Physics and Technology of Nuclear Materials
- 1st Edition - October 30, 2013
- Author: Ioan Ursu
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 1 8 1 5 - 4
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 5 0 5 7 - 4
Physics and Technology of Nuclear Materials presents basic information regarding the structure, properties, processing methods, and response to irradiation of the key materials… Read more

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Request a sales quotePhysics and Technology of Nuclear Materials presents basic information regarding the structure, properties, processing methods, and response to irradiation of the key materials that fission and fusion nuclear reactors have to rely upon. Organized into 12 chapters, this book begins with selectively several fundamentals of nuclear physics. Subsequent chapters focus on the nuclear materials science; nuclear fuel; structural materials; moderator materials employed to ""slow down"" fission neutrons; and neutron highly absorbent materials that serve in reactor's power control. Other chapters explore the cooling agents; fluids carrying the energy to its final stage of conversion into electric power; thermal and biological shielding materials; some outstanding reactor components; and irradiated fuel reprocessing. The last two chapters deal with nuclear material quality inspection by destructive and non-destructive methods, and specific materials envisaged for use in future thermonuclear reactors. This monograph will be helpful for a wide range of specialists wishing to gear their research and development, education, and other activities toward the field of nuclear power and nuclear technology.
Chapter 1. Elements of Nuclear Reactor Physics
1.1. Structure of Atomic Nuclei. Binding Energy
1.2. Nuclear Transformations
1.3. Nuclear Fission
1.4. The Nuclear Reactor
1.4.1. Chain Fission Reaction
1.4.2. Structure and Characteristics of a Nuclear Reactor
1.4.3. Classification of Reactors. Types of Reactors
1.5. Isotopic Enrichment of Nuclear Materials
Chapter 2. Structure and Properties of Materials
2.1. Microscopic Structure of Materials
2.1.1. Structure of Crystalline Solids
2.1.2. Phase Transitions
2.2. Lattice Defects
2.2.1. Types of Defects
2.2.2. Point Defects
2.2.3. Dislocations and Creep
2.3. Influence of Physical and Chemical Aggressiveness on Material Properties
2.4. Material Constants
2.5. Influence of Processing on Material Properties
2.6. Irradiation Effects on Materials
2.6.1. Neutron Effect
2.6.2. Thermal and Displacement Spikes
2.6.3. Other Types of Interaction
2.6.4. Mobility and Annihilation of Defects
2.6.5. Methods to Limit the Irradiation Effects
2.6.6. Alterations in Material Properties
2.6.7. Testing Materials at Irradiation
2.7. Selecting Materials of Nuclear Interest
Chapter 3. Fuel Materials
3.1. Uranium
3.1.1. Properties
3.1.2. Processing Methods
3.1.3. Dimensional Stability
3.1.4. Uranium Alloys and Compounds
3.1.5. Uranium Enrichment in 235U
3.2. Plutonium
3.2.1. Properties
3.2.2. Processing Methods
3.2.3. Dimensional Stability
3.2.4. Corrosion Behavior
3.2.5. Plutonium Compounds
3.3. Thorium
3.3.1. Properties
3.3.2. Processing Methods
3.3.3. Dimensional Stability under Irradiation
3.3.4. Corrosion Behavior
3.3.5. Thorium Alloys and Compounds
Chapter 4. Structural Materials
4.1. General
4.2. Aluminum
4.2.1. Processing Methods
4.2.2. Properties
4.2.3. Irradiation Effects
4.2.4. Corrosion Resistance
4.3. Zirconium
4.3.1. Manufacturing Techniques
4.3.2. Corrosion Resistance
4.3.3. Zirconium Alloys
