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Plant-Based Proteins

Sources, Extraction, Applications, Value-chain and Sustainability

  • 1st Edition - April 1, 2024
  • Editors: Fatih Ozogul, Sneh Punia Bangar, Nitya Sharma
  • Language: English
  • Paperback ISBN:
    9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 3 - 1 3 3 7 0 - 1

Plant-based Proteins: Sources, Extraction, Applications, Value-chain and Sustainability provides the latest findings and most recent approaches and trends on clean label protein… Read more

Plant-Based Proteins

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Plant-based Proteins: Sources, Extraction, Applications, Value-chain and Sustainability provides the latest findings and most recent approaches and trends on clean label proteins. Divided into six sections, including Cereal-based proteins, Pseudocereal-based proteins, Protein from pulses, Protein from seeds and nuts, Protein from fruits and vegetables, and Plant-based proteins (value-chain and sustainability), the book extensively covers the composition, quality characteristics, and comparative analysis of plant- and animal-based proteins and their potential industrial applications.

A comprehensive reference offering the state-of-the-art necessary insights on the recent and potential uses of plant proteins, this book is an excellent resource for academics and researchers in food science and engineering as well as industrial food engineers and technicians.