Part I. Basic Techniques in Plant Biotechnology
1. Vectors for Gene Transfer in Higher Plants
1.1 Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation
1.2 Agrobacterium Vectors
1.3 Uses of Agrobacterium Vectors
1.4 Host Range of Agrobacterium
1.5 Alternative DNA Transfer Methods
1.6 Conclusions
2. Methods for Transforming Plant Cells
2.1 Transformation of Dicotyledenous Plants
2.2 Transformation of Monocotyledenous Plants
2.3 Conclusions and Future Prospects
3. Techniques in Plant Cell and Tissue Culture
3.1 Clonal Propagation
3.2 Somaclonal Variation
3.3 Gametoclonal Variation
3.4 In Vitro Cell Selection—Mutant Isolation
3.5 Protoplast Fusion
3.6 Synthesis of Secondary Products
3.7 Concluding Remarks
4. Selected Topics in the Genetic Manipulation of the Nuclear Genome
4.1 Chromosome Transfer
4.2 Microcell Transfer
4.3 Microinjection
4.4 Conclusion
5. Regulation and Expression of Plant Genes in Microorganisms
5.1 Recognition of Plant Sequences that Function as Promoters of Transcription in Microorganisms
5.2 Increasing the Rate of Transcription of Cloned Genes
5.3 Translational Features of Plant Gene Expression and Regulation
5.4 Recognition of Plant Signal Peptides
5.5 Assembly of Multisubunit Plant Proteins
5.6 Production of Proteins for Commercial Applications and Analytical Studies
5.7 Synthesis of Plant Proteins for Screening and Clone Identification
5.8 Complementation of Bacterial Mutations
5.9 Protein Stability, Solubility, and Accumulation
5.10 Expression in Other Bacterial Species
Part II. Regulation of Gene Expression in Plants
6. The Molecular Architecture of Plant Genes and their Regulation
6.1 The Elements of Primary Structure
6.2 The Analysis of Primary Structure
6.3 Functional Organization of Genes
6.4 The Use of Computers in Structural Analyses
6.5 Storage Protein Genes
6.6 Light-Induced Genes
6.7 Stress-Induced Genes
6.8 Nodulation Genes
6.9 Housekeeping Genes
6.10 Conclusion
7. Induction, Commitment, and Progression of Plant Embryogenesis
7.1 Developmental Biology of Embryogenesis
7.2 Somatic Embryogenesis
7.3 Gene Expression in Carrot Culture
7.4 Immunological Approach to the Identification of Developmentally Regulated Genes
7.5 Conclusion
8. Photoregulation of Gene Expression in Plants
8.1 Effects of Light on rRNA Gene Expression
8.2 Effects of Light on Transcript Abundance
8.3 Effects of Plant Hormones
8.4 Chloroplast Transcript Accumulation
8.5 Plastid Development and Nuclear Gene Expression
8.6 Gene Transfer Experiments
8.7 Trans-Acting Factors and Transcription In Vitro
8.8 Conclusion
9. Hormonal and Stress Regulation of Gene Expression in Cereal Aleurone Layers
9.1 The Cereal Aleurone Layers
9.2 Effect of Gibberellins on Gene Expression
9.3 Effect of ABA on Gene Expression
9.4 Summary and Perspective
10. Auxin-Regulated Gene Expression in Plants
10.1 Enhancement of Specific Translational Products by IAA in Pea Tissue
10.2 Isolation of DNA Sequences Complementary to Some IAA-Regulated mRNAs in Pea
10.3 Characterization of the Hormonal Response
10.4 Dose Response Curve
10.5 Model for Regulation of the Auxin Genes
10.6 Conclusions and Future Directions
11. Cytokinin-Modulated Macromolecular Synthesis and Gene Expression
11.1 Active Forms of Cytokinins
11.2 Cytokinin-Regulated Synthesis of Macromolecules
11.3 The Complex Nature of Cytokinin-Regulated Gene Expression
11.4 Regulation of Gene Expression by Combinations of Hormones
11.5 Enhancement of Light-Regulated Gene Expression by Cytokinin
11.6 Cytokinin-Binding Molecules
11.7 Concluding Remarks
12. Organization and Expression of Genes for Photosynthetic Pigments-Protein Complexes in Photosynthetic Bacteria
12.1 Metabolic Versatility
12.2 Photosynthetic Apparatus
12.3 Organization of Genes Coding for LH, RC, and Pigment Biosynthetic Enzymes and Cytochromes
12.4 Regulation of Expression of the Genes Coding for LH, RC, Bchl, and Crt Biosynthesis
12.5 Conclusion
Part III. Prospects for Manipulation of Chloroplast Genomes
13. Organization and Expression of the Nicotiana Chloroplast Genome
13.1 Chloroplast DNA
13.2 Genes for rRNAs
13.3 Genes for tRNAs
13.4 Genes for Stromal Polypeptides
13.5 Genes for Thylakoid Polypeptides
13.6 Gene Expression
13.7 Conclusions
14. Genetic Manipulation of the Chloroplast Genome
14.1 Chloroplast Transformation by Agrobacterium tumefaciens
14.2 The Chloroplast Genome
14.3 Introduction of DNA into Plastids
14.4 Integration of Foreign Genes into Chloroplast DNA
14.5 Autonomously Replicating Plasmids
14.6 Selectable Markers for Chloroplast Transformation
14.7 Prospects
15. A Perspective on the Biotechnology of Ribulose Bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase
15.1 Properties of Rubisco
15.2 Fixing Rubisco
15.3 Molecular Analysis of Rubisco Function
15.4 Cloning and Expression of Hexadecameric Rubisco
15.5 Fixing Plants
15.6 Some Critical Reservations
15.7 Alternative Biological Strategies for Enhancing Photosynthesis
16. Applications of Nucleic Acid Electron Microscopy and In Situ Hybridization Techniques in the Study of Plant Genomes
16.1 Electron Microscopy of Organelle Genomes
16.2 DNA-DNA Heteroduplex Analysis
16.3 Electron Microscopy of DNA-RNA Hybrids
16.4 Localization of DNA Replication Initiation Sites by Electron Microscopy
16.5 Chromosomal Localization of Cloned Genes by In Situ Hybridization
17. Molecular Evolution of Nicotiana Chloroplast Genomes
17.1 Chloroplast Genomes
17.2 Commonality and Diversity of Nicotiana Chloroplast Genomes
17.3 Molecular Evolution of Nicotiana Chloroplast Genomes
17.4 Concluding Remarks
Part IV. Applications of Biotechnology in Plant Systems
18. Genetic Engineering for Crop Improvement
18.1 Plant Transformation
18.2 Crop Improvement
18.3 Conclusions