4.3.4. Irradiation Effects on Zirconium and Its Alloys
4.3.5. Hydrogen Absorption and Diffusion
4.4. Stainless Steels
4.4.1. Properties
4.4.2. Irradiation Effects
4.5. Ferritic Steels
4.5.1. Properties
4.5.2. Irradiation Behavior
4.6. Magnesium Alloys
4.7. Other Structural Materials
4.8. Neutron Irradiation-Induced Changes in the Mechanical Properties of Structural Materials
Chapter 5. Moderator Materials
5.1. General
5.2. Nuclear Graphite
5.2.1. Properties
5.2.2. Corrosion Resistance
5.2.3. Irradiation Effects
5.2.4. Preparation of Nuclear Graphite
5.3. Natural (Light) Water
5.3.1. Water Activation
5.3.2. Activation of Impurities
5.3.3. Water Radiolysis
5.4. Heavy Water
5.4.1. Irradiation Properties and Effects
5.4.2. Heavy Water Production
5.5. Beryllium
5.5.1. Properties
5.5.2. Corrosion Resistance
5.5.3. Irradiation Effects
5.6. Metal Hydrides
Chapter 6. Materials for Reactor Reactivity Control
6.1. General
6.2. Reactor Control and Shut-Down Systems
6.3. Boron-Based Control Materials
6.4. Cadmium-Based Alloys
6.5. Hafnium
6.6. Rare Earths-Based Control Materials
Chapter 7. Coolant Materials
7.1. General
7.2. Removal of Heat from Nuclear Reactors
7.3. Gaseous Coolants
7.3.1. Carbon Dioxide
7.3.2. Helium
7.3.3. Nitrogen Oxide N2O4
7.4. Liquid Coolants
7.4.1. Light Water and Heavy Water
7.4.2. Organic Liquids
7.4.3. Liquid Metals
7.4.4. Molten Salts
Chapter 8. Shielding Materials
8.1. General
8.2. Radiation Effects on Shielding Materials
8.3. Shields
8.3.1. Thermal Shielding Materials
8.3.2. Biological Shielding Materials
Chapter 9. Nuclear Fuel Elements
9.1. Design of Fuel Elements
9.1.1. Irradiation-Induced Phenomena in Fuel Elements
9.1.2. Temperature Distribution in Fuel Elements
9.1.3. Structural Changes in Fuel
9.1.4. Fission Gas Release
9.1.5. Fission Gas Pressure
9.1.6. Fuel Swelling
9.1.7. Mechanical Behavior of Fuel and Clad during Irradiation
9.2. Classification of Fuel Elements
9.2.1. Metallic Fuel Elements
9.2.2. Ceramic Fuel Elements
9.2.3. Ceramic Fuel Elements for Fast Reactors
9.2.4. Dispersed Fuel Elements
9.3. Manufacture of Fuel Elements
9.3.1. Manufacture of Metallic Fuel Elements
9.3.2. Manufacture of Ceramic Fuel Elements
9.3.3. Manufacture of Dispersed Fuel Elements
9.3.4. Manufacture of Fuel Elements for Fast Reactors
Chapter 10. Nuclear Material Recovery from Irradiated Fuel and Recycling
10.1. General
10.2. Role and Tasks of Nuclear Material Recovery and Recycling
10.3. Classification of Irradiated Fuel Reprocessing Methods
10.4. Solvent Extraction
10.4.1. Basic Principles of Metal Separation by Extraction
10.4.2. Nature and Chemical Function of Extraction Solvents
10.4.3. Solvent Diluents and Their Role
10.4.4. Solvent Stability
10.3. Uranium and Plutonium in aqueous Solution
10.6. Solvent Extraction Processes
10.6.1. The Redox Process
10.6.2. The Butex Process
10.6.3. The Purex Process
10.6.4. The Thorex Process
10.7. Equipment for Solvent Extraction
10.7.1. Continuous Exchange Extractors
10.7.2. Separate Column Plants
10.7.3. Selection Criteria for Extraction Equipment
10.8. Industrial-scale Implementation of the Solvent Extraction Methods for Reprocessing of the Irradiated Nuclear Fuel Resulting from Nuclear Power Plants
10.8.1. General
10.8.2. General Description of the Process
10.8.3. Specifications for Final Products
10.8.4. Losses in the Process — Admitted Values
10.9. Radioactive Wastes
10.9.1. Classification
10.9.2. Gaseous Wastes
10.9.3. Liquid Wastes
10.9.4. Solid Wastes
10.9.5. Organic Liquid Wastes
10.10.Irradiated Fuel Transport
10.11.Irradiated Fuel Storage
10.12.Recycling of the Recovered Fissile Materials
