogue
Chapter 10 Defenses Triggered by the Invader: Recognition and Compatibility Phenomena
I. Introduction
II. The Recognition Phenomenon
III. Recognition at the Leaf Surface
IV. Recognition at the Root Surface
V. Recognition at the Mesophyll Cell Wall Surface
VI. Recognition at the Host Cell Membrane
VII. Concluding Remarks—A Look into the Future
Chapter 11 Defenses Triggered by the Invader: Hypersensitivity
I. Basic Concepts
II. Different Forms of Hypersensitivity
III. Mechanism of the Hypersensitive Reaction in Physiological/Biochemical Terms
IV. Phytoalexins and the Hypersensitive Reaction
V. Hypersensitivity—Cause or Consequence of Disease Resistance
VI. Hypersensitivity—A Symptom Associated with Plant Disease Resistance
Chapter 12 Defenses Triggered by the Invader: Physical Defenses
I. Introduction
II. The Occurrence of Structural Changes
III. The Molecular Basis for Structural Changes
IV. Conclusions
Chapter 13 Defenses Triggered by the Invader: Chemical Defenses
I. Introduction
II. Definitions
III. Techniques Used to Study Phytoalexins
IV. Problems Associated with in Vitro Analysis and Assessment of in Vivo Phenomena
V. Comments of Isolation and Characterization of Elicitors
VI. Elicitors: Activation and Control of Phytoalexin Biosynthesis
VII. Rigid Proof of a Role for Phytoalexins in Disease Resistance—A General Discussion
Chapter 14 Defenses Triggered by the Invader: Detoxifying the Toxins
I. Introduction
II. Role of Detoxification in Symptom Reduction and in Pathogenic Establishment in Plant Tissues
III. Metabolic Alterations of Pathogenic Toxins by Plant Tissues
IV. Discussion and Concluding Remarks
Chapter 15 Defenses Triggered by Previous Invaders: Viruses
I. Introduction
II. Effects of Previous Virus Infection upon Subsequent Virus Infection
III. Virus-Induced Protection—Definitions
IV. Possible Defense Mechanisms
V. Practical Use of Virus-Induced Protection
VI. Concluding Remarks
Chapter 16 Defenses Triggered by Previous Invaders: Bacteria
I. Introduction
II. Immunity Induced by Bacteria
III. Ultrastructural and Biochemical Aspects of Induced Immunity
IV. Migration of Inducer to Host Receptor and Ultimate Host Response
Chapter 17 Defenses Triggered by Previous Invaders: Fungi
I. Introduction
II. Defenses Triggered by Foliar Fungal Pathogens
III. Protection by Previous Fungal Invaders
IV. Defenses Triggered by Soil-Borne Fungal Pathogens
V. Practical Implications of Induced Resistance and Antagonism
VI. Conclusions
Chapter 18 Defenses Triggered by Previous Invaders: Nematodes and Insects
I. Introduction: Nematodes
II. Simultaneous Inoculation
III. Sequential Inoculation
IV. Split-Root Inoculation
V. Induced Protection
VI. Mode of Action
VII. Conclusions: Nematodes
VIII. Introduction: Insects
IX. Plant Responses to Insect Attack
X. Glucosides and Plant Resistance to Insects
XI. Proteinase Inhibitors
XII. Host-Parasite Interactions and the Effect on Insects
XIII. Conclusions: Insects
Chapter 19 Defenses Triggered by Previous Invaders
I. Introduction
II. Objectives
III. Diverse Inducers against Viral Challengers
IV. Viral Inducers against Diverse Challengers
V. Diverse Inducers against Diverse Challengers
VI. Some Possible Mechanisms of Induced Protection
VII. A Point of View
Chapter 20 Hypovirulence and Hyperparasitism
I. Introduction
II. Examples of Hypovirulence
III. The Probable Cause of Hypovirulence
IV. Speculations on Sources of Hypovirulence Agents
V. Biocontrol with Hyperparasites
VI. Useful Attributes for Hyperparasites
VII. The Quest for Hyperparasites
Chapter 21 The Role of Mineral Nutrition in Defense
I. Introduction
II. Effect of Individual Nutrients on Defense
III. Mechanisms by Which Nutrients Facilitate Defense
IV. Conclusions
Chapter 22 Allocation of Resources to Defense and Repair
I. Introduction
II. Concepts in Resource Allocation
III. The Relationship of Carbon Metabolism to Carbon Allocation
IV. The Relationship of Allocation to Defense and Repair
V. Major Defense Mechanisms That Result in Measurable Changes in Resource Allocation
VI. Whole-Plant Costs of Allocation Strategies
Future Prospects
Chapter 23 Epilogue: Anent Philosophy of Plant Pathology
I. Introduction
II. About Science and Research
III. About Scientists
IV. About Plant Pathology
V. About Basic (Pure) and Useful (Impure) Research
VI. About Peer Review
VII. About Thinking
VIII. About Writing
IX. About Institutions
X. About Science and Public Policy
XI. The Philosophy of This Treatise
Author Index
Subject Index
Cumulative Index of Major Concepts, Volumes I-V
Cumulative Index of Major Principles, Volumes I-V
- No. of pages: 556
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: November 12, 2012
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Paperback ISBN: 9780124143067
- eBook ISBN: 9780323146227