10.12.1. Plutonium Recycling
10.12.2. Plutonium Isotope Composition and Related Radioprotection Problems
10.12.3. Uranium Recycling
10.12.4. Choice of Matrix Material for Manufacture of Dispersed Fuels
Chapter 11. Quality Control of Nuclear Materials
11.1. General
11.2. Non-Destructive Control Methods
11.2.1. Visual Methods
11.2.2. Thermal Methods
11.2.3. Liquid Penetrant Methods
11.2.4. Magnetic Particle Methods
11.2.5. Defectoscopic Methods with Penetrant Radiations
11.2.6. Ultrasonic Methods
11.2.7. Eddy Current Methods
11.2.8. Tightness Inspection
11.3. Destructive Control Methods
11.3.1. Composition
11.3.2. Mechanical Properties
11.3.3. Metallographical Methods
11.3.4. Monitoring of Corrosion Effects
11.4. Quality Control in the Manufacture of Nuclear Fuel Elements
11.5. Irradiation Effects Inspection of Nuclear Materials
11.5.1. Non-Destructive Testing
11.5.2. Destructive Testing
11.6. Safeguards of Nuclear Materials
11.6.1. Safeguards of Nuclear Fuel Cycle
11.6.2. Inspection Methods in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Chapter 12. Materials for Fusion Reactors
12.1. Thermonuclear Fusion Reaction
12.2. Physical Processes in Fusion Reactors
12.2.1. Basic Processes
12.2.2. Fusion Reactor Projects
12.3. Fuel Materials
12.3.1. Fuel Cycle
12.3.2. Tritium
12.3.3. Fuel Supply
12.3.4. Fuel Materials for Hybrid Reactors
12.4. Materials for Blanket and Cooling System
12.4.1. Lithium
12.4.2. Lithium Compounds and Their Properties
12.4.3. Beryllium
12.4.4. Corrosion Caused by Liquid Lithium and Its Molten Salts
12.5. Structural Materials
12.5.1. Refractory Metals and Their Alloys
12.5.2. Steels
12.5.3. Nickel-Based Alloys
12.5.4. Aluminum-Based Materials
12.5.5. Carbon-Based Materials
12.5.6. Other Materials
12.6. Materials for Magnetic Devices
12.6.1. Superconducting Materials
12.6.2. Cryogenic Materials
12.7. Specific Problems of Material Irradiation
12.7.1. Erosion of the Combustion Chamber Wall Surface
12.7.2. Influence of Irradiation on the Properties of Superconducting Materials
12.7.3. Radioactive Materials
Appendix 1 Equivalence of Some Usual Measurements Units to Those in the International System (IS)
Appendix 2 Characteristics of Major Reactor Types
Appendix 3 Fuel Material Enrichment for Various Types of Reactors
Appendix 4 Electronic Configuration of Elements
Appendix 5 Some Properties of Elements
Appendix 6 Irradiation Testing of Structural Materials for CANDU - 600 Nuclear Power Station
Appendix 7 Neutron Cross-Sections
Appendix 8.I. Quality Requirements for Heavy Water Used as Moderator in Nuclear Reactors
8.II Measurement Methods and Performances in Determining Deuterium Concentration in Hydrogen, H2O, NH3 and H2S
8.III Measurement Methods and Current Performances for the Determination of the H2/N2 Ratio in Gaseous Phase, in the 3:1 Range
8.IV Turbine Flowmeters
Appendix 9 The Main Fission Products of Thermal Neutrons-Irradiated Uranium, Which Determine the Fuel Radioactivity
Appendix 10 Crystalline Structures and Magnetic Properties of Some Uranium Compounds
Appendix 11 Properties of Materials, of Chief Interest in Fuel Element Design
Appendix 12 Nuclear Reactors Types and Net Electric Power, as Registered at the International Atomic Energy Agency
Appendix 13 Hydrometallurgy of Uranium
Appendix 14 Nuclear Fuel Cycles
- No. of pages: 540
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: October 30, 2013
- Imprint: Pergamon
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483118154
- eBook ISBN: 9781483150574
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